Registration and Content Information for September Healthy Church Initiative Workshops
Open to all Laity and Clergy
All workshops will have a gathering time at 6:30 P.M.
with the workshops beginning at 7 P.M. sharp, and ending no later than 9 P.M.
The September Workshops deal with:
A) Train Effective Leadership
B) Discover and Use God’s Gifts
(Both of these workshops will be presented on all 4 Districts and will be running concurrently at each location for the full 2 hour period. See dates and locations below.)
Easton District: Monday, Sept. 20Cambridge: St. Paul’s
Dover District: Tuesday, Sept. 21Millsboro: Grace
Salisbury District: Wed., Sept. 29Berlin: St. Paul
Wilmington District: Thursday, Sept. 30Wilmington: Simpson
Content Information On Workshop A) Train Effective Leadership
Based on Nehemiah 1 – 2
What is Leadership?
Change with Purpose
Dealing with Conflict
Practical application for leadership development for the LocalChurch
Content Information on Workshop B) Discover and Use God’s Gifts
Biblical Foundations and Reasons for Gifts
A practical look at Spiritual Gifts
How a church might use a Spiritual Gifts inventory
Participation in a Spiritual Gifts inventory that can be used in the LocalChurch
Resources Available
Practical Application back at the LocalChurch: Where do we go from here?
Registration required in order to provide appropriate numbers of materials
To Register: Send $5 per person or $20 per church (with the exact # of persons coming from your church and which workshop they are attending) to:
HCI Workshops
139 N. State Street, DoverDE, 19901
Registrations for the Sept. 20 & 21 workshops must be received by 4 P.M. Sept. 15.
Registrations for the Sept. 29 & 30 workshops must be received by 4 P.M. Sept.22.
Tell us:
email address:
Tell us - How many will be attending each workshop: ____ Leadership ______Gifts
(Please put number of persons in the blanks above if you are registering a group. If just you are registering, please put the number 1 in the blank beside the workshop you will attend. Remember: Each workshop will be offered at the same time for the full 2 hour training period. 1 person cannot attend both workshops on the same night.)
Which District location are you or your church group attending:
_____Monday, Sept. 20Cambridge: St. Paul’s: Easton District
_____Tuesday, Sept. 21Millsboro: Grace: Dover District
_____Wed., Sept. 29Berlin: St. Paul: Salisbury District
_____Thursday, Sept. 30Wilmington: Simpson: Wilmington District
Make sure you have included your check for the appropriate amount and again if you are registering a group from your church we must know the number of persons and which workshops they are attending!
Questions?? Contact Sandra Steiner Ball at or call the ConferenceResourceCenter: 302-674-2626