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Special Technical Rules

for the

10 m Air Pistol Rapid Event


10 m Air Pistol Standard Event


Edition 1997 (first printing, 11/96

Effective 1 January 1997


Page number

















NOTES: Rule references which are given with numbers only refer to rules in this book. If the reference is to another rule book it will be specified.


1.1 These Rules are part of the Technical Rules of the UIT.

1.2 All shooters, team leaders, and officials must be familiar with the UIT Rules and must ensure that these Rules are enforced.


2.1 UIT Rules state only specific safety requirements which are required by the UIT for use in UIT Championships. Necessary and special safety regulations for ranges differ from country to country. For this reason no details are stated within these rules. The safety of a shooting range depends to a large extent on local conditions, and additional safety rules may be established by the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee must know the principles of range safety and take the necessary steps to apply them. The Organizing Committee is responsible for safety.

2.2 The safety of shooters, range personnel and spectators requires continued and careful attention to pistols handling and caution in moving about the range. Self-discipline is necessary on the part of all. Where such self-discipline is lacking, it is the duty of range officials to enforce discipline and the duty of shooters and team officials to assist in such enforcement.

2.3 In the interest of safety, a Jury Member or a range official may stop shooting at any time. Shooters and team officials must immediately notify Range Officers or Jury Members of any situation that may be dangerous, or which may cause an accident.

2.4 An Equipment Inspector, Range Officer, or Jury Member may pick up a shooter's equipment (including the pistol) for control without permission, but in his presence and with his knowledge.

2.5 To ensure safety, all pistols must be handled with maximum care at all times.

2.5.1 Pistols may be loaded only at the firing point and only after the command to "LOAD" or "START" is given. No magazine or chamber may be filled, or loaded, before these orders are given. Officials must ensure that shooters have the necessary time to load.

2.5.2 After the last shot, the shooter must ascertain before leaving the firing point, and have the Range Officer verify, that there are no pellets in the chamber or magazine(s).

2.5.3 Dry firing and aiming exercises are permitted, but only with the permission of the Range Officer and only on the firing line or in a designated area. Pistols and magazines must not be touched when operating personnel are forward of the firing line (see Rule 2.7).

2.5.4 All pistols must be kept unloaded except on the firing point after the command "LOAD" or signal to "START" has been given. If a shooter fires a shot before the command "LOAD", or "START", or after the command "UNLOAD" has been given he may be disqualified.

2.5.5 Air and gas pistols must be made safe by opening the cocking handle and/or loading port and removing magazine.

2.5.6 While the shooter is on the firing point, the pistol must always be pointed in a safe direction. In the range, when the pistol is not on the firing point, it must always be in its case unless otherwise authorized by the Range Officer.

2.6 When the command or signal to "STOP" is given, all shooters must stop shooting immediately. When the command "UNLOAD" is given, all shooters must unload their pistols, empty magazines and place them on the shooting bench. Shooting may only be resumed when the command "LOAD" or signal to "START" is given again (see Rule 2.7).

2.7 The Chief Range Officer, or Range Officer, is responsible for giving the commands "LOAD", "START", "STOP", "UNLOAD" and other necessary commands. Range officials must also be sure that the commands are obeyed and that all pistols are handled safely. Any shooter who touches a pistol or magazine, except to unload the pistol, without the permission of the Range Officer, after the command or signal to "STOP" or " UNLOAD " has been given, may be disqualified.


Specifications for Air Pistol ranges are found in GTR, Section 3.

3.1 Ranges used for the 10m Rapid Air Pistol Events must be equipped with target rotating, or turning, mechanisms which permit 90 degrees (+/- 10 degrees) turning of the targets on the vertical axis, OR be equipped with other methods, or systems, approved by the UIT, which achieve the same purpose by control of exposure-time. When turning targets are used:

3.1.1 The time for turning must not exceed 0.3 seconds;

3.1.2 When all targets have turned, there must be no visible vibration to distract the shooter.

3.1.3 All targets must turn simultaneously and this must be achieved by the use of a mechanism which provides efficient operation and accurate timing. Any turning and timing device must ensure: The 90 degrees rotation of the targets from the edge-on to the facing position and their remaining in the facing position for the specified period of time.

3.1.4 Accurate and consistent timing of both the rotation period and the period at rest in the faced position must be checked before and during the competition by one of the following methods: by the use of three hand-operated stopwatches and taking the median (middle) stopwatch time; or by using other systems or devices which have been approved by the UIT Technical Committee.

3.1.5 Timing must start at the moment the targets begin to face, and stop at the moment the targets begin to turn away.

3.1.6 If the time is less than specified, or greater, by more than 0.2 seconds, the Range Officer or a Jury Member must stop the shooting to allow the timing mechanism to be regulated. In such cases the Jury may postpone the start, or re-start of shooting.

3.1.7 Facing times for the 10 m Air Pistol Rapid Event must be 12 seconds (first Stage) and 8 seconds (second Stage).

3.1.8. Facing time for the Air Pistol Standard Event must be 20 seconds (first Stage) and 10 seconds (second Stage)

3.1.9. Their return to the edge-on position, after the specified times, must be correct to +0.2 seconds -0.0 seconds.

3.2 10 m Air Pistol Rapid Target.

