Jemison High School
Environmental Science Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Lampley-Moultry
Location: 1227
I. Course Description and Rationale
The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of how natural ecosystems function and how man can adversely and beneficially affect nature. Emphasis will be given to current examples of environmental stress and examples of people working to improve the environment. Students will learn Laboratory skills needed to utilize the scientific method, as well as become proficient in reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. At the end of this course, students should be able to use methods of science to discover their own answers to scientific questions.
II. Course Topics
Environmental Science, Economics and Environmental Policy, Earth’s Environmental System, Population Ecology, etc.
III. Course Objectives
At the culmination of this course all students will be proficient in the following:
•Identify the influence of human population, technology, and cultural and industrial changes on the environment.
•Evaluate various fossil fuels for their effectiveness as energy resources.
•Evaluate other sources of energy for their effectiveness as alternatives to fossil fuels.
•Identify the impact of pollutants on the atmosphere.
•Describe properties of water that make it a universal solvent.
•Identify sources of local drinking water.
•Identify reasons coastal waters serve as an important resource.
•Identify major contaminants in water resulting from natural phenomena, homes, industry, and agriculture.
•Describe land-use practices that promote sustainability and economic growth.
•Describe the composition of soil profiles and soil samples of varying climates.
•Describe agents of erosion, including moving water, gravity, glaciers, and wind.
•Identify positive and negative effects of human activities on biodiversity.
IV. Textbooks and Materials
- NAME OF COURSE: Environmental Science
- REFERENCES: Environmental Science textbook, “Environmental Science,” science articles; references books, multimedia resources.
- Materials: 3 ring notebook, pen, pencil, laptop
V. Instructional Methods
During this class I will demonstrate various levels of instruction. I plan to use power point presentations, cooperative group activities, oral question and answer sessions, demonstrations, note taking, books, role-playing, pictures and videos.
VI. Evaluation and Grade Assignment
A test will be given for each unit of study. This test may be a written exam or a performance, depending on what we are studying. The final exam for Environmental Science will be cumulative over the entire semester’s work. This final exam will be worth 20% of your course grade. The final grade will be made up of the following:
TEST/Quiz/Assessment 60% of final grade
Class Work/Homework 40%
In Class Performances:
Enrolled students must be dedicated to independent study. The classroom experience will include a lecture portion as well as laboratory experiences. However, to cover all required topics, intense personal study time is required. Additionally, all students are expected to complete all assignments.
Each student will keep a notebook in this class. The notebook should have paper and 8 dividers labeled: Notes, Papers/Assignments, Do Now, and Reflections, etc. Notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the semester, so please be responsible with your notebook.
Students must write in cursive in pencil or blue or black ink.
Students must use the following format for all assignment headings:
(Top right corner of page): Student Name
Class Period
Teacher Name
Title of Assignment (centered)
VII. Policies
A. General Classroom Behavior
1. RESPECT others and others’ property.
2. RESPECT me.
3. Come PREPARED to learn and work hard.
That is it!! You only have 3 rules to remember. I expect you to respect each other, respect me, and respect yourself. All school rules will apply in my classroom. List a few of those rules in the spaces provided.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
B. Classroom Policies/Procedures
1. Attendance:
Refer to the school code of conduct.
2. Hall Pass Policy:
You will be given 3 “Taking Care of Business” hall passes per nine weeks, for a total of 6 for the semester. If you save these passes, one point will be added to your quarter average for every pass you save for a total of 6 points on your final average if you save them all!
Students in the halls during classes MUST have a hall pass!
3. Discipline Policy:
Refer to the school code of conduct.
4. Makework Procedure:
Attendance is required. If you must be absent, please follow this procedure. Check the make-up work folder for your period. It is your responsibility to check this folder. YOURS….not mine!!! I abhor makeup work. This semester I will enforce a 5-schoolday limit for completing makeup work.
5. Trash Policy:
I can’t stand messiness!!! I would not come in your room and trash it, so, please, refrain from trashing my room. Please put your trash in the trash can. If you leave trash on the floor or on your desk, I will take a picture and you will be disciplined per the discipline policy.
6. Turning In/Giving Back Papers:
Turn in papers in your designated class period basket at the back of the room near my desk. I will ask a volunteer each day to check the basket on my desk and return papers. Please keep all of your papers in your notebook. With hundreds of papers to grade each semester, neither I, nor the computer, are above making mistakes in grading, so please keep everything. A check mark=100. Plus this gives you a way to keep track of your grades!!
7. Transitioning to and from Groups:
During this class, we will work in groups! After all, two heads are better than one. Therefore, it is important that you know how to behave when going to and from your group. Please follow the policy below:
1. Wait for my signal-I will hold up my hand and wait for everyone to stop and look at me.
2. I will tell you to head to your group or back to your original seat.
3. At this time you will get up, and have 10 seconds to your destination (group seat or original seat) and get ready to work.
8. Transitioning out of the room
- When class is over, I will dismiss you, not the bell. Please make sure all of your books and materials are put away before you leave.
- If you must leave the room to use the restroom or see another teacher, please just raise your hand and wait on me to call on you. Do not walk out of the classroom. Walking out of the classroom warrants discipline issues. Make sure you get a pass and sign out and in.
9. Interruptions
- If you must speak about something, please A HAND AND A VOICE. I am only one person to many of you and I cannot speak over you all. If you need to say something, please raise your hand and I will let you speak.
- If you are called to the office, please make sure to get the hall pass and sign out and in.
- If there is a disaster drill, DO NOT PANIC!! Let’s please act like civilized people and conduct ourselves accordingly as we travel to our destination to get safe.
- If someone walks into the room, please, do not acknowledge them. I know they are coming. You should act as if they are invisible.
10. Cell Phones:
Do not use your cell phone in my class. We have brand new laptops to use for research, so there is no need for you to have your phone out. If I see it, it is mine!! Please follow the rules below:
1st offense: I take up the cell phone and as long as you complete all work, you will get it at the end of class. You will also fill out a behavior sheet.
2nd offense: I will take up the cell phone and will take it to the office along with a referral.
3rd offense: same as above and the office keeps it until your parent or guardian comes to get it.
I have read the syllabus and welcome letter and agree to abide by all classroom school, and district rules and policies.
Student:______Date: ______
Witness: ______Date: ______
I have read the syllabus and agree to encourage my student to follow all classroom, school, and district rules and policies. I agree to contact Mrs. Lampley-Moultry with any concerns I have about my student, and to work with Mrs. Lampley-Moultry to facilitate my student’s success.
Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______