Friends of Ketley Paddock Mound

Notes from the Quarterly Management meeting held on Monday 10th July 2017


Adrian Corney, Becky Eade, June Lamsdell, Fen Tyler (part), Wendy Stubbs


Phil Griffiths

We walked round the site apart from the top mound and then met Fen in KCC.

Area above Severn Trent: Strim and remove at the end of summer and reassess in May.

Residents complaint re over hanging trees: Advise them to contact T&W directly.

Along Shepherds Lane footpath: Trees growing into cables. BE will confirm whether this is the responsibility of the utilities involved and report back.

T&W to reduce the height of the hedge.

Encroaching grass at path edges: Friends can do this by hand but there is an option for the Payback team to help. T&W could spray the edges but the Friends prefer not to use chemicals. AC advises this is easier to do when the soil is dry.

Dead tree along the glade footpath to be removed by T&W asap.

Round Pool: Very congested again. Awaiting dredging in Autumn/Winter 2018/19

Dipping platform to be discussed at Friends meeting tomorrow.

Motor bikes: No satisfactory answer to this problem.

Broken Handrail: WS to take a couple of photos for AC

Shepherds Lane Horse Paddock: WS to contact James Dunn and his secretary Carol Reed re the importance of this field for the LNR and to reinstate our interest.

Jason(PET) to be asked to join the walkabout in future.

Management Plan: Informed the meeting we agreed with most of the plan.We discussed the two queries we had. BE to arrange a meeting with the PC to discuss the plan with them too in view that they weren’t represented today.

WS asked if the meadow could be cut earlier this year and then harrowed.

Gavin Onions to be asked to the next meeting with a view of removing three large trees to allow in more light.

Date of next meeting

Monday 2nd October 2017