Ofsted No.: 250022 Registered Charity No.: 1090721


TEL: 07565 813699

Enrolment Pack

Thank you for requesting our enrolment pack.

In order for us to enrol your child at Berkswell Pre-school we ask that you go through the following forms and fill out the requested information. There are a number of forms but we need to ensure we have as much information regarding your child so that their time at Pre-school is a safe and happy one.

Once completed, please return this form directly to The Manager, Nicola Fox, Berkswell Pre-School at ‘The Reading Rooms’, Meriden Road, Berkswell CV7 7BE or contact us to make alternative arrangements. If you have any questions regarding any of the forms please do not hesitate to contact Nicola Fox who will be happy to help. We will contact you prior to your child starting at Pre-School to assign your child a key person and to offer you a short home visit.

Thank you for your interest in Berkswell Pre-school.

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


Basic details

Name of child / Date of birth
Name known as / Gender (male or female)
Name of parent(s) with whom the child lives

Does this parent have parental responsibility? Yes/No (delete)


Does this parent have parental responsibility? Yes/No (delete)


Telephone / Mobile

Name of parent with whom the child does not live:

Does this parent have parental responsibility? Yes/No (delete)


Telephone / Mobile

Does this parent have legal access to the child? Yes/No (delete)

Telephone / Mobile

Personal details of child

Does your child have any special dietary needs or preferences? Yes/No (delete)

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721

How would you describe your child's ethnicity or cultural background?

What is the main religion in your family?

Are there any festivals or special occasions celebrated in your culture that your child will be taking part in and that you would like to see acknowledged and celebrated while he/she is in our setting?

What language(s) is/ are spoken at home

If English is not the main language spoken at home, will this be your child's first experience of being in an English-speaking environment? Yes/No (delete)

If so, we will discuss and agree with the key person how we will support your child when settling-in:

Medical information

Name of child’s doctor

Name and Address of practice


Details of any health problems

Has your child be immunised to date? If not please specify

Do you know of any allergies your child may have?

Does your child have any specific dietary requirements?

Any additional medical information

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721

Persons authorised to collect the child (must be over 16 years of age)

Name / Relationship to child
Telephone / Mobile
Name / Relationship to child
Telephone / Mobile

Please set up a password so that anyone new collecting your child can be identified:………………………..

Additional needs

Does your child have any additional needs or disabilities? Yes/No (delete)


Are any of the following in place for the child:

SEN SupportYes/No (delete)

EHC Plan?Yes/No (delete)

Additional Therapy support (e.g. Speech & Language)Yes/No (delete)

What additional support will he/she require in our setting?

What other information is it important for us to know about your child? For example, what they like, or what fears they may have, any special words they use, or what comforter they may need and when.

Names of professionals involved with child

Name 1 / Role
Agency / Telephone
Name 2 / Role
Agency / Telephone
Name 3 / Role

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721

Agency / Telephone
Do you have a health visitor? / Yes/No (delete)
Name / Based at
Does your family have a social care worker for any reason? / Yes/No (delete)
Name: / Based at:

What is the reason for the involvement of the social care department with your family?

Does your child have a child protectionplan?

PREFERRED DAYS: (please tick)

We will try to accommodate your preference subject to vacancies. You will be contacted to confirm days. We do require a administration fee of £25.00 on completion of the booking form.

9 am – 12 pm
£16.50 / 9 am – 1 pm
£22.00 / 12 pm – 3 pm
£16.50 / 1 pm – 3 pm
£11.00 / 9 am – 3 pm
(only every 2nd, 3rd & 4th)
Friday / 12 pm –
2.45 pm / 1 pm –
2.45 pm / 9 am –
2.45 pm

BREAKFAST CLUB: Now offered on a Thursday and Friday Morning is charged at £7.00 and is available from 7.45 am onwards.

*Please note that we would require at least half a terms notice in writing if you decided to withdraw your child from the setting. Invoices are raised half termly and payable in advance. We do accept childcare vouchers, Please ask us for details.

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


White – British


Traveller of Irish Heritage Gypsy/Roma

Any other white background

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean

White and Black African White and Asian

Any other mixed background

Asian or Asian British




Any other Asian background

Black or Black British

Caribbean African

Any other Black background



Any other ethnic background

Please state ______

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


This is Me

My name is ......

I am ……………………………… years old.

