NOTES-Chapter 13 Section 1: The Fight for the West

Main idea: Native Americans fought the movement of settlers westward, but the U.S. military and the persistence of American settlers proved too strong to resist.

Stage Set for Conflict

Culture of the Plains Indians

·  Native American way of life depended on ______

o  Main source of food, clothing, shoes, shelter, and supplies

o  In 1800 there were approximately 60 million buffalo, by 1894 there were as few as 25.

·  ______: moved from place to place, followed the migrations of the buffalo.

·  Early 1800s Native Americans were forcibly removed; during 1850s Native Americans were moved to ______

The Indian Wars

The Sand Creek Massacre

·  The ______ raided American ranches in 1864.

·  The US Army offered them forgiveness if they returned to their reservation.

·  Returned to their reservation where US Army opened fire upon them killing ___ people.

·  The Sand Creek Massacre outraged many Americans, but Chivington was never punished.


·  After Sand Creek, enraged Native Americans increased raids on American settlers.

·  US Government pressured Native Americans to sign ______ that would move them to reservations.

o  The Sioux: Second Treaty of Fort Laramie

o  The Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne: Medicine Lodge Treaty

Battle of Little Bighorn:

·  Lakota Sioux conducting ______ against white settlers

·  US government ordered them to stop but they refused

·  Military invaded, Sioux killed military

·  Big ______ for Native Americans

Battle of Palo Duro Canyon:

·  US Army discovered Indians making camps in Texas Panhandle

·  They sent in troops and slaughtered the Native Americans

·  ______ the Indian Wars in the Southern Plains

Ghost Dance

·  A vision by Wovoka showed the Indian dead alive, the buffalo returned, and settlers would leave. It gave Indians ______

·  US Government attempted to arrest ______ in December 1890, a fight broke out, Sitting Bull killed.

·  US Troops took Sioux to ______ camp.

Wounded Knee Massacre

·  In a struggle over a gun, the gun fired, and both Sioux and Americans began shooting each other

·  ______ Sioux were killed in total

·  Americans outraged

·  End of conflict between Native Americans and the US Army

Resistance in the Northwest

·  ______ were forced to move onto a small reservation in Idaho, ______ agreed.

·  Hostilities between Americans and Native Americans broke out and Nez Percé fled.

·  Chief Joseph and the Nez Percé were forced to surrender and return to small reservations in ______

Life on Reservations


·  Native Americans must adopt American values, beliefs, and practices and abandon Native American identity.

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA):

·  Issued wide range orders that attacked Native American values.

·  Native American children forced to go to school:

o  only allowed to speak English

o  could not practice Indian culture

The Dawes Act

·  Broke up reservations and turned Indians into individual ______

o  Each head of family would receive 160 acres

o  Each single person over 18 would receive 80 acres

o  Each child would receive 40 acres

·  Land was ______ good and Native Americans could not do anything with it

NOTES-Chapter 13 Section 2: Mining and Ranching

Main Idea: Many people sought fortunes during the mining and cattle booms of the American West.

Striking Gold and Silver

·  Comstock Lode: Mine in Nevada that attracted thousands of miners for ______

·  Thousands went in search of gold or silver but came away ______

·  Camps that were created near mines became ______

o  Miners congregated, stores and saloons sprang up, and families came

Mining as Big Business

·  Placer Mining: Minerals are found in loose sand or gravel, also known as “______”

·  Hydraulic Mining: Used ______ under high pressure to blast away dirt, exposing the minerals underneath. Large scale placer mining

·  Hard Rock Mining: Cut deep into the rock to extract the ______

·  As mining progressed ______ were created instead of individual prospectors.

o  They have the money to buy the ______ machinery required

The Cattle Boom

·  After Civil War the demand for ______ increased.

·  Texas longhorn a new breed of cattle; hardy, could travel long distances without much ______ and live on grass alone

·  Cattle Trails: Trails ranchers followed from Texas to major rail centers. Drives usually lasted ______

o  Chisholm Trail is the most famous, ran from San Antonio, Texas to Abilene, Kansas.

·  Joseph Glidden invented ______ that allowed for enclosed farms rather than free range cattle; this transformed the cattle business into big business.

NOTES-Chapter 13 Section 3: Farming the Plains

Main idea: The government promoted the settlement of the West, offering free or cheap land to those willing to put in the hard work of turning the land into productive farms.

Incentives for Settlement

New Legislation

·  Homestead Act: Allowed any head of household over the age of 21 to claim 160 acres of land.

o  Required to build a house and farm the land for ______ before they were granted full ownership.

o  Nearly 2 million people applied for land under this act.

·  Pacific Railway Act: Gave land to ______ companies to encourage construction of railroad and telegraph lines.

·  Morrill Act: Gave land to states for ______ for agriculture and the mechanic arts.

o  Significant because it was the first time the government provided assistance for higher education.

Oklahoma Land Run of 1889

o  In 1879, 2 million acres discovered in central Oklahoma not assigned to any tribal nation

o  By 1880 a political movement arose to open this area

o  April 22, 1889 ______ people rushed into Oklahoma to stake their claim

Closing of the Frontier

·  By 1890 enough people had moved West that the US Census Bureau declared the ______

·  Frederick Jackson Turner wrote an essay “The American Frontier” that stated that the frontier was vital to American development.

Migrating West

Who Moved West?

·  White settlers moved West from the Mississippi Valley.

o  Mostly middle class farmers and business people

·  African American settlers came West due to violence and slavery in the South, called ______

o  They settle in Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois to purchase their own ______

·  European settlers came West to farm

·  Chinese settlers became farm laborers due to laws that barred them from owning their own land

New Ways of Farming

New Techniques

·  These were needed because of the harsh climate, scarce water, and the soil is hard to plow

·  James Oliver created a new plow with a sharper edge that helped farmers plow their fields with ______

·  Large farms developed by companies created ______ that generated a lot of profit. By the 1890s most bonanza farms had been broken up.

NOTES-Chapter 14 Section 1: Industry and Railroads

Main idea: During the late 1800s, new technology led to rapid industrial growth and expansion of railroads.

New Industries Emerge

Steel and Oil

·  Henry Bessemer developed the ______ in which steel was created faster and more cheaply than ever before.

·  Steel transformed the United States into a modern ______

·  ______ popularized as a fuel source

·  Edwin L. Drake drilled the first commercial oil well

·  Wildcatters were ______

·  Found oil in Texas at Spindletop, produced more than 17 million barrels of oil in 1902

Railroads Expand

Transcontinental Railroad

·  railroad built in the 1860s that spanned the entire United States

·  Two railway companies:

o  Union Pacific (laid westward tracks)

o  Central Pacific (laid eastward tracks)

·  Met at ______ in Utah

Effects of Expansion

·  Economic: Railroads promoted trade and provided jobs, gave boost to steel and manufacturing.

·  Social: Sped up the settlement of the West, new towns created and existing towns became cities.

·  Development of ______, or time zones to keep railroads on a timely schedule (1883).