Exhibition Stand – Internal Booking
Friday 25 February – Sunday28 February
Harrogate International Centre

Recognisedmembers’ groups* are welcome to apply for a stand at the conference. We have a limited number of spaces available for internal stalls so an application does not guarantee a place. Application deadline Friday 29 January. If there are more applications than places, priority will be given to groups that have not had a stall at recent conferences, groups that consistently have attractive and lively stalls, and groups that have a time-sensitive reason to want a stall at this conference (ie before elections).

Space available per stand: approx 1m by 2m, Table and chairs supplied, display board and name sign provided. Please note that there is a charge of £40 for an internal stall to cover the cost of the furniture hire, name sign and the display board. You will be invoiced upon receipt of the signed form.

Remember that internal stalls are intermingled with external paying stands, so it is important that they are attractive and tidy at all times. Stalls need to be set up before Conference opens at 11am on Fridayand should not be taken down until the end as we must avoid unattractive empty spaces around the floor. You should aim to have a representative at the stall for at least a few hours every day. You are responsible for the setting up and packing up of your stall, and also for the transporting of materials to the venue.

Group name
50 Word description of your group (will be used in the exhibitor list)
Reason for wanting a stall at this conferencein particular:

NOTE: If your group has a logo, please send a print quality version for the exhibitor list and the name sign to .

I / we agree to the terms and conditions above.

Signed and Agreed by: Date:

Please return this form by post to: Louisa Greenbaum, Conferences Coordinator,
20 Westbourne Street, Hove BN3 5PG Email:

Queries: please call Louisa on 0203 691 9382

* Currently recognised groups are:

(a) LGBTIQ Greens, Greens of Colour, Green Party Women, Green Seniors and Green Party Disability groups recognised by the Equality and Diversity Committee; and

(b) The Young Greens recognised by the Constitution.

Please contact Lyuba Herbert if you wish to request recognition for another group.She will be able to advise you as to which committee you need to approach.