Course Name: World History II Course Number:
Core Text: Human Legacy, World History, Modern Era
Major Concept:World War II
The Aggressions of tyrants in Europe and Asia exploded in another world war in 1939. At first, the Axis armies of Germany, Japan, and Italy gained territory and inflicted great suffering. But after years of conflict, the Allies, led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union, prevailed.
· Axis Aggression
· The Allied Response
· The Holocaust
· The End of the War
/ World II Learning Standards:
WHII.23 Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s. (H)
C. Germany’s militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland
WHII.24 Summarize the key battles and events of World War II. (H)
A. The German conquest of continental Europe
B. The Battle of Britain
C. Pearl Harbor
D. The Bataan Death March
E. El Alamein
F. Midway
G. Stalingrad
H. D-Day
I. Battle of the Bulge
J. Iwo Jima
K. Okinawa
WHII.25 Identify the goals, leadership, and post-war plans of the allied leaders. (H)
A. Winston Churchill
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Joseph Stalin
WHII.26 Describe the background, course, and consequences of the Holocaust, including its roots in the long tradition of Christian anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi dehumanization of the Jews. (H)
WHII.27 Explain the reasons for the dropping of atom bombs on Japan and its short and long-term effects. (H)
WHII.28 Explain the consequences of World War II. (H, E)
A. physical and economic destruction
B. the enormous loss of life, including millions of civilians through the bombing of population centers and the slaughter of political opponents and ethnic minorities
C. support in Europe for political reform and decolonization
D. the emergence of the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world’s two superpowers
WHII.29 Describe reasons for the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and summarize the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (H)
Pacing Guide: March 4-24 (15 days)
Key Questions:
How do you think other countries in Europe reacted to the rise of aggressive dictators?
How does war impact the life of ordinary citizens?
What do you think would have happened if the British and French had stood up to Hitler when he threatened to annex the Sudetenland?
What was the psychological impact of the Blitz on Londoners? Can you think of another nation that had the similar reaction to constant bombing raids in the 20th century?
What were the causes and effects of Japan’s attack on the United States?
What did Admiral Yamamoto mean when he said, “I think we have awakened a sleeping giant,” after the attack on Pearl Harbor? / Skills and Outcomes: When students have finished studying this topic, they will know and be able to:
LINK Activity on World War II – What do you think you know about World War II?
Write a paragraph about what you know about WWII using at least ten words from your linking chart
View the picture of the Battle of the Bulge using I See/It Means
· Analyze what you see in the picture
· Evaluate: How could the world go to war again after “the war to end all wars?”
Preview Section 1: Axis Aggression using the PIC method.
Read and take notes on Germany Expands using a web diagram.
· Four bubbles, labeled as:
o Rebuilding the German Military
o Militarizing the Rhineland
o Annexing Austria
o Appeasement
· Predict how you think Hitler will react to appeasement based upon what you have already learned about him
· Evaluate: Why does Hitler feel the need to expand the power of Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles?
Read and take notes on Alliances and Civil War using the two column notes method
· Identify how Hitler expanded his power throughout Europe
· Analyze how Hitler managed to avoid war while gaining power over other countries
· Predict Will Hitler honor the nonaggression pact made with Stalin? Support your answer with historical evidence.
Create a sequence of events chart on The War Begins
· Identify the countries that Hitler invaded in the order in which he invaded them.
· Analyze Explain why Hitler was so successful in his early invasions, but his later attempts against Britain and the Soviet Union were not successful
· Summarize What gave the British and Soviet Union the ability to fend off German attacks?
Interpreting Maps Examine the map on page 439 of Axis Advances from 1939-1941using a three-column GO. Columns should represent:
1. Axis powers
2. Allied Powers
3. Neutral nations
· Describe the pattern of German advances
· Evaluate What was the strategy utilized by Germany in their initial advances? Use evidence from the map in your evaluation.
Analyze the picture of a London Subway station during the blitz, using the I See/It Means method. *See attached photo
· Describe the conditions shown in the subway station
· Evaluate How did the people of Britain survive the bombing raids of the Germans?
· Analyze What does this picture tell you about the attitude of the British People?
In a paragraph form summarize what the visual tells you about the resolve of the British people during the Blitz.
Analyze the Primary Source, “This was their Finest Hour” by Winston Churchill on page 442. using the APPARTS in two-column notes
· The Full Text of the speech is available at:
This was their finest hour
· Evaluate the condition of British defenses, according to Churchill
· Infer What does this speech tell you about the resolve of the British people and why?
Read and take notes on Japan Attacks using the two column note method
· Identify how Japan brought the United States into war with them and Europe
· Analyze how the United States entrance into war changed the war both in Europe and in Asia
· Predict How will the attack on Pearl Harbor affect the U.S. public?
In a paragraph summarize the impact of U.S. involvement in WWII, at home and abroad, as a result of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
You may select a lesson from the unit on Pearl Harbor, created by Judi Allen:
Analyze the Primary Source on page 443, “The Attack on Pearl Harbor” by Franklin Roosevelt completing the APPARTS chart in two-column notes
· The Full Text of the speech is available at:
A Day that Will Live in Infamy
· Infer How do you think the American people would respond to this speech? / Formative/Summative Assessments: Students will complete the following products/other assessments to demonstrate the skills and understandings they have acquired.
