New Inside Out

Upper Intermediate


Area: Foreign Languages (English)





Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 4-13 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. / Show interest in learning English
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 4 / TB page 2 / References to historical events such as the Millennium celebrations, Beijing Olympics, Princess Diana and the first Moon landing / Show curiosity in learning about History in English.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 10 / Moral and Civic Education:
Students learn the importance of respecting everybody regardless of their physical appearance or their image. / Be willing to respect everybody.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / SB pages 8-9 / References to famous singer and pop star Madonna. / Show pleasure in learning about famous people from other countries.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 34-35 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by completing the Review A to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 132-133 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive attitude towards own ability to participate
in class activities. Willingness to listen to and interact with others
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 4-13 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.




Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 14-23 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. / Show interest in learning English
C2 / Mathematical competence. / SB page 23 / Students need to analyse a graphic with information about word frequency. / Learn to use mathematical concepts in English.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 15 / Geographical references to cities such as Angers, Bremen, Salamanca or Somerset / Show curiosity in learning geographical facts from other countries.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 15
SB page 16
SB pages 16-20 / Education for Peace:
The importance of travelling so as broaden one’s mind and understanding other cultures
Moral and Civic Education:
The importance of respecting everybody regardless of their profession or their hobbies.
Education for Peace: the importance of family relationships in our society in spite of the generation gaps. / Understand the importance of travelling and respecting other cultures.
Be willing to respect everybody.
Understand the role of the family.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / TB page 14 / References to American singer Cher. / Show pleasure in learning cultural facts about famous people from other countries.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 34-35 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by completing the Review A to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 132-133 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive participation in class activities. Willingness to listen to and interact with others
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 14-23 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.




Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 24-33 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. / Show interest in learning English
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 24 / References to the History of the Gold Fever in California in 1848.. / Show curiosity in learning historical facts from other countries.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 24-33
SB page 27 / Consumer Education:
Students learn the importance of having a critical attitude towards spending money, going shopping, possessions, etc.
Moral and Civic Education: Understand the importance of behaving in the right way. / Be able to understand that money doesn’t bring happiness.
Understand the importance of good behaviour
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / SB page 30 / Students also read a text about a man who sold his life on eBay / Show pleasure in learning cultural facts.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 34-35 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by completing the Review A to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 134-135 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive attitude towards own ability to participate
in class activities. Willingness to listen to and interact with others
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 24-33 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.




Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 36-45 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. / Show interest in learning English
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB pages 37-38
TB page 39 / References to the North Pole and polar bears.
References to Hyde Park in London / Show curiosity in learning about natural science and geography in English.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 41-42
SB page 40 / Education for Health:
The importance of following healthy attitudes such as giving up smoking or doing exercise.
Moral and Civic Education: the importance of charity organisations such as the ones that raise money for breast cancer. / Be willing to follow healthy habits.
Understand the important work done by charity.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / TB page 36 / References to Richard Branson, who founded Virgin Records, and to Ellen MacArthur, who did a solo circumnavigation of the globe. / Show pleasure in learning facts about challenging people from other countries.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 66-67 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by completing the Review B to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 134-135 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive attitude towards own ability to participate
in class activities. Willingness to listen to and interact with others
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 36-45 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.




Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 46-55 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. / Show interest in learning English
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 51 / Students learn about different types of wedding rituals in several countries such as Spain, Turkey, Morocco, etc. / Show curiosity in learning about other countries’ habits.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 47-49
SB page 51 / Education for Health:
Students learn the importance of practising sport, having a balanced breakfast and avoiding being too superstitious in order to be healthy.
Education for Peace:
The importance of respecting wedding habits and any sort of rituals from other countries. / Be willing to follow healthy habits.
Be willing to respect other cultures.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / SB page 47
SB page 50 / References to famous people’s superstitions such as Serena Williams, Ana Ivanovic, Adrian Mutu, David Beckham, Michael Jackson or Prince.
References to Elvis Presley and Las Vegas. / Show pleasure in learning about famous people from other countries.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 66-67 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by completing the Review B to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 136-137 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive attitude towards own ability to participate
in class activities. Willingness to listen to and interact with others
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 46-55 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.



Basic Competence / Page / Activity / Evaluation Criteria
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / SB pages 56-65 / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication. In this unit students also learn other ways of communication such as sign language. / Show interest in learning English
Feel happy to learn different ways of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence. / SB pages 62-63 / Students analyse a text with statistics about food waste in the UK. They also learn to pronounce different types of numbers: fractions, decimals, etc. / Learn to use mathematical concepts in English.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB pages 60-61 / References to environmental issues such as cruelty to animals, global warming, the Environmental Defence Fund, etc. / Show curiosity in learning things related to the environment.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities: / Show pleasure in using new technologies in order to revise and extend what the have learnt in the unit.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 60
SB pages 60-61
SB page 62
SB pages 56-58 / Education for Health:
The importance of having a balanced diet in order to be healthy.
Environmental Education: being critical towards certain attitudes that affect the environment such as the meat industry or using bottled water.
Moral and Civic Education: being aware of the problem of food waste in developed countries.
Education for Leisure: the importance of enjoying free time activities such as going to restaurants. / Be willing to follow healthy habits.
Understand the importance of protecting the environment.
Showing criticism towards food waste.
Understand that leisure is important in our lives.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / SB page 63 / References to Pixar film Wall-E / Show pleasure in learning cultural facts.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 66-67 / Students understand the process of learning by completing the Review B to revise all the contents learnt in the last three units, and evaluating their work in the TB checklists. / Show interest in learning how to learn English.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / SB pages 136-137 / Students can complete the WB exercises by themselves and refer to the Grammar Extra and the CD-Rom activities in an autonomous way. / Positive attitude towards own ability to participate
in class activities.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 56-65 / Through the Pairwork activities of the unit, students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’. / Enjoyment in group participation.
Respect for others in the group.