Department of Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Spanish 101/101C (JR 203)

Fall 2004

N.B. If you are a native speaker of Spanish, you should consider enrolling in Spanish 103 which is offered at 1 p.m. MWF since Span 101 targets the novice learner.

Instructor: Dr. Brian J. Castronovo

Ticket Number: 11799 (Spanish 101 on Monday through Wednesday)

11806 (Spanish 101 C on Thursday)

Office: Sierra Tower, Room 433

Phone: 818-677-3458

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 1-1:50 p.m; Thursday 3:20-4:10


Department Office: Sierra Tower 405

Telephone: 818-677-3467

Fax: 818 677-5797

Class Location: Jerome Richfield 203

Days & Time: MTWTh: 11:00-11:50 a.m.

Required texts & tapes:

Terrell, Tracy et al. Dos mundos. 5th ed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2002.

. Cuaderno de trabajo. Mc Graw-Hill, 2002.

______. CD/Audio Cassette Tapes (Paso A-Chapter 7); Student CD-ROM

Course description

Spanish 101 emphasizes the acquisition of communicative oral and written skills in a setting that will provide you with the freedom to interact in Spanish as naturally and spontaneously as possible in a simulated environment. You will learn to understand and speak, read and write the practical Spanish necessary for functioning on a daily basis in any of the 20 Spanish-speaking countries. Our four (4) weekly class meetings will be devoted to using the language rather than talking about it. You may expect to increase your skills and cultural know-how from the novice to the intermediate level.

We use the Natural Method of language acquisition whereby the teacher creates an environment approximating the one in which the native-speaker learns his first language. Thus, I will speak only Spanish with you throughout the semester. You will be participating with your classmates in a variety of activities (e.g. interviews, surveys, role-playing, show-and-tell, sketches) including those that compare and contrast the Hispanic culture to your own. P.S. I recommend that you read the preliminary pages " To the Student" in the fifth edition of Dos Mundos because they will give you more detailed information about our expectations and further explain the Natural Method.

Class Participation

Active class participation is extremely important and counts for 10% of your final grade. Participation may be defined as coming to class prepared to engage in Spanish, showing respect for cultural differences not only within Hispanic communities but also within our own classroom of multicultural students. Unacceptable or “negative” participation is defined as speaking languages other than Spanish in group activities, disruptive behavior, and poor attendance. (see below)


I would like you to be here regularly because Spanish 101 requires the student’s active participation; if you are not here, then you cannot participate and your grade may suffer. N.B. It is Department policy that your final grade can be lowered one letter grade (e.g., a "B" will change to "C") if you have more than for four unexcused absences. Reasonable excuses are defined in the 2002-2004 Catalogue as illness, death of a family member, and urgent and unforeseen change of work schedule. In each instance, I need something official (e.g., a doctor’s note) in order to consider it an excused absence. Otherwise any absence will go toward the four “freebies” you are allowed.


All tests (pruebas) will be comprehensive and will have four components: listening comprehension, reading, structural functions, and writing. Formats will vary from multiple choice, true/false, matching, descriptions of drawings, situations, letters, etc. Overall oral performance is assessed periodically during our classroom activities.

We will cover Pasos A-C and Chapters 1-7 this semester. The tentative dates for the exams and what they cover are indicated on the syllabus below in bold print.

·  Final exam There will be a cumulative two-hour final exam that will take place on Monday, December 6 from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in JR 203. It will be comprehensive in nature and will cover up to and including Chapter 7 of Dos Mundos.

·  Make-ups There are no make-ups on exams. If for some compelling reason (e.g. a serious illness) you should miss a major exam, the following test will count double provided you meet the following conditions: you must contact me before the exam by phoning 677-3458 (I have voice mail) and submit valid documentation.

Grading It depends on both objective criteria (exams, attendance, homework) and subjective ones (comportment, effort, participation, progress, oral competence).

Final Grade Distribution

40% …….. Semester Exams (Examenes)

40% …….. Final Exam

10%………Participation & Attendance

10%………Homework, CDT (Workbook), BAWLC

·  N. B. Plus/minus grading will be used in this course. The scale is:

A = 94-100 B+ = 87-89 C+ =77-79 D+ = 67-69 F= 59 and below

A- = 90-93 B = 84-86 C =74-76 D = 64-66

B- = 80=83 C- =70-73 D- = 60-63

Cuaderno de trabajo (Workbook/Lab Manual)

Please read “To the Student” in the Preface (viii-xiii) of the Cuaderno de trabajo before doing any workbook exercises.

N.B. As you may know, the Dos Mundos package allows you the freedom to listen to CD and/or audio tapes on your own time, eliminating the need for you to go to the lab for one hour or so each week to accomplish this task.. However, you must go to the LLRC to complete the Videoteca video segment.

Submission of Workbook exercises (Cuaderno de Trabajo): Notice that on week 2, Tuesday, August 31, you will turn in the first of many chapter units of the Cuaderno (ENTREGAR “HAND IN”). Don’t forget to submit to me both the listening comprehension and written exercises. The calendar specifies in a coordinated fashion how you can complete the written activities. However, I do not indicate when you should do the listening comprehension exercises because some students prefer to do them after we cover a given section of a chapter in class while others prefer to wait until we complete the entire lesson. NO LATE WRITTEN HOMEWORK (CDT) WILL BE ACCEPTED. When you hand in the assignments, please write your name of every page, rip those pages out of the book, staple or clip them together, and hand them to me.

