Active OOSHToileting policy

Active OOSH recognises the need to ensure the safety of all children whilst accessing the toilet. The following procedures are to be implemented consistently by all educators to protect children from risk of harm or injury.


  • Educators will check the toilet facilities for safety and materials prior to the commencement of the daily program/s including before school care, after school care and vacation care as well as at different intervals throughout the session. (6:30am, 8am, 2pm, 5pm daily).
  • All children will be actively supervised whilst accessing the toilet facilities.
  • Children will have access to the toilets located within the service.
  • Adults will have access to separate toilets located within the service.
  • Educators will observe practices to ensure that they are not placing themselves in a compromising situation while escorting children to the bathroom and will ensure that a minimum of two children are escorted to the bathroom with educator at all times.
  • Children will be regularly reminded to go to the bathroom.
  • Every child is to take a buddy/partner to the bathroom with them.
  • The partner is not to go into the cubicle with the child, they must wait outside the door.
  • Children must ask an educator to go to the bathroom prior to leaving the indoor or outdoor area.
  • The educator supervising the children must walk children to toilet, wait outside of the bathroom, then walk children back to OOSH room or outdoor area.
  • Educators will actively remind and encourage children not to play in the bathroom areas.
  • Children must immediately leave the bathroom once they have gone to the toilet and washed their hands.
  • Educators regularly reinforce stranger danger procedures within BSC, ASC and VC sessions.
National Regulations / NQS / Service policies / Other
R84 / Standard 2.1.3, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, / -StaffHandbook / -Education and Care Service National Law Act, 2010 and Regulations 2011
-Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000.