Chemistry 114/114HSpring 2010


General Outline Of Course:

The general purpose of Chemistry 114/114H is to develop in the student the ability to appraise experimental data critically, to treat errors in a systematic way, and to present oral and written scientific reports. These courses also aim to introduce the student to a variety of apparatus, methods, and techniques commonly employed in experimental physical chemistry.

During this quarter, each Chemistry 114 student will perform five experiments. The first experiment is a one-period review of DC electrical measurements. Three laboratory periods are allotted for each of the other four experiments. Free periods during the quarter provide extra time for previewing the next experiment, library work, and report writing.

Students enrolled in Chemistry 114H will perform two six-period experiments, to be selected in consultation with the Instructors, and also the one-period DC measurements.

In addition to the performance of these experiments, the student has the following responsibilities:

  1. Attend lectures dealing with the subjects of statistics and error analysis. The material on statistics and error analysis will be needed when writing reports.
  2. Be prepared to discuss the current experiment with the instructors and teaching assistants during the laboratory periods. Preliminary analysis of the previous lab period’s data should be available for examination during these meetings.
  3. Students in Chemistry 114 will prepare and submit five written reports. Brief reports are required for the DC measurements experiment and for two of the experiments. Complete reports are required for the other two experiments. Students taking Chemistry 114H will submit one brief report for the DC measurements experiment and two complete reports on their major experiments.
  4. Present a 10-minute oral report about one of the experiments done this quarter. These oral reports will be scheduled during lecture the last lab period at the end of the quarter.

The final grade in the course will be based primarily on your reports:


2Breif Reports @ 80 160 ------

2Complete Reports @100 200 200

DC Expt(50) Oral report(50), TA evaluation(20), 120 100

TOTAL 480 300

There will be no final exam in these courses.

The individual reports will be graded according to the following schedule:

Brief Report Complete Report

Abstract ---- 5

Introduction ---- 10

Organization and Writing 10 10

Experimental Results 20 20

Analysis od Laboratory Data 15 15

Error Analysis 25 25

Discussion 5 10

Sample Calculation 5 5


Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 am - 11:50 am, 4216 Young Hall


Section 1: Tu./Tr. 1:00-4:50PM 1110 Young Hall

Section 2: W/F. 2:00-5:50PM 1110 Young Hall

Prof: Delroy Baugh

Office: 2048 Young Hall

Office hours: W/F at 11:00 AM, or by Appt:


Chemistry 114 virtual office hours:

Teaching Assistants:

Kenny Mayoral:

Jenny Casey:

Christian Vaca:

Yang Cao:

Lab Coordinator:

Ignacio Martin

Textbook: An Introduction to Error Analysis

John R. Taylor, University of Science Books, 2nd Ed.

Optional: Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, 6th Ed.

On Reserve In Chemistry Library:

Instrumental Analysis, Schoemaker, Garland and Nibler 7th Ed.

This book covers experimental aspects of some but not all of the experiments you will be conducting in the laboratory.