Registration and Content Information for September Healthy Church Initiative Workshops

Open to all Laity and Clergy

All workshops will have a gathering time at 6:30 P.M.

with the workshops beginning at 7 P.M. sharp, and ending no later than 9 P.M.

The September Workshops deal with:

A) Train Effective Leadership

B) Discover and Use God’s Gifts

(Both of these workshops will be presented on all 4 Districts and will be running concurrently at each location for the full 2 hour period. See dates and locations below.)


Easton District: Monday, Sept. 20Cambridge: St. Paul’s

Dover District: Tuesday, Sept. 21Millsboro: Grace

Salisbury District: Wed., Sept. 29Berlin: St. Paul

Wilmington District: Thursday, Sept. 30Wilmington: Simpson

Content Information On Workshop A) Train Effective Leadership

Based on Nehemiah 1 – 2

What is Leadership?


Change with Purpose

Dealing with Conflict

Practical application for leadership development for the LocalChurch

Content Information on Workshop B) Discover and Use God’s Gifts

Biblical Foundations and Reasons for Gifts

A practical look at Spiritual Gifts

How a church might use a Spiritual Gifts inventory

Participation in a Spiritual Gifts inventory that can be used in the LocalChurch

Resources Available

Practical Application back at the LocalChurch: Where do we go from here?

Registration required in order to provide appropriate numbers of materials

To Register: Send $5 per person or $20 per church (with the exact # of persons coming from your church and which workshop they are attending) to:

HCI Workshops

139 N. State Street, DoverDE, 19901

Registrations for the Sept. 20 & 21 workshops must be received by 4 P.M. Sept. 15.

Registrations for the Sept. 29 & 30 workshops must be received by 4 P.M. Sept.22.

Tell us:



email address:

Tell us - How many will be attending each workshop: ____ Leadership ______Gifts

(Please put number of persons in the blanks above if you are registering a group. If just you are registering, please put the number 1 in the blank beside the workshop you will attend. Remember: Each workshop will be offered at the same time for the full 2 hour training period. 1 person cannot attend both workshops on the same night.)

Which District location are you or your church group attending:

_____Monday, Sept. 20Cambridge: St. Paul’s: Easton District

_____Tuesday, Sept. 21Millsboro: Grace: Dover District

_____Wed., Sept. 29Berlin: St. Paul: Salisbury District

_____Thursday, Sept. 30Wilmington: Simpson: Wilmington District

Make sure you have included your check for the appropriate amount and again if you are registering a group from your church we must know the number of persons and which workshops they are attending!

Questions?? Contact Sandra Steiner Ball at or call the ConferenceResourceCenter: 302-674-2626