2016Sommelier ChallengeInternational Wine & Spirits Competition

September 17 and 18, 2016

Wine Entry Form

Mailing address: .
(address to which any award notification or correspondence will be sent)
City, State, Zip: .
Country of Origin, and the state if US: . / Contact Person: .
Phone: . Ext or Dept: .
Email: _____ .
Parent Company/ Importer/ Marketer submitting this entry if other than winery
Website: .
Twitter: ______/ Number of wines entered:
X $80 if paid by July 15 or
$90 after July 15
$ Total Entry fee
Make check payable to
Sommelier Challenge
or provide credit card info.
TO CHARGE ENTRY FEE: Visa, MasterCard, American Express only. Note: Charge will appear as “Wine Cellar Productions”.
Credit Card # : . Expiration: . Security Code: .
Name on card: .
Credit card billing address: .

For instructions, rules and codes, and for instructions for entering Distilled Spirits, go to PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY.

Provide information as it appears on the label. Please include grape(s) even if it is 100% so we can verify it is coded correctly. Include percentage of Residual Sugar even if dry. Include a copy of entry form with shipment. Send six 750ml bottles of each wine to Sommelier Challenge, 315 16th Street, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92101-7605, Attn Felicia Forbes 619-254-7117. Entry Deadline is extended to September 13, but please enter as soon as possible. Wine must be received by September 14.

Code / Vintage
per label
or NV / Wine Name:Varietal, blend or proprietary name as it appears on the label. Include Brand name if different than Winery above. / Identifying designationssuch as Reserve, Estate Grown, specific vineyard,etc.
ONLY if on label. / Appellation per label / Percentage of Each Grape
or other ingredient if any
(For verification of coding) / Residual Sugar
Percent / Price

2016 Sommelier Challenge International Wine & Spirits Competition

September 17 and 18, 2016

Wine Entry Form

WINERY: . Parent Company if any: . Number of Wines Entered: .

*NOTE: Use this page (and additional copies of it) only after completing page one of the entry form so that we have your contact information. If this page is blank, it not need be submitted.

Code / Vintage
per label
or NV / Wine Name:Varietal, blend or proprietary name as it appears on the label. Include Brand name if different than Winery above. / Identifying designations such as Reserve, Estate Grown, specific vineyard,etc.
ONLY if on label. / Appellation / Percentage of Each Grape
or other ingredient if any
(For verification of coding) / Residual Sugar
Percent / Price


Sommelier Challenge

315 16th Street, Suite B

San Diego, CA 92101-7605

Or emailed to

Or faxed to 800-521-5413

Or enter online at

SHIP SIX (6) 750ml bottles of

eachwine, or equivalentto:

Sommelier Challenge

Attn: Felicia Forbes 619-254-7117

315 16th Street, Suite B

San Diego, CA 92101-7605

Deliveries accepted 11am-4pm or by appointment.

Wine Deadline extended to Sept 14 but you are

urged to ship at your earliest opportunity


Competition Coordinator Felicia Forbes 619-254-7117

Director Robert Whitley 619-804-0371

NOTE: See competition website for rules, entry codes and other information. Type or PRINT CLEARLY. Use of your own format is acceptable (Excel or Word) if ALL information is given. Keep a copy of completed form for your records and enclose a copy with shipment. Incomplete or inaccurate information may result in wine not being judged under the best circumstances. Competition is not responsible for entry or shipping errors. For Name of Wine, include Brand Name if different than Winery, or use separate entry form for each Brand. If you are not sure of code or if it is not on our list, you may leave that column blank. Residual Sugar is important and must be stated as a percentage number, not grams per liter, “dry”, “n/a” or other description. Estimate is acceptable. Grape composition, even if 100% of one grape, is helpful in verifying that wine is coded correctly. Give size of bottle or container if other than standard 750ml bottle. If changes must be made after entry, please fax or email an entry form marked “REVISED” to . All 6 bottles must be exactly the same vineyard, vintage, etc Mark outside of each box “Sommelier Challenge” and indicate total shipped (example: “Box 1 of 3”) and ”Samples. Not for Resale. Glass Enclosed – Fragile”. If entering both wine and spirits, they may be shipped together. All wines become the property of the competition and cannot be returned. All shipping, customs and other such charges are the responsibility of the sender. Important: If you are shipping from outside US see instructions on website regarding labeling requirements and Customs assistance if needed. If you decide to cancel after entering, whether by form or online, please notify us as soon as possible at .

Thank you for entering Sommelier Challenge.