For Immediate Release

National Arbitration Forum Reports Rise in

Domain Name Disputes

1,805 Disputes over Domain Names Filed in 2007

MINNEAPOLIS, February 27, 2008— —The National Arbitration Forum, an international provider of alternative dispute resolution services, administered a total of 1,805 domain name disputes in 2007, up from 1,658 disputes in 2006. The National Arbitration Forum has been approved as a domain name dispute resolution program provider by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) since 1999.

The National Arbitration Forum reports at the end of 2007:

§  UDRP domain names with common extensions like .com, .net, and .org accounted for 1,775 filings.

§  usDRP domain names with the .us extension accounted for 30 filings.

§  Of the 1,805 filings, Panelists heard 1,391 cases; parties worked together to settle many of the rest.

§  There were 9,916 total domain name complaints filed since 1999.

§  Of those filings, Panelists heard 8,006 cases; the parties settled many of the rest.

“Our dispute resolution program is available to deal quickly with the core problem: a domain name registered and being abused by a party who cannot claim legitimate rights to it,” said Internet Legal Counsel Kristine Dorrain. “The National Arbitration Forum offers a fair and inexpensive resolution process with none of the jurisdictional hassles found in court.”

Cases filed with the National Arbitration Forum are heard and decided by independent and neutral Panelists who often have specialized domain name, trademark, copyright and/or e-commerce experience. Panelists are located around the world and can conduct proceedings in several languages including English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean. The National Arbitration Forum will continue to expand foreign language capabilities in 2008.

Notable 2007 decisions involved famous trademarks such as Angels, Disney, Hershey’s Kisses, Jimmy Buffett, Univision, WarGames and Webkinz. National Arbitration Forum domain name dispute proceedings and decisions are available in the searchable case database.

To file a claim see Contact domaindispute[at] with questions. Media please contact Christina Doucet at 952-516-6486 or media[at]

About the National Arbitration Forum (FORUM)

Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, the National Arbitration Forum is an international leader in arbitration and mediation services. An innovator in the industry, the National Arbitration Forum was appointed an approved provider of the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 1999. Since then, more than 10,000 domain name disputes have been filed worldwide through the National Arbitration Forum's state-of-the-art case management system. For more information, visit
