Form: "2017/18 Course Learning Outcome Assessment and Action Plan"

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2017/18 Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Assessment & Action Plan

Assessment Plan

Use this section to describe the assessment plan.

(REQUIRED) Course Number and Title

Please enter the course number and title for the course that was assessed. (Ex: DRAM 105 - Introduction to Dramatic Arts)

(REQUIRED) Course Learning Outcome(s) to be assessed

Enter the Course Learning Outcome(s) to be assessed. (If multiple outcomes are to be evaluated in a course assessment, please list them.)

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Assessment Design

Please describe how assessment was designed, rubrics, tools, participants, etc. (Names -- if listed -- are for historical record only and not for evaluation purposes) You may attach a copy of the assessment, rubric, etc.

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Measurement

Please describe and explain the assessment target/benchmark for the CLO(s).

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Timeline

Which semester and year will this course be assessed?

No answer specified

Assessment Findings

Use this section to record the results of the assessment for the Course Learning Outcome(s).

(REQUIRED) Course Section Information

In the semester this course is assessed, how many sections were offered? How many sections were assessed? For Course Outcomes, assess 5 sections or 30% of all sections (whichever is greater). If a course has fewer than 5 sections, assess them all.

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Assessment Delivery

Please describe how assessment was delivered or administered (online link, in class, in lab setting, by whom, etc.) (Names -- if listed -- are used for historical record and not for evaluation purposes)

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Summary of Findings for the Course Learning Outcome(s)

Summarize the result(s) of the assessments/measurements for the CLO(s). For example: Number of students participated, did you meet the benchmark, etc. You may attach a copy of the assessment results, rubric of the findings, or any other information that may be relevant. Remember to remove student names or any student identifiers.

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Department Discussion

Describe the department discussion(s) that took place as a result of the assessment process for the CLO(s).

No answer specified

Action Plan

Use this section to outline a plan of action, as necessary to improve student success on the given outcomes.

(REQUIRED) A) Action Details

Explain any changes that will be implemented in reaction to the results of the assessment and discussion, including timeline and participants. If no action is necessary at this time, please explain why. If no action is necessary, please DO NOT complete B and C.

No answer specified


If applicable, please select the resources needed to improve or achieve better results for this assessment. (Select all that apply).

  • No answer specified

No answer specified

C) Assessing the Action Plan

How will you assess whether the action plan is successful?

No answer specified