1. Contact details

Organisation name: / Elgoni Charitable Organisation (ECO)
Main office address: / Khartoum
Other address(es):
Telephone: / 0912782462
Email: /
2.1Vital information – staff
Name of contact person:
Do you accept volunteers? / AsaadAseedAlawy-AmelAseed
Local: yes
International: yes
3.1 Your peacebuilding work –general description
Organisational profile:
Please include at least a 300-word profile of background information that would give someone a good introduction to the organisation’s work.
Things that might be of interest include:
- Why the organisation was established
- The context the organisation works in
- The conflict issues the organisation addresses
- A profile of a staff member / Al Goni is a Sudanese NGO, non-political and non – sectarian, established in 1998 and officially registered at the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs on 5/2/2003. With its head office in Khartoum, ELObied North Kordofan State sub office, Al Fula West Kordofan State sub office and regional office at Elmugad in Abyei Locality.
Contribute toward peace building, health, education, community development, women& Children Adolescents& youth and capacity building.
  • Assist in economic & social development of the Community
  • Strengthen the efforts towards health education & HIV / AIDS Fighting.
  • Focusing on woman & Children issues & human rights.
  • Promoting human recourses through training, Skills.
  • Contribute towards peace building and conflict resolution.
  • Improve education, culture & support academic and social achievements
  • Encourage and pioneer healthy and rich environment.
Major achievements:
-The peace building Initiative for north Abeyie communities to ensure peaceful coexistence, through media, community radio and mobile theatre reached out for 5 communities targeting women, youth and traditional leaders.
-Training of 20 participants on child protection issues in 5 target areas north of Abeiyie
-Good partnership with Save the Children to implement an monitor activities sin 3 areas in Abeiyie on food security and protection
-HIV/AIDS awareness raising campaign continue to cover more localitiesincluding Adebub and North Abeiyie
-Engaging Sport person and activities to disseminate peacebuilding and conflict transformation messages by organising completion between different teams in villages and administrative units
-The organisation also employs mobile theatre where it trained 25 participants (male and female) from the youth on using theatre to dissemination sustain peace in the area.
-Al Goni continues to conduct environmental and sanitation campaigns at schools and resident areas
-Rehabilitation of 2 water yards and of one school in Abu Karshola 2013 and al Rahad Abu Dakna.
Success story (optional):
Al Goni has not confined to service provision through water yards but has expanded its activities to include child protection issues. Its partner with UNICEF in 2013 to advocate for the child right act was a success story in such an area. The organisation fixed 20 iron banner at the entrances of towns and administrative units with messages on ; let ‘s endure messengers for peace , forgiveness and reconciliation and children are the future makers let’s protect them. Chid protection and peace and building.
What is the motivation of the organisation? Why did they get involved in peacebuilding? How committed do they seem to the cause? Is there evidence they are notmotivated by money?
-The organisation started as a charity organisation run to help support poor families and to provide Qur’anic teaching to young children. The first private well established in Al Mujlad was by the Al Goni family. As Messeriyia the organisation realised the need to raise awareness on peace and water provision was perceived the solution for many problems.
-Their long standing relation with many INT organisations proves that Al Goni is committed to peacebuilding among the different Messeriya and with the other tribes
What is the reputation of the peacebuilder at the community level? Are beneficiaries satisfied with the work they have done in the past? Do the communities want to see more work done by them?
-It is highly respected and considered a “good” organisation.[TG1] The community expect more especially needy families.
-ECO organized community development activities including free health days activities and wellness awareness campaigns since 1999 and collaboration with Abyie municipality and other stakeholders in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010 a representative summary of the thousands of hours collective volunteering experience of ECO team
Does the rationale of their work seem sound within the context? Do they seem to be doing work which the communities would prioritise?
-ECO supported training of 250 community leaders, youth and women in North of Abyei on conflict resolution and peace building with the support of AECOM. The project also contributed to peaceful co-existence in the area through sports and cultural activities and created 15 reconciliation committees in 15 villages and 15 early warning committees 2010.
What is the level of participation of the communities in their work at design and implementation?
-It does not seem to engage the community at the design much. [TG2]However most of the activities do require the participation of the communities, whether are sports, theatre or advocacy.
Is there reason to believe they can bridge conflict divides and effectively mobilise communities for peace? For example, do they get supported by the communities through cash, in-kind or volunteers for their work?
-Al Goni works with volunteer especially the youth in its peace communication messaging for DDR activities
3.2Your peacebuilding work – programme categories
We want to understand the general areas of work of your organisation.
What are the main peacebuilding activities you are involved in?
Please select all that apply. / Children (0 – 15)
x Conflict prevention
x Culture, Media & Advocacy
Development and Peacebuilding
Early warning
X Health & Counselling
Human rights and Justice
Governance and transitional justice
Mediation & Dialogue
Natural Resources and Conflict, Climate Change
x Peace education
Women, Peace and Security & Gender mainstreaming
Reconciliation Research
Youth (16-28)
3.3 Your peacebuilding work – specific activities and major achievements
For each category marked in section 3.2 above, please give an example of a specific activity or project you have organised. Use the headings given – copy and paste for each activity. / Major achievements:
The peace building Initiative for north Abeyie communities to ensure peaceful coexistence, through media, community radio and mobile theatre reached out for 5 communities targeting women, youth and traditional leaders.
Training of 20 participants on child protection issues in 5 target areas north of Abeiyie
Good partnership with Save the Children to implement an monitor activities sin 3 areas in Abeiyie on food security and protection
HIV/AIDS awareness raising campaign continue to cover more localitiesincluding Adebub and North Abeiyie
Engaging Sport person and activities to disseminate peacebuilding and conflict transformation messages by organising completion between different teams in villages and administrative units
The organisation also employs mobile theatre where it trained 25 participants (male and female) from the youth on using theatre to dissemination sustain peace in the area.
Al Goni continues to conduct environmental and sanitation campaigns at schools and resident areas
Rehabilitation of 2 water yards and of one school in Abu Karshola 2013 and al Rahad Abu Dakna.
3.4 Your peacebuilding work – locations
Please tick all that apply. / Abyei, Muglad, Merum, & Debab

[TG1]Why? What leads you to reach that conclusion?

[TG2]What makes you reach this conclusion? How do you know this?