APRIL 30, 2009



Kudos to UMS Faculty and Staff as we have been chosen as the top 100 schools for the learning school alliance.

Kudos to t 8C for organizing the 8th grade ball on April 25, 2009.

Kudos to 6B for remembering to turn in their team binder for the monthly review.

Kudos to all the teachers and students who participated in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

Kudos to NJHS for designing the SAT10 test taking tips poster.

Kudos to Jocelyn Sabinay for completing the BMI index ahead of the deadline.

FOR ALL: Teachers and Support Staff

On Monday May 4, 2009, UMS will be encouraging and cheering our students for their hard work and effort for the SAT10 at 7:30-8:30AM. We invite you to join us as the lead cheerleader by passing out pencils, drinks, etc. to our Wildcats. We also encourage you to wear your white uniform shirt on that day as a sign of unity. ADMINISTRATION

The library will not sign any more teacher clearance until the week of May 26-29. All borrowed library AV equipment or books may be returned that same week. The library is constantly being used as a classroom and acceptance of these equipment now ill mean a smaller library to hold classes.

Please clean or “dust off” AV equipment before returning it to the library.

Thank you for your understanding. DAN L.G., LIBRARIAN

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Announces the following Courses: Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Course; BLS Healthcare Provider Course; Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Provider Course; Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Provider Course; Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Course. Courses to commence May 23, 2009. If wish to attend, please refer announcement posted in the main office.

All teacher transfer requests must be made in writing and submitted to the principal no later than May 15, 2009. Note a transfer request form needs to be filled out as well.

Please discuss with your students the importance of practicing safety at all times, especially at the bus stop. Today, a motorist was traumatized as she barely missed hitting one of our students who darted out into the busy highway to retrieve a ball. She indicated had she hit the girl, she would have killed her. Please remind all students that they are NOT allowed to bring any balls on campus. If you see any balls, please confiscate and sent it to the PPO.

This year's 31st Guam Annual Island Wide Science Fair will be held on Sat. 5/9/09, 8am-4pm with set up Friday, 5/08/09 5pm-7pm at the UOG Science Building. All participants must submit entry forms by Thursday, April 30, 2009. Complete entry forms are to be turned into the Governor's Office in Adelup at the Central Files Office. Interested persons should read the entirety of the information sheets given to the main office and to all Science Teachers. If you have any questions, please contact Claudia Taitano, at UOG - 735-2234.

Please email your electronic presentation to Dexter Fullo at for documentation.

Last day for field trips will be May 22, 2009. Field trips will not be approved after that date. Please plan accordingly.

Please turn in team binders this Friday, May 1, 2009.


There is an increase number of students with the flu this week. If you are experiencing severe cough, colds and fever please stay home or see your doctor to avoid spreading the illness. It is also important to take precautions such as frequent hand washing and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

To 8th Graders:

To ensure that the students are up to date with their shots prior to going to high school, a letter to the 8th grade parents have been sent out via homebase teachers requesting for an updated shot records. Shot record will be assessed. If students are lacking or missing any shots required, consent form will be sent out to the parents. The school will be holding an immunization clinic on May 13 at the Library from 10:00 to 12:00. PLEASE TURN IN UPDATED SHOT RECORDS. Thank you. Jocelyn C. Sabinay, School Health Counselor

Here are the winners per grade level of the UMS Science Fair held on April 22nd in our library. Kudos to Tim McDow (Science Fair Coordinator), Florence Camacho (Judging), Vince Eblacas (Judging), Mrs. Schulb (Student Teacher Judging), Benny Chargualaf (Judging), Arlene Castro (Set up), Vince Aguon (Set up), Peggy Flagg (Set up), Leticia Panginiban (Set up), and Dan Leon Guerrero (Librarian).

6th Grade: 1st Place….. Joseph Casila – 6A

2nd Place…. Kyle San Nicolas – 6A

Tie….. Austin Bay-Asen – 6A

3rd Place… Trevor McDow – 6A

Tie…. Glory Cruz – 6B

7th Grade: 1st Place… Jaylene Cabrera – 7B

Tie… Chantalle Macadabum – 7B

2nd Place… Madison Pham – 7B

3rd Place… Tamara Bayona – 7A

Tie….. Jade Tullao – 7B

8th Grade: 1st Place… Kimberly Hipolito – 8A

2nd Place….Tory Mayberry – 8C

Tie…… Ritacia Fegurgur – 8C

3rd Place… Wencee Navarte – 8C

Tie….. Geanna Cruz – 8C

Honorable Mention ------Daniel Ramos – 8C

Joel Leon Guerrero – 8C

Oswald Advincula – 8C

Anthony Kamminga

Final PTA meeting for this school year will be held Thursday, May 7 beginning at 6 p.m. in our school cafeteria. Science Fair awards will be given during this meeting.

For student safety, school bags will not be allowed on campus from May 26 to May 29, 2009.

4th quarter progress reports will be sent home no later than May 6th.

Career Day for 8th graders will be on May 15, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Summer school will be held for interested Wildcats on our campus. It will be from June 9 to July 8. Applications are available in the main office.

Effective FEB. 16, 2009 ANY STUDENT suspended will not be able to participate in any end-of- the- year team activities/celebrations and award ceremonies. ADMIN.

The following is the library schedule for the rest of this school y ear.

Monday, April 27-Friday, May 8, 2009 – SAT 10 Testing (Test Schedule)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 – SAT 10 Make-up test 6th, 7th period

Friday, May 1, 2009 – SAT 10 Make-up test 6th, 7th period

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 – SAT 10 Make-up test 6th, 7th period

Thursday, May 7, 2009 – Last day to borrow library books

Friday, May 8, 2009 – SAT 10 Make-up test 6th, 7th period

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 – Immunization Clinic 1st – 5th period

Friday, May 15, 2009 – International Food Tasting 3rd, 4th, 5th period

Thursday, May 21, 2009 – All library books due back in library

Friday, May 22, 2009 – Last day to use the library

Monday, May 25, 2009 – Memorial Day HOLIDAY

Tuesday, May 26 – Thursday, May 28, 2009 – LIBRARY CLOSED (Teachers return AV equipment/other borrowed library materials)

Friday, May 29, 2009 – Last day for library teacher clearance

We had a wonderful school year despite the many challenges that confronted us. We were able to function nonetheless. Have a wonderful summer vacation and see most of you again next school year. Good luck to all Eight Graders! Please make sure you return all borrowed library books!

Thank you TARA SALAS for donating the following books to the library: Tunnels, Deeper. These best seller books can now be borrowed from the library. MR. DAN L.G., LIBRARIAN