Dos Mundos Homework

You should look over the oral activities assigned for a particular day as well as the specified grammatical explanations that are found in the blue pages at the end of each chapter. For example, if I assign pages 1-4 in Dos Mundos, you will see “Lea Gramática A 1-4”, which means to “read the Grammar A 1-4 at the end of the chapter on pages 11-14. Beginning with Paso B, there are also written exercises that you should do to see if you understood the grammatical explanations. You should then check your answers with the answer key that is provided in DM beginning on page 554. You will not be asked to hand in these exercises but you can ask me questions about anything you did not understand during the time allotted to this task in class.

Barbara Ann Ward Language Center (BAWLC): JR 316

Director: Patricia Miller, Professor of Italian

Phone: (818) 677-3452

This state-of-the-art language facility will be an integral part of our class. Hopefully, we will meet throughout the semester in the BAWLC in order to complete certain assignments using Internet sites for specific information-seeking tasks, etc. You will need to use the BAWLC for completing the Videoteca sections of each chapter of the CDT. Protocol is important; you must check in and out of the BAWLC and remember that you are in a “library” environment. Other language classes may be occupying the computers so be patient and courteous. Please remember that if I require a printout of an assignment you must wait in line for others who may be ahead of you—it might take a while. In spite of any delays, you will discover that this center will permit you to explore the planet on a level unavailable to those who do not have home computers or free email accounts.

N.B. The BAWLC will have access to the International Channel so that you can watch and report on news and other programs broadcasted in Spanish.

Tentative syllabus for Spanish 101-Fall 2003

Key: DM= Dos Mundos; CDT= Cuaderno de trabajo

Week 1 (8/23-8/26)

1. Introducción al curso, Paso A: Mandatos (TPR); Nombres (Colas);

2. Paso A: DM (1-4; 11-14); CDT (1-3);

3. DM (5-6; 14-15); CDT (3-7);

4. DM (7-10); CDT (7-11);

Week 2 (8/30-9/2)

1 Día feriado (Labor Day Holiday)

2. LLRC (JR 316); Entregar CDT -Paso A (1-11) ;

3. Paso B-DM (18-20; 26-31); CDT (13-19)

4. DM (21-25; 31-33); CDT (19-22);

Week 3 (9/6-9/9)

1. Repaso “Review”; Entregar CDT Paso B (13-22);

2. Examen: Pasos A & B;

3. Paso C: DM (34-37; 44-48); CDT (23-25);

4. DM (38-42; 48-51); CDT (25-34);

Week 4 (9/13-9/16)

1. Videoteca; Repaso.

2. ENTREGAR CDT Paso C (21-33);

Capítulo 1: DM (52-57; 72-74); CDT (35-36)

3. DM (58-62; 74-79); CDT (36-39)

4. DM (63-69; 79-81); CDT (39-53);

Week 5 (9/20- 9/23)

1. Repaso; Entregar CDT Capítulo 1 (35-53)

2. Examen: Paso C & Capítulo 1

3. Cap. 2: DM (82-86; 103-104); CDT (55-56);

4. DM (87-90); CDT (56);

Week 6 (9/27-9/30)

1. DM (91-95; 105-108); CDT (56-58);

2. DM (95-102; 108-109); CDT (58-72);

3. Repaso; Entregar CDT 2 (55-72);

4. Capítulo 3: DM (110-118; 134-136); CDT (73-74);

Week 7 (10/4-10/7)

1. DM (119-124; 136-1408); CDT (74-75);

2. Capítulo 3: DM (124-126; 140-41); CDT (75-76);

3. DM (127-129; 142-143); CDT (76-77);

4. DM (129-131); CDT (78-79);

Week 8 (10/11-10/14)

1. Repaso; (CDT 79-90);

2. Entregar CDT 3 (71-90);

3. Examen 2 & 3

4. Cap. 4: DM (144-49; 164-66); CDT (91);

Week 9 (10/18-10/21)

1. DM (150-54; 167-171); CDT (92-95);

2. DM (154-161); 171-77); CDT (95-96);

3. Entregar CDT 4 (91-107);

4. Capítulo 5: DM (178-183; 200-202); CDT (109-110);

Week 10 (10/25-10/28)

1. DM (184-186; 203-204); CDT (111);

2. DM (187-191; 204-07); CDT (112-113);

3. DM (191-194);

4. CDT (194-197; 207-209); CDT (113-116);

Week 11(11/1- 11/4)

1. Entregar CDT 5; REPASO

2. Repaso;

3. Examen 4 & 5

4. Capítulo 6: DM (210-214; 232-234);

Week 12 (11/8-11/11)

1. DM (214-218; 234-235); CDT (131-133);

2. DM (219-222); (CDT 134)

3. DM (223-226; 235-36)); CDT (135-36);4.

4. DM: Capítulo 6 (continued)

Week 13 (11/15- 11/18)

1. DM (226-229); CDT (136-137)

2. Repaso; Entregar Cap. 6 CDT

3. Capítulo 7: DM (240-245; 257-263); CDT (149-50);

4. DM (245-246); CDT (150-151);

Week 14 (11/22-11/25)

1. DM (247-249; 263-66); CDT

2. DM (250-53; 266-67); CDT (152-53)

3. Repaso

4. Día Feriado (Día de Acción de Gracias)

Week 15 (11/29-12/2)

1. Repaso

2. Entregar CDT 7; Repaso

3-4. Repaso

FINAL EXAM: Monday, December 6 from 10:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. in JR 203. The exam covers chapter 7 as well as lessons 1-6 & Pasos A-C.