




DearState Officer Candidate:

Congratulations on your decision to submit an application to run for state office at this year’s State Leadership Conference.

This State Officer Candidate Handbook provides you with essential information you need to know to run for state office and it highlights some of your important responsibilities at the 2005 State Leadership Conference. The experience will be challenging and exciting. To put yourself in the arena with other state officer candidates, you will need determination, commitment, preparation and effort.

Once in the arena, your next challenge is to get elected. You will have to persuade the voting delegates at the State Conference that you are the best candidate for the job!

The preparation, campaigning, and public speaking skills will all come together to form a learning experience you will use for the rest of your life. The education is invaluable, even if you are not elected. Remember, every candidate is a winner!

Earning a place on the State Executive Committee is definitely a rewarding event. Please read all the information in this State Officer Candidate Handbook carefully.

Good luck in your quest for state office. Please call 717.767.6117 or send me an

E-mail at f you have questions.


Mrs. Pamela M. Scott

State Adviser

Appendix E

PA FBLA Policy/Leadership Handbook

A state officer must be accompanied by his/her adviser or another designated professional staff member from his/her school or a state executive committee adviser for all FBLA activities. FBLA will not accept parents in lieu of an adviser or another faculty member.

If the state officer’s adviser cannot attend the function and another faculty member will attend in his/her place, the state adviser and state chairman must be notifiedin writing priorto the meeting, conference, etc., to receive approval.

Under no circumstances will a state officer travel alone.

Under no circumstances should an adviser accept the responsibility of a state officer from another school unless he/she has a written agreement between the administrations of the two schools involved and the parents.

A copy of this agreement must be submitted 24 hours prior to the event to the state adviser and state chairman so that they are aware of who is responsible for supervising and transporting the state officer.

Neither the PA FBLA state adviser nor the state chairman nor the executive director will be responsible for a state officer.


Qualifications for state office are outlined as the following in the Pennsylvania FBLA Bylaws, Article III, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4:

Section 2. Composition. The executive committee shall be comprised of (a) the state president, (b) the state first vice president, (c) the state secretary, (d) the state treasurer, (e) the state reporter, and (f) the state parliamentarian. In addition, there shall be three vice presidents at large. The membership, therefore, shall consist of nine members. Local chapter advisers of the state officers and members of the Board of Directors shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.

Section 3. Method of Selection. The eight student members of the executive committee shall be elected to state office by plurality vote of the voting delegates at the State Leadership Conference. The highest scoring ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade member, who submitted an application for the parliamentary procedure written test, which is administered at the State Leadership Conference, shall be appointed by the chairman to act as parliamentarian.

Section 4. Qualifications.

  1. To be considered for state office, a candidate shall

(1) be recommended by the chapter’s adviser;

(2)file an official application with the state office by the date designated;

(3)have at least one full year remaining as an active member in his/her business program if running for the office of president, first vice president, secretary, reporter, or treasurer;

(4)have at least two full years remaining as an active member in his/her business program if running for the office of vice president at large;

(5)hold or have held an elective office in either his/her local or regional chapter or a comparable office in an organization on the approved list of national activities released by the National Association of Secondary School Principals if running for the office of president, first vice president, secretary, reporter, or treasurer; and

(6)be approved by the orientation committee, at which time he/she may choose to run for another office.

  1. Not more than one candidate for state office may compete from a local chapter.
  2. The candidates for office shall be present at the State Leadership Conference to be eligible for official nomination.
  1. All state officer candidates must complete the State Officer Accountability Regulations with all the required signatures.
  1. Each officer must agree that should he/she enroll in a school in which there is not an active chapter, he/she will resign the office.
  1. All state officers must pay their state and national dues.
  1. All state officers are required to wear their official FBLA uniform at all functions when representing FBLA.
  1. All state officers are required to submit a monthly progress report.
  1. All state officers are required to contact the state office on a regular basis.
  1. All state officers are required to submit a written report after each activity in which he/she formally represents FBLA.
  1. All state officers are required to answer all phone messages, faxes, and e-mail immediately.
  1. All state officers shall complete all projects by the stated deadlines dates.
  1. All state officers are required to write an article for the state newsletter, the Penn Pal.
  1. All state officers are required to attend ALL Executive Committee Meetings.
  1. All state officers are requested to attend at least one Regional Leadership Workshop and/or Conference outside his/her own region.
  1. All state officers are required to attend the National Leadership Conference, the State Leadership Workshop, the National Fall Leadership Conference (when PA is the host state), and the State Leadership Conference.
  1. All state officer approved expenses must be submitted on the proper forms within two weeks in which they are incurred for reimbursement.
  1. All state officers should maintain the standards for dress, conduct, attendance, courtesy, ethics, etc. for the entire delegation.
  1. All state officers shall abide by the Delegate Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics, and the FBLA Creed.
  1. All state officers are expected to maintain a “positive attitude” at all times.
  1. All state officers shall work closely with the local and state adviser and keep them informed of his/her activities at all times.
  1. All state officers should communicate with other state officers.
  1. All state officers should make contact with another state officer from one of the other seven Career/Technical Student Organizations during his/her term in office.
  1. All state officers should communicate with as many FBLA members as possible.
  1. All state officers shall participate in their local and regional chapter activities.
  1. All state officers should have a good working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
  1. All state officers are expected to use correct grammar and display good public speaking skills.
  1. All state officers should have a clear understanding of the FBLAgoals.
  1. All state officers shall be able to recite the FBLA Pledge.
  1. All state officers shall always arrive 10-15 minutes early for all events.
  1. All state officers shall have voting privileges at all meetings of the State Executive Committee.