· Create a Political Cartoon and Caption in which you depict the ideas of Europe trying to appease Hitler as a poor idea.
o Include the use powerful images and ideas to support your idea that Hitler should not be trusted.
o Provide an expository paragraph to explain you use of visuals and symbols
o Use textual evidence and your knowledge of history to complete this cartoon
· News Reporting: You are the anchor for the CNN international desk. Your job is to update the public on the conditions of the world as a result of German aggression. The script for the report should include:
o The invasion of Poland and the reaction of France and Britain to the act.
o The attack of France through the Ardennes Forest.
o The waging of the Battle of Britain
o The shift of German aggression to the Soviet Union
Remember, TV reporting must be concise because of the element of limited time.
Visuals are always part of a TV news account.
May require some research.
· Write a Persuasive Speech to the British people as if you are Winston Churchill and the Blitz has just begun. Use powerful imagery and ideas to convince your fellow Britons that despite the horrible attack they are about to endure that they must endure, and explain why failure is not an option and victory is the only possibility.
· Conversation about History: You are a parent who is about to tell your children about the Bombing of Pearl Harbor and President Roosevelt’s plan to ask Congress for a declaration of war against Japan. Your conversation should include:
o Summary of the attack
o Impact of FDR’s words in the “Day of Infamy Speech” on you.
o Use textual evidence in the scripting of your talk.
Can one person still make a difference in the defense of a nation?
Why do you think the control of North Africa was important to the Allied war effort?
How did Geography help defeat Germany in the Soviet Union? / Preview Section 2: The Allied Response using the PIC method.
Read the Inside Story: Recycling for Victory on page 445.
· Summarize the main idea of this passage
· Infer: How will the use of scrap impact the war effort of the allies?
Read and take notes on Early American Involvement using the two column note method
· Identify the ways Americans participated in fighting the Axis powers
· Analyze the effect of Americans’ participation on the Germans
In paragraph form Summarize how the addition of Americans on the side of the Allies changed the way the war was fought.
Read and take notes on War in North Africa and Italy using a two column note method
· Identify the roles played by Rommel, Montgomery and Eisenhower.
· Evaluate the importance of the Battle of El Alamein.
· Explain the “Fighting in Italy” in one sentence.
In a paragraph summarize What did Allied troops accomplish in North Africa and Italy?
Analyzing Visuals Examine the propaganda posters on page 449, using the I See/It Means method.
· Identify what you see in the picture that will help you understand its meaning.
· Analyze what is significant about what you observed
· Summarize the messages of each poster
· Identifying Bias Are the messages of the two posters similar or different? Explain why you think that is.
Read and take notes on A Turning Point in the Soviet Union using the two column note method
· Identify the strategies and outcomes of the Battles of Stalingrad and Leningrad
· Analyze why the fighting in Russia was some of the worst fighting in the war.
· Infer What could be the effect of the fighting in the Soviet Union be on the rest of the war?
· Summarize why the Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in the war?
History and Geography Examine the visuals on pages 454 and 455.
· Location How did Stalingrad’s location on the Volga River both help and hurt the Soviet defenders?
· Human-Environment Interaction How was the Battle of Stalingrad affected by Geography?
· Predict How would the war’s outcome have changed had Hitler successfully taken Stalingrad? Explain using historical evidence.
Read and take notes on A Turning Point in the Pacific using a four column graphic organizer (*See attached)
· Identify the outcome of each event
o Bataan Death March
o Battle of Coral Sea
o Battle of Midway
o Battle of Guadalcanal
· Analyze the effect of each event on the progress of the war in the Pacific
· Evaluate which battle was the turning point in the Pacific?
In paragraph form, Summarize Who was winning in the Pacific by the end of 1944? Use textual evidence in your explanation. / .
· Create a print advertisement for a newspaper asking Americans to ration and recycle on behalf of the war drive.
o Include a “catchy” title/headline for your ad as well as visuals
o Text should encourage people to take part in the program
o Use textual evidence to help with your design.
· Create Persuasive Leaflets after examining the posters on page 449. The leaflets will be dropped into enemy territory, to counteract information suggested by the posters. These leaflets should:
1. Show the people living in the country of the other side that the propaganda being given to them by their own government is false. (Use textual evidence in your presentation)
2. Convince the people that your side is morally correct, and persuade the people of the enemy country that they should rise against their government, to avoid facing potential ruin
3. Use powerful images and ideas to get the point across to the people of the enemy country that they are living in a country whose ideology will potentially get them killed.
· Journal Writing: You are a German soldier who is taking part in the Battle of Stalingrad. Describe the physical conditions you are experiencing as well as your military capabilities as a result of the battle. Be very descriptive and utilize textual evidence in your account.
v Comparative Writing Compare Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 with that of Napoleon in 1812. Identify how the fighting and tactics were similar and different. (Refer back to Chapter 6)
o Analyze Do you think Hitler would have benefited from studying Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812? Explain with historical support.
o Predict How should Hitler have invaded the Soviet Union, if he hoped to be successful?