Tacoma Area Commission on Disabilities


Thursday, January 3, 2013 4:00-6:00 PM

TACID Center - 6315 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA

4:00 / Call to Order
4:05 / Adoption of Agenda
4:05 / Acceptance of the Minutes
4:10 / City Manager TC Broadnax: Working Together
4:40 / NCS Director Tansy Hayward
4:45 / TACID Report- Director Ken Gibson
4:50 / ADA Coordinator Updates- Gail
4:55 / Open Forum
5:00 / Review Commission 2012 Goals and Accomplishments
5:15 / Nomination for Chair and Vice Chair
Committee Reports
5:30 / Parking Enforcement- (Gerrit Nyland)
COD Members: Gerrit Nyland, Susan Dye
2012 Goals: Improve enforcement of accessible parking laws; ensure adequate number of accessible parking spaces are provided; educate private businesses about accessible parking requirements; assist Tacoma Schools with ADA parking
5:35 / Public Right-of-Way and Transportation Committee (Gerrit Nyland) COD Members: Lois Stark, Gerrit Nyland, Susan Dye, Don Izenman
2012 Goals: Facilitate implementation of the Curb Ramp Matrix; continue assessing accessible routes to/from state/local government buildings and bus stops; provide oversight and feedback for the ADA Curb Ramp Program
5:40 / Emergency Management and Public Safety (Chuck Porret) COD Members: Chuck Porret, Lois Stark, Linda Moran
2012 Goals: Assist with City Department policies, procedures, and Memorandums of Understanding to support the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. (i.e. secure accessible sites, notify PWD)
5:45 / City Managed Parks (Lois Stark)
COD Members: Lois Stark
2012 Goals:Assess parks and streetscapes solely owned by the City.
5:50 / Effective Communication and COD Website (Esther Bennett)
COD Members: JoAnn Fritsche, Esther Bennett, Don Izenman
2012 Goals: Provide feedback and support of accessible City websites, develop mission statement for Commission: write a history of the Commission, and track accomplishments; serve as the public relations staff for the Commission (e.g. revise webpages, solicit feedback from the community as needed)
5:55 / Employment, Contracting, and Licensing (Gail Himes) COD Members: JoAnn Fritsche and Linda Moran
2012 Goals: Evaluate employment practices and hiring of people with disabilities
6:00 / Good of the Order/Announcements

Next meeting, February 7, 2013 4 to 6 pm


November 1, 2012 MINUTES

Commissioners Present:

Esther Bennett, Susan Dye, JoAnn Fritsche, Linda Moran, Gerrit Nyland, Gary Peterson

Staff Present:

Gail Himes, Tansy Hayward, Linda Villegas Bremer

Guests Present: Ken Gibson

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order. The agenda was accepted as presented. The minutes of the October 4, 2012 meeting were accepted as presented.

Open Forum: None.

Assistant City Manager (Tansy Hayward)

Ø  Ms. Hayward handed out copies of material from recent City Council presentations which included budget workshop changes. These presentations are also available on TVTacoma. One of the biggest changes is that Director Bremer is retiring effective December 1, 2012. The City Manager took the opportunity to look at efficiencies and partnerships, which resulted in the creation of a new department, ‘Neighborhood and Community Services.’ This will be a consolidation of Human Rights & Human Services and a portion of Public Works - ‘Code Enforcement, Community Based Services and Customer Services.’ There are current partnerships between these areas that involve community problem-solving. This newly combined department will address core community issues, solve community problems and become a group focused on improving quality of life for all Tacoma’s residents.

Ø  The only other change to the department is moving ChiQuata Elder, Landlord Tenant/Crime Free Housing Coordinator, to the Code Enforcement section. Ms. Elder and Code Enforcement already work closely together when there are housing closures in multi-family and rental properties due to code compliance problems. Over the next couple of months, management will look for duplication of efforts and see if more efficiency can be found. The goal of strategic realignment is to increase the level of service and make some possible reductions from prior budgets.