My date of birth is ......

I live at home with ......

You might hear me talking about these people or animals: ......


My favourite things to do are: ......


I don’t really like: ......


When I am sad you can help me by: ......


Other important things that you should know about me are: ......


EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


Child’s name______


First Aid & Emergency Medical Aid

In the event of my child requiring first aid or emergency medical aid, I give my permission to staff members of Berkswell Pre-School to administer first-aid or seek emergency medical aid on behalf of my child.

I understand that every effort will be made to contact myself.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date: ......

Visit/outing Consent

We enjoy taking part in outings at Berkswell Pre-School. Lots of the time these will be pre-planned big outings, but sometimes we like to be spontaneous and take advantage of the weather and small numbers. We will always inform you on the morning of the spontaneous visit. This consent form only relates to these spontaneous trips, all others will be described and consented accordingly.

These outings will take place during the normal Pre-School hours, starting from and returning to the Reading Rooms.

I consent to the child adult ratio which will be of discretion of the preschool and committee dependent upon the venue which will be in line with the dictates of the welfare requirement of Ofsted normally being 1 adult to 3/4 children.

I consent to medical aid & emergency medical aid to be sought as necessary.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date: ......


I/We understand that as part of OFSTED’s requirements my/our child will be observed and monitored as part of their development planning, including the taking of photos and occasional the use of video. Records will be kept strictly confidential. Arrangements may be made to view these records if I/we wish.

We give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped whilst in the care of Berkswell Pre-School for this purpose, as well as for displays, staff coursework and other activities related to the running of the pre-school:-

I consent to these observations being made.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date: ......

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721

Sun protection

I give permission for staff at Berkswell Pre-School to apply sun protection lotion to my child as necessary. I am happy for the settings lotion to be applied in situations only when I have provided my own child’s sun protection lotion.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date:…………………………

Photographs/video recordings

During the year there are opportunities to publicise Berkswell Pre-School which may involve the use of an image of your child. This could be a photograph, video, DVD, CD or website image.

It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act (1998) that we have to have your consent to this.

Berkswell Pre-School has adopted certain safeguards in order to minimise any risk to your child.

  • We will avoid publication of your child’s name with any image on any of our material/ website/ Facebook group pages etc.
  • Only appropriate images will be taken – i.e. children will always be fully dressed and in designated areas.
  • Images will be kept securely and destroyed after their required time,
  • Any external photographer will have the validity of their organisation checked.
  • Appropriate levels of supervision will be undertaken at all times.

Please note that Berkswell Pre-School does not have control of how images taken by the media are published.

I give consent to my child having images taken of them according to the above guidelines.

(Please note that video recording and the taking of photographs are not permitted during Pre-School plays, productions or events. This is due to Pre-School’s safeguarding and data protection policy. We thank you for your understanding.)

Thank you for your co-operation. The safe use of images can be a source of pleasure and pride and a valuable record of the achievements of your child.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date:………………………………..

Parent/carer Collection

I understand there is a late pick-up fee of £10.00 which I agree to pay if I am late collecting my child. I understand that the pick-up time is 12.00 pm, 1.00 pm or 3 pm.

Signed (Parent/Guardian): ...... Date:………………………………..

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721

Invoicing, Fees and Payments

Berkswell Pre-school offers fully funded places up to 30 hours per week for children that are 2, 3 and 4 years old which is available in the term after reaching the child’s birthday. For children that do not come into this category, we charge the following fees:

9 am - 12 pm- £16.5012 pm – 3 pm - £16.50

9 am - 1pm- £22.001 pm – 3 pm - £11.00

9 am - 3 pm - £30.00

Breakfast Club: available from 7.45 am - 9.00 am - £7.00

Invoices will be sent out at the beginning of each half term period. We make every effort to ensure that our invoices are clear and correct, but if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to Nicola Fox (Manager).

We ask that payments are made by the deadline stated on the invoice and that, if paying by cheque, these are made payable to ‘Berkswell Pre-school’. Please hand payments to the Pre-school Management team. The following methods of payment are also available:

Childcare vouchers

Bank transfer to HSBC Bank. Acc. Number: 51257668 Sort Code: 40-09-34 using your child’s name a s a reference.

You are very welcome to discuss alternative methods of payment – please speak to the Pre-School Manager.

