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You may or may not be aware of the dispute that has been raised at Highcrest Academy. The members have been forced to ask the union to issue notice of strike action to begin next week.
The NUT and NASUWT are currently involved in a national workload dispute under the banner Protecting Teachers Defending Education. Our action is intended to improve the working lives of teachers, at the same time as delivering improvements for the young people they teach.
Our experience is that most schools have welcomed the opportunity to review working practices and have recognised that rather than disrupting students’ education, our action enhances it.
Unfortunately this has not been the case at Highcrest Academy in High Wycombe, where union members are being threatened with pay deductions for taking part in that action; and despite repeated attempts by both unions to negotiate a reasonable policy for appraisal.
The union will of course be seeking a resolution to the dispute before the action is still necessary, and will be meeting with the employers to enable this.
The members have been subjected to repeated bullying and intimidation since the members decided to take part in the action short of strike and this hasn't stopped. The members need your support and any messages you can send them would be appreciated.
Please email me by reply to this emailwith your message of support to the members at Highcrest Academy

Annette Pryce
Bucks Division Secretary
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Good News !
This is the text of the Joint Statement between HighCrest and the NUT & NASUWT agreed tonight.
After some very constructive talks between the NASUWT, NUT, Governors and Management Team, the unions believe enough has been achieved to recommend postponement of this week's actions, pending finalising today's positive discussions.
The main issue around Career Stage Profile which led to potential deductions has been resolved and subject to consultation with other teacher unions and staff , will be removed and replaced with an agreed simple audit against Teacher's Standards. The effect of this is that the NASUWT and NUT are now satisfied that appraisals can be completed by all staff. Therefore all potential deductions are withdrawn.
Unions will be discussing the finer details with their members as soon as possible with a view to calling off all planned escalation.