Appendix D

PA FBLA Policy/Leadership Handbook

1.All candidates and their advisers must attend the Approval of Campaign Materials Session and the Orientation Meeting at the State Leadership Conference. (State Officer Candidate Interviews)

2.All candidates shall appear before the orientation committee at the State Leadership Conference prior to any campaigning. The specific regulations are as follows:

  1. Campaign literature shall not be mailed to other members prior to the State Leadership Conference.
  2. No literature shall be distributed prior to these items being approved.
  3. No campaign clothing or campaign buttons may be worn prior to or enroute to the State Leadership Conference or prior to approval.
  4. Candidates may announce their candidacy and receive endorsements from their respective region during the RLC. Permission to do so must be received from the regional adviser prior to the RLC.
  5. Candidates should be prepared to discuss the content of their campaign speech with the committee.

3.All campaign materials shall be approved by the orientation committee prior to being displayed or distributed.

  1. Campaign literature shall be placed on a table in the assigned location and shall not be distributed outside the campaign area, such as in dining rooms, in meeting rooms, under doors, on doors, or in hallways. No literature may be distributed before the campaign booths officially open (as listed in the program).
  2. Whistles or other noise-making devices (including musical instruments) shall not be permitted. Nothing may be thrown from the stage.
  3. Campaign hats, shirts, buttons, etc., may be worn outside the campaign after the campaign rally. Active participation by students is encouraged during and after the campaign rally. Displaying of signs during the campaign rally is permitted. Organized cheers and songs are allowed during the rally eitherimmediatelybeforeorimmediatelyafter a candidate’s speech.

d.Candidates may present only a speech during the campaign rally, and no props of any kind will be permitted with the exception of the candidate’s copy of the campaign speech.

4.Campaign managers shall accompany the applicants and chapter advisers when they appear before the orientation committee. A pass must be presented to the people in charge of monitoring the campaign area. This pass must be obtained after approval of material.

5.Candidates for all offices shall limit their campaign speeches to two (2) minutes. Timekeepers will be used to monitor each speech. A warning will be given when 1 minute 45 seconds has expired. Speeches should deal with the candidate’s qualifications, reasons for seeking office, and goals, if elected. No skits will be permitted at the State Leadership Conference. Campaign managers are not permitted to introduce the candidate at the campaign rally.

6.An area shall be designated for campaign booths.

  1. These booths shall be uniform in size for each candidate.
  2. One table shall be placed in each booth.
  3. Booths shall be set up according to office. For example, President #1-5, First Vice President #6-10, etc. (depending upon the number of candidates). Upon approval of materials, candidates shall be assigned their booths.
  4. Candidates are permitted to use approved materials at their designated booth.
  5. Candidates and campaign aides are not permitted to distribute any materials except from behind their designated campaign booth.

The campaign rally will be held as part of the Opening General Session on the first evening of the conference. At this time, ALL candidates for state office will be allotted two (2) minutes to present their speeches.

  1. There will be a specified time period and location for all registered voting delegates to cast ballots. Announcement of the newly elected officers will be made at the Business Session. In the event of a tie, a secret ballot will be conducted of all present eligible voting delegates at the Business Session. In the event of an additional tie, additional secret ballots will be conducted until the tie is broken.
  1. Any supplies, such as tape and pins needed to set up campaign materials, must be supplied by the candidate.
  1. No candidate is permitted to campaign in the voting area while the voting is taking place.
  1. All candidates must dismantle campaign booths by the time indicated in the program.


