Institut für Slavistik der Universität Würzburg

Domerschulstr. 13, 97070 Würzburg

Tel. 0049/931/88 11 69

Mobile: 0160/10 93 603



Translator German > Bulgarian


-More than 11 years experience as a translator and interpreter

-PhD (Philosophy, German Studies, Slavistics)

-Excellent organizational and teamwork skills

-Flexibility and ability to meet tight deadlines

-10 years living in Germany and 1 year in Austria

Areas of Translation Experience

-Literature, Philosophy, Psychology

-Social and Political Sciences

-Office correspondence, contracts and other legal documents

-Media and Communications




-Bulgarian Native language




-Modern GreekScholastic


Translator and interpreter for Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Würzburg, Germany / Since 2002
Translator and interpreter for the Police, District Court, Administrative Court
Würzburg, Aschaffenburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen / Since 1996
Part-time lecturer in Bulgarian Language und Literature
Institute of Slavistics, WürzburgUniversity / Since 1996
Translator and editor for a Publishing House L I K (Sofia, Bulgaria) / Since 1994
In-house Translator for Agri-Labor Ltd. (Sofia, Bulgaria) / 1993 – 1994
Part-time Lecturer in Philosophy
Department of Education, SofiaUniversity / 1991 – 1992
Teacher of Philosophy and German at the GermanGrammar School
Sofia, Bulgaria / 1990 – 1991

Published Translations

  1. Karl Jaspers: Die Autonomie der Universität. In: Die Idee der Universität. München 1963

Translated from German into Bulgarian: Карл Ясперс: Автономията на университета, published in Vek 21, Sofia, N 24, 12.09.1990

  1. 10 Jahre Glocksee – Nachrichten aus einem anderen Schulalltag. In: Päd. Extra. 1982

Translated from German into Bulgarian: 10 години Глокзее – новини от едно другo училищно ежедневие, published in Отворено образование, Sofia,N 1, 1992 /in collaboration with Zlatko Teoharov/

  1. Karl Jaspers: Was ist Existentialismus. In: Aneignung und Polemik. München 1968

Translated from German into Bulgarian: Карл Ясперс:Какво е екзистенциализмът, published in Философия, Sofia, N 6/2, 1992

  1. Karl Jaspers: Die Philosophie in der Welt. In: Kleine Schule des philosophischen Denkens. München 1956

Translated from German into Bulgarian: Карл Ясперс:Какво е философията, published in: Философия, Sofia, N 6/2, 1992

  1. Paul Tillich: Die protestantische Verkündigung und der Mensch der Gegenwart. In: Auf der Grenze. Stuttgart1962

Translated from German into Bulgarian: Паул Тилих: Протестантското оповестяване и човекът на настоящето, published in Философия, Sofia, N 1, 1994 /in collaboration with Zlatko Teoharov/

  1. Viktor Frankl: Theorie und Therapie der Neurosen. München 1993

Translated from German into Bulgarian: Виктор Франкл: Теория и терапия на неврозuтe, published by LIK, Sofia2001 (263 p.)

Current Translation Projects

  1. Hans Yellouschek: Im Irrgarten der Liebe.Stuttgart 1999
  2. Lou Andreas-Salome: Meine Begegnungen mit Nietzsche, Rilke, Freud (Auswahl, Übersetzung, Studie )

Academic Background

Postdoctoral Research Studies at the Institute of Slavistics
Würzburg University, Germany / Since 2003
Research Studies at the Institute of Philosophy
Graz University, Austria (scholarship bei ÖAAD) / 1992 – 1993
Research Studies at the Institute of Philosophy
Würzburg University,Germany (scholarship bei DAAD) / 1994 – 1996
PhD student (Major – Philosophy, Minor- German Studies, Slavistics) / 1998 – 2002
Würzburg University, Germany / 2002
Studies of Philosophy at the SofiaUniversity, Bulgaria
Studies of Philosophy at the LeipzigUniversity,Germany
M.A. in Philosophy
SofiaUniversity, Bulgaria / 1985 – 1990
GermanGrammar School in Sofia, Bulgaria / 1980 – 1985

Computer skills

Windows 2000, Microsoft Office XP (Word, Excel)

Wordfast 5.5