(For the Air Pistol Rapid Events and the Air Pistol Standard Events)

3.2.1 These targets have rings of the following dimensions (see Figure 1):

10 ring / = / 22.0 mm / (+/- 0.1 mm)
9 ring / = / 48.5 mm / (+/- 0.2 mm)
8 ring / = / 75.0 mm / (+/- 0.2 mm)
7 ring / = / 101.5 mm / (+/- 0.2 mm)
6 ring / = / 128.0 mm / (+/- 0.2 mm)
5 ring / = / 154.5 mm / (+/- 0.2 mm)
Inner ten / = / 11.0 mm(+/- 0.1 mm)
Diameter of black bull's-eye: / = / 75.0 mm.
Ring thickness: / = / 0.1 mm. to 0.2 mm.
Minimum visible size of target: / = / 170.0 mm. x 170.0 mm.

3.2.2 The scoring rings are marked with numbers corresponding to the value in points which they represent. The scoring ring values 5 to 9 are printed in vertical and horizontal lines at right angles to each other. The ten zone is not marked with a number. The numbers shall not be more than 2 mm high and must be easily read using normal spotting telescopes at 10 m (see Figure 1).


4.1 General standards.

Each shooter must have all pistols to be used in the competition officially examined, approved and marked prior to the competition, in accordance with General Technical Rules 10.6. Only pistols which have been approved for the competition concerned may be used. Shooters must be in possession of their Control Cards when reporting to the Range Officer at the commencement of each event, or stage (see Rule and

4.1.1 The use of devices, clothing and equipment which are contrary to the spirit of the UIT Regulations and Rules is forbidden.

4.1.2 The shooter must use the same pistol in all stages and series of an event unless it ceases to function. The Jury may grant the shooter permission to continue with another pistol. It must comply with the Rules for the event and must have been approved by the Equipment Control Section.

4.1.3 Only open sights are allowed. Optical, mirror, telescopic, laser-beam, electronically projected dot, sights, etc., are prohibited. Any aiming device programmed to activate the firing mechanism is prohibited. No protective covering is permitted on front or rear open sights.

4.1.4 Corrective lenses and/or filters must not be attached to the pistol, but may be worn by the shooter.

4.1.5 The shooter may use a telescope to observe his shot holes (see GTR 9.5).

4.1.6 Neither the grip nor any part of the pistol may be extended or constructed in any way which would give any support beyond the hand. The wrist must remain visibly free from support when the pistol is held in the normal firing position. Bracelets, wrist watches, wrist bands, or similar items are prohibited on the hand or arm which holds the pistol. It is the responsibility of each shooter the ensure that no part of the pistol touches the wrist when it is held in the normal firing position. Infringements during any competition will be penalized in accordance with GTR 9.6.

4.1.7 Adjustable grips are permitted providing they conform to the rules for the event when adjusted for the shooter's hand. The adjustment must not be changed after the Equipment Control check (see GTR 10.7). Checks may also be conducted before and after each event, or stage.

4.1.8 Electronic triggers are allowed providing: all their components are firmly attached to and contained within the pistol frame and grip; the trigger is operated by the gun hand; all components are included when the pistol is submitted for inspection by the Equipment Control Section the pistol with all components installed complies with the rules governing dimensions and weight.

4.1.9 All projectiles used must be made of lead or similar soft material only. Jacketed projectiles are not permitted.

4.1.10 Clothing

The use of any devices, means or garments, which support or immobilize the shooter's body, arms, wrist, legs or ankles are not allowed. Normal low sided shoes should be worn. Any high sided type shoes (such as Rifle, Basketball, or Ski boots, etc.) which cover the ankle bone, or could give support, are not permitted. Clothing, including shoes, will not be checked at Equipment Control, but may be checked at the range. It is the responsibility of each shooter to comply with this rule.

4.1.11 Sound Producing Equipment

Only sound reducing devices may be used. Radios, tape recorders, or any type of sound producing or communication systems are prohibited during competitions and official training (see GTR 9.5, 9.5.1 and 9.5.2). The use of mobile telephones, walkie-talkies or similar devices by competitors, coaches and team officials while within the competition area is prohibited. All mobile telephones must be switched OFF.

4.2 Rapid Air Pistol

Any caliber 4.5 mm (.177) compressed air or gas pistol, which complies with Rule 4.1 and the following standards, may be used:

4.2.1 The pistol used in the Rapid Air Pistol Event must be loaded with five (5) pellets only.

4.2.2 The weight of the pistol with all accessories must not exceed 1500 grams.

4.2.3 No part of the grip or accessories may encircle the hand. The heel rest must extend at an angle not less than 90 degrees to the grip. Any upward curvature of the heel and/or thumb rests and/or downward curvature of the side opposite the thumb is prohibited (see Figure 2). The thumb support must allow free upward movement of the thumb. However, curved surfaces on the grips or frame, including the heel and/or thumb rest in the longitudinal direction of the pistol are permitted (see Figures 2 and 3).

4.2.4 The overall size of the pistol is limited to those dimensions which will permit it to be enclosed completely in a rectangular box having the inside dimensions of 420mm x 200mm x 50mm. A manufacturing tolerance of + 1.0mm - 0.0mm in the dimensions of the box will be permitted. The magazine need not be fitted for the box test.

4.2.5 Ported barrels and perforated barrel attachments are allowed providing pistols comply with all other requirements, including dimensions.

4.2.6 Ammunition: Any caliber 4.5mm (.177) projectile, made of lead or other soft material is permitted.

4.2.7 The weight of the trigger pull is 500 grams.


5.1 A Range Jury must be appointed to supervise the conduct of Events (see GTR 5.0).

5.2 Chief Range Officer

A Chief Range Officer must be appointed for each event on a specific range. The Chief Range Officer is:

5.2.1 In charge of all Range Officers and range personnel and is responsible for the correct conduct of the shooting event and, where centralized control is exercised, he will be responsible for all range commands.