Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Unit 3 E



Name ______Period ______


____1. Dura MaterA. Development defects of motor areas of brain

____2. Pia MaterB. Tough fibrous outer membrane next to skull

____3. ArachnoidC. Delicate thin membrane with many strands

____4. Multiple SclerosisD. Inhibits viscera

____5. Cerebral PalsyE. Stimulates viscera

____6. Parkinson’s DiseaseF. Lack of dopamine causing muscle tremors

____7. ParasympatheticG. Afferent

____8. SympatheticH. Loose tissue covering the brain

____9. Motor NervesI. Efferent

____10. Sensory NervesJ. Destruction of myelin sheaths of nerves


11. T FThe brain is protected by the skull, and the spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.

12. T FThe Medulla Oblongata and the Autonomic Nervous System control the involuntary processes of the body.

13. T FThe Central Nervous System is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial and spinal nerves.

14. T FThere are 12 pairs of spinal nerves.

15. T FReflexes may used as diagnostic tools to determine nervous system disorders.

16. T FA stretch reflex is the sudden movement of a body part as the result of a painful stimulus.

17. T FAn athlete who suffers three or more concussions should no longer be allowed to compete.

18. T FConcussions generally alter the state of consciousness, vision, and balance.

19. T FComa and death can result from a serious concussion.

20. T FAn aneurysm is not a life-threatening condition.


21.Which is the most common brain disorder?

A. Multiple SclerosisC. Paralysis

B. Cerebrovascular AccidentD. Cerebral Palsy

22.The main channel that relays information to and from the brain and the body is the?

A. Spinal CordC. Brain

B. Afferent nervesD. Efferent nerves

23.Fast, predictable, automatic responses to changes in the environment that help to protect the body are?

A. WithdrawalsB. ParalysisC. ReflexesD. Stretches

24.Paralysis of all four extremities is known as?

A. DiplegiaC. Quadriplegia

B. ParaplegiaD. All of the above

25.The division of the Autonomic Nervous System that prepares the body for emergency situations is the?

A. Sympathetic divisionC. Peripheral division

B. Parasympathetic divisionD. Sensory division

26.Which of the following is NOT controlled by the Cerebrum?

A. SpeechC. Memory

B. Conscious thoughtD. Respiration

27.Which of the following is NOT one of the cranial nerves?

A. OlfactoryC. Acoustic

B. TrigeminalD. Medullary

28.This disease most commonly strikes young women in their 20’s?

A. Parkinson’s diseaseC. Aneurysm

B. Multiple SclerosisD. Cerebral Palsy

29.The Medulla Oblongata controls all of the following processes EXECEPT:

A. BalanceC. Respiration

B. Heart RateD. Body Temperature

30.The distal end of the spinal cord is known as the?

A. HypoglossalC. Cauda Equina

B. Spinal AccessoryD. Dura Mater


31.A Football player takes a hard hit to the head and falls to the ground. He is unconscious for about 1 minute. As he regains consciousness, he complains of pain in his head, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and demonstrates some loss of coordination. He is having great difficulty remembering what happened prior to the injury. There is no numbness or tingling in his arms and legs. What specific injury may have happened? What is the appropriate management and return to play criteria for this athlete?

32.Describe 3 different reflexes resulting from the contraction of a muscle when it is suddenly stretched:




33.Give an example of a reflex which is the removal of a body part from a painful stimulus:

34.What are the functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid? Where is it found?

Unit 3 E




__B_1. Dura MaterA. Development defects of motor areas of brain

__H_2. Pia MaterB. Tough fibrous outer membrane next to skull

__C_3. ArachnoidC. Delicate thin membrane with many strands

__J_4. Multiple SclerosisD. Inhibits viscera

__A_5. Cerebral PalsyE. Stimulates viscera

__F_6. Parkinson’s DiseaseF. Lack of dopamine causing muscle tremors

__D_7. ParasympatheticG. Afferent

__E_8. SympatheticH. Loose tissue covering the brain

__I__9. Motor NervesI. Efferent

__G_10. Sensory NervesJ. Destruction of myelin sheaths of nerves


11. T FThe brain is protected by the skull, and the spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.

12. T FThe Medulla Oblongata and the Autonomic Nervous System control the involuntary processes of the body.

13. T FThe Central Nervous System is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial and spinal nerves.

14. T FThere are 12 pairs of spinal nerves.

15. T FReflexes may used as diagnostic tools to determine nervous system disorders.

16. T FA stretch reflex is the sudden movement of a body part as the result of a painful stimulus.

17. T FAn athlete who suffers three or more concussions should no longer be allowed to compete.

18. T FConcussions generally alter the state of consciousness, vision, and balance.

19. T FComa and death can result from a serious concussion.

20. T FAn aneurysm is not a life-threatening condition.


21.Which is the most common brain disorder?

A. Multiple SclerosisC. Paralysis

B. Cerebrovascular AccidentD. Cerebral Palsy

22.The main channel that relays information to and from the brain and the body is the?

A. Spinal CordC. Brain

B. Afferent nervesD. Efferent nerves

23.Fast, predictable, automatic responses to changes in the environment that help to protect the body are?

A. WithdrawalsB. ParalysisC. ReflexesD. Stretches

24.Paralysis of all four extremities is known as?

A. DiplegiaC. Quadriplegia

B. ParaplegiaD. All of the above

25.The division of the Autonomic Nervous System that prepares the body for emergency situations is the?

A. Sympathetic divisionC. Peripheral division

B. Parasympathetic divisionD. Sensory division

26.Which of the following is NOT controlled by the Cerebrum?

A. SpeechC. Memory

B. Conscious thoughtD. Respiration

27.Which of the following is NOT one of the cranial nerves?

A. OlfactoryC. Acoustic

B. TrigeminalD. Medullary

28.This disease most commonly strikes young women in their 20’s?

A. Parkinson’s diseaseC. Aneurysm

B. Multiple SclerosisD. Cerebral Palsy

29.The Medulla Oblongata controls all of the following processes EXECEPT:

A. BalanceC. Respiration

B. Heart RateD. Body Temperature

30.The distal end of the spinal cord is known as the?

A. HypoglossalC. Cauda Equina

B. Spinal AccessoryD. Dura Mater


31.A Football player takes a hard hit to the head and falls to the ground. He is unconscious for about 1 minute. As he regains consciousness, he complains of pain in his head, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and demonstrates some loss of coordination. He is having great difficulty remembering what happened prior to the injury. There is no numbness or tingling in his arms and legs. What specific injury may have happened? What is the appropriate management and return to play criteria for this athlete?

• Second degree concussion

• Athlete should be removed from activity that day. He must be headache-free for 24 hours and be monitored and cleared by a physician (because of his loss of consciousness) before returning to activity.

32.Describe 3 different reflexes resulting from the contraction of a muscle when it is suddenly stretched:

• Biceps reflex – Flexes elbow

• Triceps reflex – Extends elbow

• Patellar reflex – Extends the knee

• Achilles reflex – Plantar flexes the ankle

• Babinski reflex – Dorsiflexes the ankle and fans toes

33.Give an example of a reflex which is the removal of a body part from a painful stimulus:

• Touching a hot stove and immediately pulling the hand away

34.What are the functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid? Where is it found?

• Lies in the space between the arachnoid and pia mater layers.

• Functions to act as a cushion for the brain and the spinal cord.

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