Database Programming - Study Guide Sections 3-4
Name ______Date ______
Directions: answer each question.
- Explain the joining of tables?
- What are a Cartesian Product and a CROSS JOIN, are there any differences?
- How do you avoid a Cartesian Product?
- What is the only relational operator used for an equijoin?
- On a join statement the SELECT clause specifies…. Give an example.
- On a join statement the FROM clause specifies…. Give an example.
- On a join statement the WHERE clause specifies…. Give an example.
- How are rows of data restricted in a join statement using a WHERE clause?
- How are column names known to belong to which table in a join?
- List and give an example of the Oracle Proprietary Joins.
- List and give an example of the SQL Compliant Joins.
- How long can table alias be and why use a table alias?
- Once a table alias is used on a FROM, is it always used in the SELECT statement?
- To join four (4) tables together, how many join conditions are needed?
- What condition must be present for a nonequijoin?
- When the same column name appears in more than one table, the column name must be prefixed with ______.
- Why use an outer join?
- Can the plus sign (outer join) be placed on both sides of a condition clause?
- What is the difference between a LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN?
- Why use a self join?
- What join is based on the columns in two tables that have the same name?
- Can the join above in question #20 be joined with columns with the same name but different data types, why or why not?
- What join clause will correct the error in question #21?
- To specify arbitrary conditions or specify columns to join, what join clause is used?
- Does every SELECT statement that joins tables have to have a join condition?
- Create a query to display the employee number, last name, and department name of all employees who earn a commission.
- Create a query to display the last name, job, department number, and department name for all employees who work in Oxford.
- Create a query to display the last name and employee number along with their manager’s last name and number. When you are done, modify the statement of display of all employees including King who has no manager.
- Create a query to display the employee last name, department name, location id, and city of all employees in department 90.
Oracle Academy11-May-2005