REGISTRATION FORM La Francophonie in 3D
BY E-MAIL BY FAX TO 514-496-4372
OrganizationContact(name and phone number)
Information for the public / Same as above Other (specify)
Deliver materials to(name and address)
Venue capacity
We would like to screen the following film programsduring the 2016 edition of the Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (RVF):
(Please add another page if you need more space.)
Film programs on DVD / Date / Time / Venue / Target audience(General Audience students, employees, etc.) / English screening?Program 1 – 84 min (General Audience, ages 16+)
Integration – Cultural Diversityand... Living together
Vistas - Enferméefollowed byFemmes deboutandLa Rencontre / YES NO
Program 2– 60 min(General Audience, ages 10+)
Duality – Youth and social media – Dynamism
Canada Vignettes: Alouettefollowed byIl était deux fois/Twice upon a Time,CafétériaandMes réseaux sociaux et moi / YES NO
Program 3 – 41 min (General Audience, ages 5 to 9)
Integration – Duality - Multiculturalism
Canada Vignettes: Le bûcheron followed byVenue de loin, Baroque’n Roll, Tête à tête à têteandAux Jeux! / YES NO
The DVDs provided also include an English menu. The films available in the English menu are either without words, dubbed or subtitled, with the exception of Il était deux fois/Twice upon a Time,which is bilingual.
We wish to receive the following materials to announce our screenings in our networks and community:
Description / Quantity11 x 17poster(French) (max. 4 per program). There is a 3-inch-high blank space at the bottom of the poster where you can add the details of your screening. For additional posters, we willprovide a hyperlink to let you access a PDF version that you can print.
Information sheetfor each film screened (max. 4 per film), subject to availability. For additional information sheets, we willprovide a hyperlink to let you access a PDF version that you can print.
NFB logoand event signaturefor advertising purposes:We will provide a hyperlink to let you access these in JPEG format.
Images for films: We will provide a hyperlink to let you access imagesin JPEG format (300 DPIfor 5” x 7” image).
Note: Materials will be shipped to event organizers betweenFebruary 1 and 19, 2016
To attract as large an audience as possible to our screening(s), we plan to (please check all boxes that apply):
/ List our screening(s) in the Canada-wide Event Calendar on the Rendez-vousde la Francophonie 2016website at / Put up posters for each of our selected programs in public places, where permitted
(e.g., libraries, stores, community centres, schools, restaurants, etc.)
/ Place an ad in a regional weekly Name of weekly: Number of times the ad will appear:
/ Announce our screening(s) on local and/or community radio. Station:
/ Announce our screening(s) on local and/or community television. Station:
/ Invite target groups. By Facebook By Twitter By e-mail By mail In person Other
e.g., retirees, social organizations, francization groups, immigrants, teachers, students (youths or adults), groups, professionals, etc.
/ Invite members of our various personal networks. By Facebook By Twitter By e-mail By mail In person Other
e.g., friends, family members, co-workers, associations, etc.
/ Announce our screening(s) through social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and/or our blog.
/ Follow up on invitations and post a reminder in social media a week before our screening(s).
Audience data (number of spectators at each screening) must be submitted to no later thanMarch 28, 2016.
D.Hetu / E. Largie, Dec. 10, 2015