World at War Test Study Guide

Know the following:

Treaty of Versailles- a treaty that decided what punishment would be received by the triple alliance. It occurred in 1919 and was attended by US President Woodrow Wilson, France’s President Georges Clemenceau, Italy’s Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando, and Great Britain’s David Lloyd George. It was very hard on Germany and took away much of their land and all their colonies. They also had to pay reparations of $56 billion to the Triple Entente. This set the stage for Hitler’s rise to power.

Holocaust- was the destruction by fire in which over 12 million people were killed (6 million Jews). It began in 1935 and lasted until 1945. It is significant because of the amount of people murdered and the way they were murdered. The mass genocide of the Jewish people by the Nazis is unprecedented.

Communism- In 1917, the Bolsheviks held an October Revolution that overthrew the Tsarist Romanov family and started the communist regime in Russia. It grew significantly and in 1922, Lenin, the leader renamed Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (Soviet Union). It is significantly important because as the USSR grew, it overtook many neighboring countries and made them satellite countries. The Soviet Union became a superpower and dominated Eastern Europe.

The Russian Revolution occurred from 1917-1918

World War I was from 1914-1918

World War II was from 1939-1945

The Cold War was from 1945-1989

When was the fall of the Soviet Union? 1991

When did the Berlin Wall Fall? 1989

World War I was also known as The Great War and The War to end all Wars.

During WWI, Russia had the stop fighting Germany and the triple alliance to deal with its own revolution. This effectively stopped Russia’s participation in the war.

The League of Nations used trade barriers such as embargos to control countries.

World wide depression led to the rise of dictators.

NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was created as protection from communist countries.

In 1945, Germany was divided into 4 zones, governed by the US, France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. This was to keep Germany from getting too powerful again.

Eastern and Western Europe were separated by an “Iron Curtain”.

The Marshall Plan was created by the US. It gave money to European countries to help rebuild their countries and stop the spread of communism.

The Cold War was “cold” because no armies were mobilized and no weapons were fired.

Distrust was the underlying cause of the Cold War. The Soviet Union and the United States distrusted each other.

Triple alliance (Central powers)- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire; later Bulgaria

Triple Entente (Allies)- Great Britain, France, and Russia

Axis powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan

Allied powers- Great Britain, France, and Soviet Union

Adolf Hitler promised an improved economy and strong military. He said he would bring back Germany’s position of glory.

Strategies leaders use to gain support are: educate children to support and believe in a cause; create a common enemy; and use propaganda to sway people’s opinions.

A country with low standard of living and high unemployment would be the ideal candidate to become a socialist country.

During the Cold War, the two main superpowers were the USA and the Soviet Union.

Lenin became the dictator of the Russia in 1917 and renamed the country the Soviet Union.

The United Nations was the peace organization that was developed after WWII to maintain international peace and security.

When was Lenin dictator of the Soviet Union?

When was Stalin dictator of the Soviet Union?

Strategies leaders use to gain support are 1) education to support and believe in a cause; 2) Create a common enemy; and 3) Use of propaganda.

The League of Nations was developed after WWI to keep peace among countries, but it was not successful.

Be able to evaluate how the effects of the worldwide depression in Germany and the effects