Template V1.1March 2017
Subject Academic Developmental Report Form
Subject area
Full list of awards within subject (including any delivered by partner providers)
Dates of submission for formal consideration within School
Lead author
Time / Undergraduate / PostgraduateAugust/September / Final results known for L4-L6 students; external examiner reports; NSS data incoming student numbers / Incoming student numbers
End of trimester results
November / Results of L7 students; external examiner reports
December / Census point for undergraduate students
Incoming student numbers (Jan/Feb start) / Incoming student numbers (Jan/Feb start)
January / Applications received through UCAS for next academic year
May / Acceptances for applications through UCAS for next academic year
July / Main Examination Board results for level 4-6 students; external examiner reports / End of trimester results
August/September / Final results known for L4-L6 students; external examiner reports; NSS data incoming student numbers / Incoming student numbers
End of trimester results
Within department, confirm subject-level ADRs
October / Meetings held at School-Field/Departmental level
Commence work on ADR form for next academic year
November / Meeting held at Institutional-School level
December / Annual report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee
Note: updated ADRs should be formally considered at least three times within the School during the academic year, timed so as to inform the Risk Management meetings with Deans.
Section 1 / Recruitment/IntakeSection 2 / Student Performance
Section 3 / Student Progression
Section 4 / Student Experience
Section 5 / Student Engagement
Section 6 / Curriculum Development
Section 7 / Any other matters
Section 8 / Action Plan[1]
Appendices / XRF responses to all external examiner reports within subject
Response to NSS/PTES results
Response to module evaluations or other student feedback (eg through SSLC or UKES)
Link tutor reports for the previous academic year and the current academic year (as they become available)
[Please add further documents as appropriate, eg any student SWOT exercises that have been carried out to inform strategic reviewing and planning]
Section 1 – Recruitment/Intake
1.1What is the subject’s recruitment strategy? What has been effective over the last twelve months and what has been less effective? How have these informed the recruitment strategy for the next twelve months?
Partner Provision
1.2Numbers entering level 4/7: please comment as far as possible on numbers of applications, offers, acceptances and enrolments for 2017/18 entry. Please comment on any numbers for direct level 5 or level 6 entry and any students being given advance standing into a postgraduate taught award. As far as possible, please contextualise your comments within three-year trends.
Partner Provision
1.3Retention: please comment on the number of withdrawals at each level during 2016/17 against overall numbers and reasons (eg personal circumstances, course not as expected, change of subject interest); similarly, for any transfers in/out (including adjustments to Combined Awards students). Are there any trends in retention? What – if any – action around retention would be beneficial?
Partner Provision
1.4International recruitment and retention: comment on numbers of international students in each level during 2016/17 (please include full-year and part-year exchanges as well as those enrolled on full degree programmes) and those anticipated for 2017/18
Partner Provision
1.5How diverse is the cohort? (This would typically include consideration of gender balance, ethnicity, disability, widening participation, national identity and age) Are there any implications related to this?
Partner Provision
Section 2 – Student Performance
2.1Qualification data at entry: what was the profile of the qualification data for 2016/17 entrants and (when confirmed following Confirmation and Clearing) what is it for 2017/18 entrants? How do these compare to trends over the last five years? What are the implications of these profiles (eg is additional support likely to be required in any area?)?
Partner Provision
2.2Qualification data at exit:what qualifications were achieved by the 2015/16 cohort and, when known, what were the achievements of the 2016/17 cohort? Did any students leave with exit awards (rather than the final award for which they were registered)? How do these compare to trends over the last five years?
Partner Provision
2.3Is there any correlation between qualifications at entry and the final degree results achieved and what is the explanation? Is any additional support necessary for some students or cohorts? What strategies have been successful for enabling students with lower entry qualifications to achieve higher than might be expected?
Partner Provision
Section 3 – Student Progression
3.1Please comment on student progression by level (undergraduate) or stage/trimester (postgraduate taught). Please consider this in terms of trends of previous cohorts (eg level 5 performance over the last three years) and any trends within the cohort itself (eg how does progression reflect entry qualifications or performance at the previous stage; are there any characteristics of this cohort related to its diversity profile that may have an impact?). What are the implications? Is any action required?
Partner Provision
3.2Please comment on destinations of leavers, distinguishing as far as possible where graduates have progressed to professional and managerial roles or further study. Have there been any changes in trends around destinations?What are the reasons for this (eg developments within the curriculum, changes in the sectors to which students are progressing)? What are the implications of the data for the curriculum? Is any action required or planned?
Partner Provision
Section 4 – Student Experience
4.1Has the cohort size altered over the last two years or is it anticipated to alter over the next two years? Have there been any other significant changes to the nature of the cohort that might have implications (eg proportion of combined award students, balance of home/international students)? How have you responded to manage these changes or what needs to be put in place to manage an anticipated change?
Partner Provision
4.2Have you introduced any learning and teaching innovations over the past twelve months? How successful have these been? How have they informed future planning and activity in the current academic year?
Partner Provision
4.3Can you offer any examples of good practice in relation to the Virtual Learning Environment and how this is used to support and enhance student learning?
Partner Provision
4.4Research-informed teaching: how was the curriculum enhanced by research-informed teaching during 2015/16? What is proposed for 2016/17 and, if known, 2017/18?
Partner Provision
4.5Internationalisation and international opportunities (eg exchanges, projects): what opportunities were offered in 2015/16 and how successful were they (including how many students participated in different activities)? What is planned for 2016/17 (or further ahead)? What support might you need outside of your immediate subject area to achieve your plans?
Partner Provision
Section 5 – Student Engagement
5.1Outside of the University’srequired standard mechanisms for student engagement (eg Staff-Student Liaison Committees), what do you plan for 2016/17? Do you have any good practice to share, for example in engaging students that are typically harder to reach?
Partner Provision
Section 6 – Curriculum Development
6.1What modifications are planned? Please indicate proposed timescales. How have students been consulted and informed of any changes?
Partner Provision
6.2What Open Modules do you run within the subject? Are there any electives that you can make available more widely?
Section 7 – Any other matters
7.1Has any other enhancement activity been undertaken (eg as staff development activity or through the peer observation process) over the last twelve months that could be shared as good practice? (This might include work relating to assessment and feedback practices or developing academic support which have not been covered through discussion above.)
Partner Provision
7.2Are there any other matters that the subject would like to raise not already covered in the discussion above?
Partner Provision
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Template V1.1March 2017
Section 8 – Action plan for any actions identified above not included in the appendices
Action / Cross-reference to section above / Responsibility / Timescale / Progress1 / [eg 5.3]
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Template V1.1March 2017
[Please list the appendices]
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[1] Actions identified through this process but not covered in other documents in the Appendices