Please be aware that we will invoice you for your child’s regular sessions at Pre-school. We cannot give refunds for days where your child does not attend their sessions (through illness or holiday taken during term time), unless this is through the fault of the Pre-school.

I, ………………………………………………….. (name) have read and understood the above terms and conditions.

Date: ……………………………………………..

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


Your child will be assigned a key person in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines; this person will be able to provide you with specific information about your child daily and at various other times during the year. This person will always greet you and your child and support you during the initial weeks at Pre-School when separating from your child may be difficult for you both.

We do have a supply of spare clothes at Pre-School, but please provide a spare set of clothes that are clearly labelled. Please could you bring in your child’s named wellies and although we have waterproof aprons, it may be useful to purchase a waterproof all in one to protect your child’s clothes. As the weather turns colder, please could you ensure that your child has a named coat or something warm to put on so that we can still utilise the outside space.

Ensuring the safety of your child is of paramount importance to us and this is extremely important particularly at the start and end of sessions when you are collecting your child. We have developed a routine, which will safeguard your child at these times and will help us to make sure that you collect your child in a safe manner. The guidelines we would like to follow are:

  • On arrival at Pre-School, please encourage your child to place their belongings in the small cloakroom on the right.
  • Children should then go to the main room, at which point parents should say their goodbyes in the hallway. If, as we could expect at the start of term, your child is upset and you want to accompany them into the main room, please feel free to do so but at the point where you are ready to leave, please ensure that you tell a member of the team so that we can guarantee the safety of ALL children.
  • On collection, please wait outside and refrain from ringing the bell as a member of staff will open the door at the appropriate time. A member of the team will then wait by the door to the main room and one at a time, the children will be called to be received by their parent/carer at which time your child will transfer from our care to yours. I would respectfully ask that parents remain in the hallway and do not enter the main room at this time. This ensures that we can keep all of the children safe and release them into the care of their parent/carer effectively.

Mobile Phones

If, for any reason you need to spend time in Pre-School, during a session, please observe and adhere to our guidelines about the use of mobile phones.

  • All phones, in this instance, should be placed in the designated tin in the kitchen area. This is designed to safeguard all children and staff.
  • We have a dedicated mobile phone contact number on pre-school session days from 8.00am to 3.15pm; please use this number if you need to contact us during these times as I do not have access to my personal number during these hours.

Pre-School Mobile Phone Number: 07565 813699

EMAIL: TEL: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022. Registered Charity Number: 1090721


Dear Parents,

We recognise that parents have a right to know that information they share will be regarded as confidential and to be informed about the circumstances, and reasons, when we are obliged to share information. In line with current legislation we have reviewed our policy for information sharing and confidentiality and now seek your agreement to the ways in which we share information with you and other organisations.

We ask that you read the following, which sets out our policy for the above and kindly sign and return the attached slip to signal your agreement. Thank you for your cooperation.

In most instances, there will be parental consent for sharing information about your child, for example:

  • With regard to any special needs the child may have.
  • Transition to school.
  • Where a child may attend more than one setting / childminder.
  • Where a child may move to another setting / childminder.
  • During this process and by signing your agreement, Parents are giving written consent to sharing their Child’s Development Summaries/Learning Journey and to sharing information about additional needs their child may have with us.

Parents have a right to be informed that their consent to share information will be sought in most cases, as well as the kinds of circumstances when their consent may not be sought, or their refusal to give consent overridden. Our policies and procedures set out our responsibility regarding gaining consent to share information and when it may not be sought or overridden.

We are obliged to share confidential information without authorisation from the person who provided it or to whom it relates if it is in the public interest. That is when:

  • It is to prevent a crime from being committed or intervene where one may have been or to prevent harm to a child or adult; ornot sharing it could be worse than the outcome of having shared it.

We respect the wishes of children and parents not to consent to share confidential information. However, in the interests of the child, we are able to judge when it is reasonable to override this.

In sharing information without consent the following criteria will be applied:

  • Where there isevidencethat the child is suffering, or is at risk of suffering, significant harm.
  • Where there is reasonable cause to believethat a child may be suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm.
  • Topreventsignificant harm arising to children and young people or serious harm to adults, including the prevention, detection and prosecution of serious crime.

To ensure that all those using – and working in – Berkswell Pre-school can do so with confidence, we respect confidentiality in the following ways.