2006 Sponsorship Articles Schemes

-Distinguished Sponsor: (RO. 10, 000) (Association’s membership+ patron ofConference + awards+ index)

-Main Sponsor: (RO. 7, 500) (Association’s membership+ patron ofConference);

-Participant sponsor: (RO. 5, 000) (Association’s membership+ patron of awards+ index)

Features / Distinguished Sponsor / Main Sponsor / Participant Sponsor
1 / Association Membership / √ / √ / √
2 / Patron of Annual Conference / √ / √
3 / Patron of Awards for Economic Research / √ / √
4 / Patron ofOman Business Confidence Index / √ / √
5 / Adding sponsor’s logo on all ads in the marketing campaign of the Association / √ / √ / √
6 / Press campaign to include news on patronage of the summit’s activities / √ / √ / √
7 / Adding sponsor’s logo in all marketing carried out by the OEA through e-mail / √ / √ / √
8 / Allowing chance to deliver a speech in the opening sessions / √
9 / Tribute to sponsor in opening speeches / √ / √ / √
10 / Granting certificate & shield of appreciation from sponsor / √ / √
11 / Free participation invitation in the Conference / √ / √ / √
12 / Adding sponsor’s logo on:
- invitation cards
- summit’s brochure
- summit summary booklets
- summit summary on CD.
- summit stationary
- summit’s welcoming posters
- all awards in the summit / √ / √ / √
13 / Adding sponsor’s logo on thanks and appreciation certificates / √ / √
14 / Free membership to the Association / √ / √ / √
15 / Special discount on sponsor’s participation in OEAtraining programmes / √
30% / √
15% / √
16 / Adding sponsor’s logo in the Conference’s internet site for 1 year / √ / √
17 / Adding sponsor’s logo and address in OEA Website / √ / √ / √

For Further details please give us a call or send us an email.