All state officer candidates must attend the following sessions at the State Leadership Conference:

State Officer Candidate Approval of Campaign Materials and Booth Assignment/Orientation Meeting

When:Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Where: Festival Hall

Time:3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (Scheduled time is enclosed)

Who:Candidate, Candidate’s Adviser, Campaign Manager

Re: Screening of campaign materials, distribution of candidate’s supplies.

Note: All campaign materials that are consumable (ie. food,candy, etc.) must be factory-wrapped or sealed.

State Officer Candidate Campaign Booth Set-Up

When:Wednesday, April 14, 2005

Where:Festival Hall

Time: Between 3:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.only

Who:Candidate, Candidate’s Adviser, Campaign Manager, Candidate’s Assistants

Orientation of State Officer Candidates

When: Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Where: Exhibit Hall Stage Area

Time:7:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Re: Orientation session and practice session using the microphone

Reminder: Those running for the offices of president, first vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, and vice president(s) at largegive their campaign speeches during the Opening Session before the entire assembly. Candidates for parliamentarian will be introduced during this session.

Reminder: Check campaign regulations for time limits onspeech. Time is strictly enforced.

Campaign Booths

When:Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Where:Festival Hall

Time: 10:15 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

Voting delegates only between 10:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

All members from 11:00 p.m. --11:30 p.m.

Dismantle campaign booth at 11:30 p.m.

Business Session

When:Thursday, April 14, 2005

Where:Exhibit Hall/Exhibit Hall Annex/Convention Center

Time:3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Re: Candidates are expected to be present during this session. If you are scheduled for a competitive event and not able to attend the Business Session, please notify Pamela Scott, State Adviser. Announcement of the 2005-2006 State Officer Team will be made before adjournment.

Orientation for New State Officers

When:Thursday, April 14, 2005

Where:Exhibit Hall Stage Area

Time:4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Re:Practice session for newly elected state officers to prepare for the Installation of Officer Ceremony that will be conducted later Thursday evening.

 Awards Program

When:Thursday, April 14, 2005

Where:Exhibit Hall/Annex/Convention Hall

Time: 7:45 p.m. - 10:15 p.m.

Re: If elected, please wear semi-formal or formal attire. (Gentlemen may wear a suit with a shirt and tie.)

National Leadership Conference Orientation

When:Thursday, April 14, 2005

Where:Exhibit Hall

Time:Immediately following the Awards Program

(10:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.)

Re:If elected, you will be attending the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida,

from June 22 through June 28. You and your adviser are required to attend this


Breakfast for Incoming and Outgoing State Officers and Advisers

When:Friday, April 15, 2005

Where:Oak Room, Main Lodge, Center Lobby

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Re:Learn about the duties of your office and pick up the files from your outgoing counterpart. Casual attire is acceptable.

Orientation Meeting for New State Officers and Advisers

When:Friday, April 15, 2005

Where:Seasons 3

Time:Immediately following the Breakfast for Incoming and Outgoing State Officers and

Advisers (9:15-11:00 a.m.)

Re: Mandatory orientation program for all newly elected officers and their adviser(s). An

overview of your responsibilities while in office will be given. Causal attire is


Candidates, should you be elected, you and your adviser are expected to attend the Orientation Meeting for New State Officers and Advisers. Please remind your adviser(s) that you CANNOT leave until 11 a.m. NO ONE IS EXCUSED from this meeting.

Best of luck to you as you prepare for your upcoming campaign. Please bring this document with you to the SLC since no other information will be provided.

To be considered for a state office, the candidate shall:

  • Be an active member of a local chapter
  • Have a least one full year remaining in his/her educational program for president, first vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, and parliamentarian
  • Have a least two full years remaining in his/her educational program for vice president at large
  • Be recommended by the chapter and endorsed by his/her local chapter adviser, parents, and school official
  • File an official state officer application by the deadline date established by the FBLA State Office
  • Attend all Executive Committee Meetings
  • Attend the National Leadership Conference, the State Leadership Workshop, the National Fall Leadership Conference (when Pennsylvania is the host chapter), and the State Leadership Conference
  • Purchase the required components of the state officer uniform (each officer will receive an allowance of $75 to be applied to the cost of the uniform)
  • Having the members of the candidate’s local chapter visible to assist at the campaign table and show their support
  • Choosing a dependable person from your chapter who knows you well to serve as your campaign manager (optional)