Frank Dobson MP, Mary Honeyball MEP, Prof. John Adams, Councillor Fazil Choudhury, Cherie Matrix-Holt, Barbara Anderson, Ian Anderson, Anna Hellman, Rev. Perry Butler.
The meeting agreed the adoption of the new constitution
Chair’s report:
Sean Glynn reported that the BA had a very successful year with increased membership and a growing coverage of the area. We have made substantial inroads in many areas, especially in forging common relationships with other local community organisations such as the GCA, FNA and the Soho Society.
We have also made great inroads into establishing stronger relationships with Camden Council, the police, and the Government Office for London.
We have also established a good relationship with the Clear Zone initiative, alongside the British Museum. Having said that, there is an ongoing battle to reduce noise, pollution and traffic in the area.
The most important issue that concerns the local community is the ongoing drug problem and the related crime that goes with it.
The Chair expressed tanks to Stephen Heath for the work he has done in vetting and responding to the numerous planning applications he has received.
The Clear Zone initiative in Museum Street was a welcome success and hopefully a predilection of things to come.
The restoration of St Georges Church is now well underway.
There are concerns about the redevelopment of the St Giles area and the Crossrail project, especially with the possible new A3 licensing.
The Bloomsbury Fair was held for the first time in Russell Square. This was a first for the BA and was deemed to be a great success. We plan to have more events and will make sure that the historical home of the BA – Museum Street, will not be excluded.
This has been an excellent year for the BA but we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. We need to build our membership and be more strident in representing our local community. We also would like to thank our local councillors for their help over the past year.
Treasurer’s report
Although we are not in deficit, our account remains at the £1000 mark. During the next year we need to make substantial efforts to raise income both from local businesses, grants and fundraising activities.
The meeting agreed the following elected members after the under said were proposed and seconded by full members of the Bloomsbury Association:
Chair:Jim Murray
Vice Chair:Sean Glynn
Secretary:Paul Clerkin
Treasurer:Pat Glynn
Jim Murray gave a brief history on how the BA, together with the CGCA, FNA and Soho Society and with strong and valuable support from Cllr’s Penny Abraham and Sue Vincent, supported by Cllr Peter Brayshaw, won recognition by the authorities and officialdom and secured a voice on the influential Steering Committee of the West End Drugs Partnership (WEDP). He acknowledged the enormous amount of work done by the fellow community representatives on the WEDP, namely Amanda Rigby (CGCA), Rita Jones (FNA) and David Beida (Soho Society).
He mentioned that the WEDP awaits the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) by the Drug Action Team's of Camden and Westminster City Council on the proposal to open a dedicated fixed site needle exchange in the Charing Cross Road area and that this document will be published in December
2003 (since delayed till the 1st quarter of 2004). He went on to say that the four community organisations that sit on the WEDP have grave concerns about this proposal and are actively searching for alternative methods to this proposal. Also, that the resolve of these four community organisations is undiminished in respect of trying to ensure that the authorities recognise the major concern of
the West End community as being drugs and drug related crime and anti-social behaviour.
Importantly, Jim reported that Commander Brooks of Camden Police stated at a recent Camden sponsored Drugs Crime Seminar that 'drugs and drug related crime and anti social behaviour’ are now the first priority of Camden Police.
Jim will remain the BA's representative on the WEDP for the next year.
Cllr Sue Vincent spoke with regard to the up and coming proposals for the redevelopment of St Giles and Tottenham Court Road. She assured the meeting that local groups would be fully involved with the proposals. She voiced her concerns about the possibility of a lot more late night entertainment moving into the local area and promised that we would be consulted on all proposals.
Jim Monahan gave a talk about Dragon Hall. The BA AGM was the first public meeting to be held there. There had been an ongoing battle to get the hall open and the end is finally in sight. It is hoped that the hall will become a valuable amenity for all local groups in the area.
The Secretary
Bloomsbury Association
P.S. Our NEW web site is up and running and all our files and documents have now been uploaded.
BA AGM 2003
Author Paul Clerkin 20/11/03