Ø  The Human Services Division Manager will be Diane Powers (currently the Assistant Director) and Lisa Wojtanowicz will be the Community Services Division Manager. ADA will fall within the Human Rights section of Human Services Division. Commissioner Dye asked whether Ms.Hayward will be attending COD meetings in the future. Ms.Hayward responded that she currently has several evening obligations with Neighborhood Councils and City Council Committees, but she will make a commitment to attending COD meetings on a quarterly basis. Staff who will attend on a regular basis will include Ms. Himes, and possibly Ms. Gingrey or Ms. Powers.

Ø  On December 1st Ms. Hayward will become the Interim HR&HS Director for the month of December. The transition to the Neighborhoods and Community Services Department takes effect on January 1st, 2013 and Ms. Hayward will become the Director on that date.

Ø  The second set of handouts from Ms. Hayward show initiatives for 2013-14 for the Human Services Division

o  The Gang Prevention Program,

o  Mental Health Sales Tax Program,

o  Senior Services coordination and cooperation with other providers,

o  Child Care Aware efficiencies,

o  Human Service program funding will change their process so that agencies will be more competitive,

o  Domestic Violence support for City residents (systems improvements),

o  Other items were not specifically listed, but are ongoing projects for Commissions and other areas.

Ø  Vice Chair Nyland indicated concern for another level of management being inserted between Ms. Himes, who is their liaison, and the Department Director. Ms. Hayward anticipated that concern and asked Commissioners to remember that they will still have a department director and will be gaining an assistant city manager. She knows it will be challenging to manage her current position and the Director’s responsibilities; however, she has been working with Ms. Bremer and Ms. Himes for several months.

Director’s Report: (Linda Bremer)

Ø  Director Bremer asked Commissioners to support Ms. Hayward and the City Manager by supplying necessary information when requested, being involved in the Mental Health initiative, and to help the City Manager to be informed and prioritize the needs of the people that the Commission supports.

Ø  Director Bremer stated that one of the results of the City Manager’s decision to combine Public Works was so they could be more accountable. Residents will know where to go for services. City Manager Broadnax is focused on accountability as well as making City funding competitive. Director Bremer also asked that commissioners and staff support each other around having forgiveness when the City makes mistakes and know that they’re going to get fixed. Director Bremer is working with Ms. Himes on a checklist for Public Works to bring more clarity to their operations.

TACID Report (Ken Gibson):

Ø  Mr. Gibson wanted to thank Director Bremer for the encouragement and support that she has given TACID. He also wanted to thank Ms. Hayward for supporting TACID’s efforts to get a new roof and the bonus of new windows and pain.t It has really helped people feel good about the facility and coming here.

Ø  Regarding the Mental Health Tax, Mr. Gibson told Commissioners that most mental health support comes from the State, through 13 regional support networks with OptumHealth providing service in Pierce County. About 1/3 of the people TACID serves have mental health disabilities and are helped through their peer support program (people with mental health problems who have had training to provide support) and it has made the difference between life and death for many people.

Ø  Last week, TACID had a comedy show called Stand Up for Mental Health. Almost 300 people attended. Ten persons with mental health disabilities attended a 10 week workshop to do stand-up comedy with many of their experiences incorporated into their routines. Mr. Gibson indicated that the persons attending are, in essence, then ambassadors who go out into the community with a better understanding of individuals with disabilities- reducing stigma around mental illness, a goal of the show. Mr. Gibson stated that TACID is going to do this again.

Ø  TACID has submitted three human services funding applications, for housing, employment and self-sufficiency/independent living. TACID is in the middle of incremental staff and salary reductions. There may be changes, depending on the funding TACID receives through grants. Every salaried person has taken a 10% pay reduction and staff are trying to cut expenditures. They even do their own yard work at TACID.

Ø  A new independent living database was purchased to gather data that is needed to articulate measureable outcomes. TACID will be running the new system along with the current system through December 31, 2012. This will clearly give the organization the ability to set goals, identify staff and consumer role, outcomes, what worked, what didn’t work. Every funder can have more concrete data. TACID has also been involved with Creating a Prosperous Pierce County – a self-sufficiency matrix, which is a new intake system. TACID is asking everyone to use the matrix. Scores will be evaluated quarterly or every 6 months to review progress with clients and revamp goals and objectives.

Ø  TACID members attended a workshop sponsored by United Way on Collective Impact – an effort to work together on City-wide issues.

