Any person who is suffering from a migraine headache can give you an idea as to how agonizing the pain can be. This severe unbearable pain can have a significant impact on your emotional and physical well being hence making your routine functioning impossible. But, Homeopathy is one safe therapy that can help you find a permanent relief from this agony. Migraine is a vascular headache of a severe and chronic nature. Low levels of serotonin activate some chemical changes, which causes dilation (expansion) of blood vessels in the brain and nerve irritation, hence causing the Migraine headache. It is generally centered above one eye or the other. It is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. Most migraine headaches usually last for about 4 hours, but occasionally severe ones can last for several days or up to a week. The migraine headaches can characteristically come in clusters or periodically. The rate of recurrence of migraines varies extensively among individuals. It is common for a migraine sufferer to get 2-4 headaches per month. Some people, however, may get headaches every few days, while others only get a migraine once or twice a year.

Types of Migraine: Migraine can be classified into two categories:

1)  Migraine without aura: This type is more common and is associated with a slowly increasing headache which in due course develops into a throbbing headache. This headache is mostly unilateral and is accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and unusual sensitiveness to light and noise

2)  Migraine with aura: This type is less common and is known as classical migraine. This headache is unilateral too and is accompanied with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light often causing momentary visual impairment, double vision, numbness, tingling, vertigo, difficulty speaking, and weakness on one side of the body. Some people may have symptoms of migraine aura without a headache.

(Aura is a premonition, generally consisting of visual disturbances or neurological symptoms occurring within the hour before the onset of the headache).

Causes of Migraine:

The correct cause of a migraine is not known. It has a tendency to run in families and the vascular theory states that migraine is due to the inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels in the head causing a disturbance of blood flow and thus leading to pain. There are a number of factors that can trigger an attack. Migraine ‘triggers’ can be categorized as follows:

·  Physical fatigue, due to over-exertion or over-relaxation.

·  Psychological factors like stress, excitement, worry, shock, and anxiety.

·  Sensitivity to certain foods and beverages: Certain foods like cheese, chocolates, alcohol, caffeine, citrus fruits, etc. can trigger a migraine attack.

·  Low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia can trigger migraine too. Often, missing meals can trigger an attack, especially in children.

·  Medical problems like high blood pressure, dental problems, etc.

·  Hormonal: Migraine has a 75% rate among women, mainly due to the hormonal relationship with estrogen that influences serotonin levels. When estrogen levels fall, so do serotonin levels. This link between estrogen and serotonin levels may also explain why some women suffer from migraine shortly before their menstrual periods or during perimenopause (the years leading up to menopause). Headaches related directly with the menstrual period are referred to as menstrual migraine.

·  Lack of sleep or too much sleep can trigger migraine attacks. A number of people find that they get migraine after overindulging into a weekend sleep.

·  Other factors like loud noise, bright lights, TV, strong smells, weather changes can also trigger the attack.

Signs and symptoms of Migraine:

·  Pain that is more severe on one side of your head.

·  Throbbing or hammering pain.

·  Pain that interrupts with normal activity.

·  Pain aggravated by activity.

·  Nausea and vomiting accompanied by headache.

·  Unusual sensitiveness to light or sound.

·  Visual disturbances -- Hallucinations, Flashing lights, Double vision, etc.

Homeopathic approach to the Treatment of Migraine:

Looking for a safe, natural, effective, and long-lasting answer for your migraines? Consider Homeopathy. The Homoeopathic approach to the treatment of migraine patients is more individualistic. Homoeopathy considers migraine as a personality disorder and for this reason the treatment must be decided on the basis of a complete study of the patients' personality. There are hundreds of Homeopathic medicines which are used successfully for the treatment of migraine. For a permanent relief from Migraine, you need to consult an experienced Homeopath who can understand the picture of the disease from a detailed analysis of the patient to find the correct remedy for that particular patient based on the patient’s individuality. This constitutional approach helps treat all cases of migraine successfully. Also, Homeopathic medicines are 100% safe with no side effects and are proven effectively on human beings. The positive effect of Homeopathic treatment is long lasting and can last for life.

With most of the patients the initial improvement starts after 2-4 week treatment, reducing the frequency and interval of the attacks. The attacks are almost terminated after 4-8 week treatment. But to achieve the maximum and the most permanent result the patient has to undergo 8-18 month treatment.

Do’s and Don’ts to help you deal with Migraine headache:

·  Splash cold water on your face during a severe migraine attack, and then lie down in a dark room and rest.

·  Take adequate sleep.

·  Take a break from your daily routine.

·  Set a regular and organized routine for your life style.

·  Work in a pleasant atmosphere. Avoid stress.

·  Avoid exposure to bright lights, loud noises, cold drafts, being under the sun for a long time, overstraining your eyes.

·  Avoid fried, too salty, spicy food, alcohol, caffeine, canned foods, stop smoking. A vegetarian diet is preferable.

·  Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables.

·  Don’t overwork yourself physically or mentally.

·  Don’t overeat, eat small and frequent meals.

Hence, every person suffering from migraine must consider Homeopathy to provide relief and lifetime cure.