Working Agreement Between Revd ????? and Revd ?????

Associate Minister Rev’d Xxx

Vicar Rev’d. Yyy

Parish Zzz

Working agreement to be effective from

This Agreement is not intended to be a legally binding agreement but it ensures that the curate and incumbent have discussed, understood, and accepted the mutual expectations of the training post. It is complementary to, and assumes acceptance of

  • Statements of Particulars
  • The Clergy Handbook(available on the diocesan website
  • Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy 2015 edition(available on the Church of England website
  1. Introduction

The purpose of this agreement is to establish in broad detail the extent to which Xxx will share ministerial responsibility with Yyy and other members of the team in the worship and work of the parish(es). The agreement will establish the time which Xxx is able to give to the parish on a weekly basis and what he/she may expect in terms of training, encouragement and support.

  1. Focus of Ministry

Xxx’s focus of Ministry will be within the Parish(es) of Zzz.

  1. Ministry in Secular Employment

Insert details of any position which an SSM may hold in their secular employment which bears directlyon their ordained status.


Xxx holds no official ministerial position in his/her secular employment which bears directly on his/her ordained status. (He/she will be happy to be seen as someone willing to support colleagues pastorally and spiritually should appropriate opportunities arise).

  1. Working Arrangements

a) Xxx will be able to give Sundays and ??? days/evenings/hours to parochial work. This includes time spent in preparation, personal reading and study, and CMD.

b) Xxx’s day off will be

c) Xxx will have one Sunday a month off from parochial duties, which will usually be the ?th Sunday of the month.

d) Xxx will be entitled to up to six weeks holiday from parochial duties. This includes time off, including a Sunday, after Christmas and Easter. These times will be agreed with Yyy. Retreats and CMD training are not included within this holiday allocation.

e) It is expected that Xxx will provide cover when Yyy is away from the parish.

f) Should an interregnum arise, the degree to which Xxx might reasonably be expected to bear the ministry load will be discussed and agreed with the Area Dean, Churchwardens and CMD Officer.

5. Worship

a) Xxx will usually attend one/two/three services on a Sunday.

b) It is expected that Xxx will preach (or: prepare a new sermon) once a month/fortnightly.

c) It is expected that Xxx will share in the leading of worship at most services at which she is present.

d) It is expected that Xxx will wear robes in accordance with the customary practice of the church(es).

e) It is anticipated that Yyy and Xxx will share presidency at the Eucharist on an equal basis with the incumbent and other members of the team (or:…..)

6. Occasional Offices

a) Anything on Baptisms

b) Anything on Weddings

c) Anything on Funerals

7. Meeting Pattern

a) Yyy and Xxx will meet to share the Daily Office/Prayer on ???? mornings/evenings (along with other members of the parish/team).

b) Yyy and Xxx will meet weekly/fortnightly/monthly on a ????? morning/evening for Discussion and Theological Reflection.

c) Yyy and Xxx will meet weekly/fortnightly/monthly on a ???? morning/evening for ‘Staff Meeting’, including planning, and diary management.

d) Xxx will be encouraged to undertake relevant training, and will be encouraged to continue private reading and study. He/she will also be encouraged to take an annual Retreat.

8.General Pastoral and Teaching Ministry

Xxx has particular experience and gifts in the area of ?????. He/she will be given opportunity to use these gifts within the life of the Church through…..


Xxx will hold particular responsibility for…..

9. Professional Approach to Ministry

Xxxx will be punctual and observe professional standards of conduct in attending meetings, answering correspondence etc.

Xxxx will observe loyalty towards colleagues and confidentiality within the clergy team, (in accordance with paragraphs 12.7 – 12.9 of Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy, 2015 edition)He/she will make it clear to anyone wishing to speak to him/her confidentially that he/she will respect that confidentiality, but will feel free to share the contents of such conversations with the incumbent.

He/she will consult the incumbent before accepting outside commitments.

10. Parochial Support

The Parish will give Xxx and his/herfamily every encouragement and support (including prayer support) in their ministry.

If Xxx lives some way from the parish he/she will be provided with a base within the parish from which to operate when on duty. It will offer privacy, space and somewhere warm with w.c. and coffee/tea making facilities and use of a telephone.

11. Expenses

The PCC will, in accordance with the diocesan guidance, meet the normal out-of-pocket expenses associated with Xxx’s ministry including such things as postage, provision/depreciation of office equipment, stationery, telephone, hospitality, travel costs, maintenance of robes and appropriate books.

If Xxx lives outside the parish the PCC may reclaim the cost of his/her travel from his/her home to the parish boundary from the Diocesan Board of Finance at the standard mileage rate.

12. Fees

As from 1st January 2013, all fees are the property of the Chelmsford DBF and the PCC. The Chelmsford DBF has agreed that self-supporting ministers may retain two-thirds of the DBF part of any fees. Additionally they are entitled to usual associated working expenses.

13. Mediation

In the event of difficulties arising over personal relations or working arrangements which cannot be settled between them either Xxx or Yyy may consult with the Area SSM Officer who may advise personally, or if appropriate, will refer the situation to the Area Bishop.

Less formally, if either has a concern about their role or relationship, they should feel free to discuss it on a confidential basis with the Area SSM Officer.

14. Revision and Termination of Agreement

This agreement will be for a period of a year/two years/three years and thereafter updated or reconfirmed after each Senior Staff review. The agreement should also be updated if, meanwhile, there are significant changes in the SSMs ministry responsibilities or personal circumstances. The responsibility for updating lies with the SSM and his/her incumbent. Amendments or revisions must be submitted to the Area Bishop for approval within 3 months of the Senior Staff review.

The agreement will also terminate if there is a change of incumbent or if, as a result of a Senior Staff or other review, Xxx is deployed elsewhere.


Associate Priest




SSM Officer



Supplement to Working Agreement for Associate Ministers who live outside the parish to which they are licensed

Name of Minister:


Because Xxx lives outside the parish the PCC may reclaim the cost of his/her travel from home to the parish boundary from the Diocesan Board of Finance at the standard mileage rate. This will be on the basis of an anticipated ***round trips of *** miles each, per working week, a total of ***miles each working week.

Authorised by Area Bishop:



A signed copy of this page should sent to the Accounts Department of the Diocesan Office, and a copy should also be lodged with the PCC treasurer.