ADA Coordinator Report (Gail Himes):

Ø  Ms. Himes has been working with Met Parks on the Pagoda. The plans don’t show any details on how much space the lift will impact at the stair landings. We want to make sure the stair lift does not impede the accessible route before approving installation. There are also fire code issues and safety issues.

Ø  Work continues to bring all City-owned facilities up to ADA compliance. Work was recently completed at the Pantages Theater and a final walk-through has been scheduled. The Tacoma Dome will undergo ADA retrofits starting at the end of the year. Commissioner Bennett let Ms. Himes know that when she purchased tickets to a performance at the Pantages online, the only accessible seating on their chart was down front. Ms. Himes will ask Broadway Center staff to update their website.

Ø  Tacoma Public Utilities is undergoing internal ADA retrofits. External retrofits will start next year.

Ø  Stadium Way is closed through the summer. Pacific Avenue will be impacted by the Streetscape Project. Pedestrian Access to businesses during this project is a priority.

Ø  Old Town Dock – accessible restroom facilities are part of the update of the Old Town Dock.

Discussion: Review Commissioner 2012 objectives. Committees have not met to discuss the objectives. The Effective Communications Committee wants feedback from each member on what they have accomplished this year. We will revisit this topic in January.

Planning the Year End Celebration & Meeting – Recipients of the 2012 Advocate of the Year Award, past awardees, community members and City staff will be invited to a celebration in December. Past Board members, area disability councils and others will be invited, as well as the City Council, Mayor and City Manager. The meeting will be short on business and longer on celebrating. The Effective Communication Team will organize the event. Commissioner Fritsche indicated that we need to educate City staff and others in the community about disabilities. If you have ideas, please contact Commissioner Moran.

Committee Reports:

Ø  Parking Enforcement and Transportation (Commissioners Dye and Nyland): -

§  Commissioner Nyland said that their focus is currently on Enforcement Week with the motto “Walk a Block.” The goals of the project are to educate and encourage non-disabled persons to walk an extra block and leave ADA parking open for those who need it. Erin, one of the Pacific Lutheran University interns helping with this event, met with Councilmember Walker. She is supportive and will be presenting a proclamation. Gwen Schuler, Media Relations, will be helping with the City’s tools, Facebook, Cityline, the City’s web page, etc., to get the word out. Councilmember Walker is very well versed in the Commission activities. Commissioner Peterson will be appearing on Cityline with Erin and other interns to talk about activities to promote awareness of ADA parking laws.

Ø  Public Right of Way (Commissioner Nyland): –

§  Commissioner Nyland and Chair Stark have been working on a number of projects. Commissioner Nyland is concentrating on an intervention strategy for right-of-way inspectors whereby they will take issues to the person who made the mistakes and educate them. In other words, holding City staff accountable. Commissioner Fritsche asked if there could be a way to approach inspectors to see if they can relate directly to the issues, such as if they know someone with a disability. What are the obstacles, what could we do to help them? Commissioner Peterson asked if the issues are all the same or diverse. Commissioner Nyland answered that, for example, Alaska Street ramps are beautifully done (can’t exceed 8%) but there are areas on the sidewalk that are steeper (14%) that don’t need to be. Public Works is not thinking holistically. Commissioner Peterson suggested scorecards, which rate the work done and have it posted in their section so they can see how they are doing. With the City Manager focused on accountability, Commissioner Peterson thought it was an idea worth pursuing. Another approach is helping inspectors understand what it means to have barriers and empower them to make change. Ms. Himes thought there has been education but inspectors need to feel supported when they reject noncompliant work. Commissioner Nyland and Ms. Himes will continue to work on the process.

Ø  Employment, Licensing and Contracting (Commissioner Moran and Gail Himes):

§  The Committee has engaged in a project to study human rights complaints by people with disabilities. Commissioner Moran spoke to the WA State Human Rights Commission and is obtaining information. This committee is researching state laws and the Tacoma Municipal Codes. There are opportunities to intersect with the new City Manager’s goals.

Ø  Effective Communication (Gail Himes and Commissioner Nyland):

§  Commissioner Nyland has been working with City staff that are launching websites, and he has been performing accessibility testing. He has the feeling that IT is taking on the responsibility of enforcing accessibility rules. The City Manager and Community Relations Office seem to want to stop the proliferation of different web sites, and to resolve accessibility issues.