7th July 2014

Present:Denis Critchley Salmonson (DCS), Jane Brookes (JB) – Secretary, David Darling (DD) – Treasurer, Anne Hutchinson (AH), Cllr Hamish Stewart (HS).

Member of the public: 0

1.Apologies:Sam Cassels (SC) Chairman, Pauline Irwin- Minute Secretary Gilly Ligertwood (GL).

2.Minutes of Meetings:

Minutes of meeting held 2nd June 2014 approved by DD seconded by JB.

3.Matters Arising from previous meeting:

  • Environment Group Development. SChad contacted WalstonSchool and was still awaiting a response. SC to update at next meeting.
  • Bugle advertisements – SC to contact the Biggar Business group to see if we can interest them in advertising. Two new local businesses are identified to approach Mr Singh, The Bakehouse at West Linton and The Big Red Barn at Elsrickle.
  • Roads line painting specific areas of local concern so far include top of Garvald Quarry Road and the give way junction at Dunsyre and Newholm corner. DD to put on Facebook to see if there are further areas of concern, before a response is made to the SLC.
  • The request for tree and bush cutting Roberton Mains Road and Garvald Quarry road. Quarry has been contacted with a request to cut back vegetation and SLC currently identifying owns of adjacent land. BMCC members believe land owns by Mr C Catto, who has recently moved and the BMCC have no contact details –JB has contacted Robert Lawson at SLC for an update but had not received a response prior to the meeting, despite chasing.
  • Change of Boundaries for PentlandHillsRegionalPark, letter was sent asking to be kept informed and for further information to be made available. An email response from Christine Grahame was received advising of responses would be sent to the Scottish Parliament Non Government Bills Unit to produce a report on the results. The email also details the process and stages for member bills.

4.Social Group

  • Next event will be the sponsored walk taking place on the 7th September – the route is still to be confirmed.


a)CL/13/0505 – 24.8 metre Wind Turbine at South Melbourne farm, Elsrickle. The BMCC commented on scale of this application the application as granted on the 14th February 2014.

b) CL/14/0259 – on 11th June 2014 a 67 metre high turbine application was received from Hewitt’s construction, MedwynPark, Carnwath. Cllr Stewart advised Scottish Power cannot provide enough power for the business expansion plans. The BMCC requested the JB send a letter outlining the BMCC’s view on size and scales of such developments within it landscape.

6.Report by Cllr Stewart:

Cllr Stewart advised he had had an approach from a local small manufacturing business requesting to take over Newbiggin Village Hall and he had advised them of the process.

The SLC are currently looking at a potential cut in spending in excess of £20 million and that this would potentially take place through non – statutory services.

SLC recess starts from 9th June 2014.


  • A further email from Mr Rosindale regarding ensuring back copies of the BMCC minutes are published. The BMCC felt no response was required as Mr Rosindale aware that the website was being updated and was aware that the minutes were also available on facebook.

8.Treasurer’s Report:

As at July 2014 :-

  1. Balance of RBS account No 1- £729.14
  2. Balance of RBS account No 2 – £986.85

Income and outgoings since last meeting account number 1.


June 2014 / Administration grant from SLCC / 610.34

Income and outgoings since last meeting account number 2.

Bugle income of £53.00 and awaiting invoice for website software.

Website update :

Website updated – article submitted to Norma Love for inclusion in next Bugle as per previous minutes.


  • Cllr Stewart unable to attend next meeting.

Date of next Meeting:

7.30pm on 1st September 2014 in Dolphinton Hall