Name______Counselor______Circle One: MLK, Dynasty, Harlequins, Sirens, NR
1. Career Success Skills (Mid-Term CPP Assessment) / Student can:
q Assess personal progress to date.
q Present effectively in an interview.
q Set goals and develop plans based on assessment information and knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Classroom discussion.
q Development of goals and written assessment of progress.
q CPP Midterm Assessment feedback from peers and instructors. / 9/2/11 /
2. Employment/Job Search Skills
q Sources of Employment
q Completing A Job Application
q Writing A Business Letter
q Arranging for an Informational Interview
q Information On Apprenticeship, Military, Higher Education & Advanced Training Opportunities / Student can:
q Identify sources of employment Information,
q Complete an employment application.
q Describe the components of a business letter and construct a business letter requesting an informational interview.
q Describe apprenticeship, military and other advanced opportunities. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Completion of employment application.
q Completion of initial resume.
q Developing a business letter to request an informational interview.
q Recording of information on apprenticeship, military, etc. in career portfolio.
q Classroom discussion. / 9/2/11 /
3. Employment/Job Search Skills
q Interviewing For A Job
q Strategies for Succeeding During The First Weeks On The Job
q Availability of Career Transition Services Through Job Corps & One Stops
q Community Support Services
q Protocols When Changing Jobs
q Job Search Tools & Techniques
q Apply for Career Center/training position. / Student can:
q Identify sources of job leads.
q Describe how to access various sources of job leads (i.e., newspaper ads, networking, etc.)
q Develop a job search campaign.
q Prepare a resume.
q Prepare a cover letter.
q Complete a job application.
q Describe legal rights in the job search.
q Describe how to prepare for an interview.
q Appropriately answer basic interview questions.
q Ask appropriate questions during the job interview.
q Demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication skills during an interview.
q Describe how to follow up after an interview.
q Write a thank you letter.
q Describe strategies for succeeding on the job.
q Describe Career Transitions services available following graduation from Job Corps. / Students will:
q Prepare and submit a resume, cover letter and job application to the trade of their choice.
q Demonstrate interviewing skills during an interview with trade instructors and students and with CPP staff.
q Demonstrate knowledge of job search methods and legal rights through classroom discussion and activities.
q Demonstrate career success strategies through participation in classroom activities and discussion. / 9/2/11 /
4. Introduction to Information Technology
q Role & Impact of Technology Trends On Business & Society
q Basic Computer Hardware & Software Components, Care & Handling
q Basic Computer Functions (Keyboarding, Word Processing & E-Mail)
q Internet Utilization (Job Search, LMI, Community Support Services, One Stop Services)
q Appropriate Use Of Internet & E-Mail / Student can:
q Describe basic components of a computer.
q Describe basic computer functions.
q Utilize basic computer functions, suck as keyboarding, etc.
q Utilize the Internet to conduct research and locate resources.
q Evaluate information found on the Internet.
q Can use other application software, such as word processing programs. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Classroom activities and observation.
q Completion of projects and activities requiring use of the computer.
q Classroom discussion. / 9/2/11 /
5. Entrepreneurship – Apprentice Project
Research and put presentation together on subject topic.
v Day Care center on Center
v Recycling Program
v Promoting/Market Job Corps
v Drug awareness / Student can:
q Describe the purpose and structure of a marketing plan.
q Research marketing strategies
q Develop a marketing strategy that is appropriate for the company’s product/service.
q Write an effective marketing plan.
q Demonstrate leadership and teaming skills in the accomplishment of the group’s tasks. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Completion of 1st Draft of written marketing plan.
q Peer and instructor observation and feedback. / 9/6/11 /
6. Introduction to Employment/Job Search Skills
q Resume Development
q Workers Rights & Responsibilities (EEO, Civil/Legal Rights & Sexual Harassment) / q Discuss the importance of a resume in job searching.
q Identify the components of a resume.
q Identify personal information, skills and work experience to complete a resume worksheet.
q Describe employment laws that affect his/her rights and responsibilities on the job, including EEO, sexual harassment, OSHA and Wage and Hour laws. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Completion of employment law case studies.
q Class presentations. / 9/2/11 /
7. Personal Career Portfolio Update / Student assesses his or her personal Career Portfolio for any update needs. / All items from Portfolio Checklist for CPP I completed and checked off. / 9/2/11 /
8. PCDP Review & Update / Student assesses his or her PCDP for any update needs. / PCDP / 9/2/11 /
9. One-Stop Resources
q Visit to One-Stop
q One-Stop Resources / Student can:
q Describe a One-Stop.
q Locate the local One-Stop.
q Describe resources available through the One-Stop.
q Gather information about services at the One-Stop and report on information to peers.
q Utilize One-Stop services. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Classroom discussion.
q Questioning during One-Stop visit.
q Classroom presentations on the One-Stop. / 9/2/11 /
10. Career Management Skills
q CDSS Phases
q Personal Mission Statement
q Talent Identification / Student can:
q Describe the phases of CDSS (CPP, CDP, Grad 90, CTP)
q Describe the connection between CDSS and his/her own career management and development process.
q Describe his/her personal mission statement and vision for career progress.
q Describe personal talents and strengths. / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Classroom discussion
q Creation of personal mission statement.
q Description of personal talents and strengths. / 9/2/11 /
11. Introduction to Information Technology
q ePCDP Access & Update Process
q Personal E-Mail Account / Student can:
q Access the ePCDP
q Establish his/her own email account through Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.
q Send and receive e-mail from his/her personal e-mail account.
q Navigate the Internet using a web browser. / Competency will be demonstrated by:
q Student sending an e-mail from his/her personal account.
q Student receiving and accessing an e-mail from his/her personal account.
q Accessing the e-PCDP. / 9/2/11 /
12. Information Technology – Accessing & Using Application Software / Student can use Microsoft office produces, Power Point, Microsoft Word, Excel software. / Student able to use Microsoft office produces, with minimal assistance as evidenced by observation and achievement of Aztec learning goals. / 9/2/11 /
13. Regional Culture Minimum Standards including: / Students can describe:
Workplace expectations
Cellular phone and electronic devices
Dress Code Policy expectations
Smoking Policy
Sanction Guide
Incentive Program
CTT Certifications
Career Ladders and Lattices
Advanced Training Opportunities / Competency is demonstrated via:
q Classroom discussion
q Skill demonstrations will be measured via CSSR score / 9/2/11 /
14. Customer Service Training / Student Can:
o Define Customer Service and its Components
o Explain the importance of good customer service
o Maintain professional attitude
o Affects of stress on attitude
o Manage stress
o Handle customer inquires and concerns
o Solve problems and anticipate customer needs / Demonstrated in Class discussions and activities in Customer Service training curriculum. / 9/2/11 /
15. Weekly CSS Ratings:
*Notes (Make-up needs/plans, fast-track needs/plans, other special needs/plans, accomplishments, etc.):