





United Kingdom, 3rdof August 2007

Dear Pastor ………….,

I pray this letter finds you in good health.God raised me, a humble Dutchman, as an international evangelist and I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, full time, together with my wife Gillian, who ministers in song. God has blessed me with an intense passion for the lost and a soul winning anointing. We are currently scheduled and fulfilling visits to Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia.

However the Lord has instructed me as part of my ministry to edify His body with 3 messages, and anointed and gifted me in these 3 areas in which He ordered me to preach on, followed by a demonstration of His power.

1.Evangelism with power, God’s cry to His people

I preach a message from the Lord to this end time generation on God’s heart cry, souls for His Kingdom, a passionate cry from the Throne room and awareness that everybody is and can be a successful effective soul-winner. This is a message that penetrates the very soul of the congregation and ignites a burning fire for the lost, with the consequence of explosive church growth and revival. Followed by a clear teaching on how to be an effective soul winner, the provision of tools for everybody, like a script and tracts and a demonstration of God’s power by an impartation of the soul winning anointing. As ordered by the Lord, immediately after this session, we pray and go out, all of the congregation, the same evening/afternoon to move in God’s power and evangelise, after which we return and have a time of testimonies. This powerful session requires app. 2 - 2 ½ hours (give and take as the Holy Spirit leads; 1 hour for {song + sermon + teaching + prayer}, 1 hour evangelism and ½ hour for testimonies).

2.Deliverance & Inner Healing /How the demonic operates / Spiritual Warfare - How to cast out devils/ The effects of the occult, trauma and curses and how to overcome in Christ and break curses.

Ordered by the Lord, I have been trained in America by Rev Dr. Bob Larson the world’s foremost specialist on the occult, the supernatural and deliverance; and ordained to bring this powerful and vital part of ministry to the nations the Lord has called me to. In these sessions the Lord uses me to teach on the

above topics, followed by an intense spiritual warfare session and mass curse breakingsession, a demonstration of God’s power and however else the Holy Spirit leads. Resulting in deliverance and spiritual freedom. God wants his people not to be afraid of the devil, but to see His power and His people to know they have authority and exercise it.

3.Time is running OUT! The End Time / Bible Prophecy and world events.

The Lord commanded me to preach and warn His body that time is rapidly running out and preach a clear message of Bible Prophecy and current world events in the light of prophecy. Accompanied by a power point presentation this sermon drives home the huge importance of the times we live in and the job at hand and gives understanding of the prophecies that have recently been fulfilled, those that are being fulfilled and the ones soon to be fulfilled. Dealing with the prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ, Ezekiel, Daniel and John in Revelation. Having been an ongoing student of Bible prophecy for many years, the Lord continues to impart understanding and knowledge in me to bring this urgent and important message to His people.

As an evangelist the gospel message will be brought across at the same time and therefore it is an excellent opportunity to invite the unsaved (neighbours, friends and acquaintances of the congregation), who normally might not be interested in church, but may well get interested in a special evening that explains very near future events and current world events by a Dutch evangelist, because in obedience to the Lord’s instructions an alter call will always be given.

Provided the dates are available in our travelling schedule, we are available weeknights, Saturday nights and both Sunday mornings and evenings. Because all our service is unto the Lord Jesus Christ, we do not charge for bookings, we rely on love offerings to support our ministry, especially there the countries where we preach the gospel in, in our mission field are the poor.

For bookings please contact Rev Vincent on 0115 822 6309 or alternatively on 07793 582 106.

For more information and a video message you can also see our website.

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to keep and bless you.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

EvangelistRev. Vincent Jan ten Bouwhuis

“The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few…” Luke 10:2


Evangelist Vincent Jan ten Bouwhuis

Vincent, evangelist and founder, a Dutchman born in 1972 in The Netherlands, Born Again in the United Kingdom, having lived in The Netherlands (Holland) and Germany, I resided in England 10 years ago, where I met my lovely wife and soul mate Gillian. The Lord Jesus Christ gave me a specific vision for the United Kingdom and specific nationsaround the world. I love serving our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and give Him all the glory and thanking Him for His saving grace. I pray to our heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ that the work of this ministry blesses you.

Vincent, an international evangelist and an ordained, dynamic and anointed preacher of the gospel, is furthermore gifted in preaching and teaching on evangelism with power, the ministry of Deliverance & Inner Healing and on the End Times - Bible Prophecy. He is on fire to ignite the Body of Christ for evangelism.

Vincent is the overseeing Pastor of Spiritual Freedom Church Nottingham, United Kingdom and fully trained in advanced deliverance and inner healing and is also leading a DWJD team (Do What Jesus Did Team) an internationally associated training institute in Inner Healing and Deliverance.

“And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all

nations and then shall the end come” (Mat 24:14)

A video of highlights of various sermons can be viewed on our website on ‘the founder’ page

Office Address: 26 Thirlmere, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6RP,

United Kingdom Tel: +44 115 822 6309 Mobile: +44 7793 582 106

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