REGISTRATION FORM La Francophonie in 3D


BY E-MAIL BY FAX TO 514-496-4372

Contact(name and phone number)
Information for the public / Same as above Other (specify) 
Deliver materials to(name and address)
Venue capacity

We would like to screen the following film programsduring the 2016 edition of the Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (RVF):

(Please add another page if you need more space.)

Film programs on DVD / Date / Time / Venue / Target audience(General Audience students, employees, etc.) / English screening?
Program 1 – 84 min (General Audience, ages 16+)
Integration – Cultural Diversityand... Living together
Vistas - Enferméefollowed byFemmes deboutandLa Rencontre / YES  NO 
Program 2– 60 min(General Audience, ages 10+)
Duality – Youth and social media – Dynamism
Canada Vignettes: Alouettefollowed byIl était deux fois/Twice upon a Time,CafétériaandMes réseaux sociaux et moi / YES  NO 
Program 3 – 41 min (General Audience, ages 5 to 9)
Integration – Duality - Multiculturalism
Canada Vignettes: Le bûcheron followed byVenue de loin, Baroque’n Roll, Tête à tête à têteandAux Jeux! / YES  NO 


The DVDs provided also include an English menu. The films available in the English menu are either without words, dubbed or subtitled, with the exception of Il était deux fois/Twice upon a Time,which is bilingual.

We wish to receive the following materials to announce our screenings in our networks and community:

Description / Quantity
11 x 17poster(French) (max. 4 per program). There is a 3-inch-high blank space at the bottom of the poster where you can add the details of your screening. For additional posters, we willprovide a hyperlink to let you access a PDF version that you can print.
Information sheetfor each film screened (max. 4 per film), subject to availability. For additional information sheets, we willprovide a hyperlink to let you access a PDF version that you can print.
NFB logoand event signaturefor advertising purposes:We will provide a hyperlink to let you access these in JPEG format.
Images for films: We will provide a hyperlink to let you access imagesin JPEG format (300 DPIfor 5” x 7” image).

Note: Materials will be shipped to event organizers betweenFebruary 1 and 19, 2016


To attract as large an audience as possible to our screening(s), we plan to (please check all boxes that apply):

 / List our screening(s) in the Canada-wide Event Calendar on the Rendez-vousde la Francophonie 2016website at
 / Put up posters for each of our selected programs in public places, where permitted
(e.g., libraries, stores, community centres, schools, restaurants, etc.)
 / Place an ad in a regional weekly Name of weekly: Number of times the ad will appear:
 / Announce our screening(s) on local and/or community radio. Station:
 / Announce our screening(s) on local and/or community television. Station:
 / Invite target groups.  By Facebook By Twitter By e-mail By mail In person Other
e.g., retirees, social organizations, francization groups, immigrants, teachers, students (youths or adults), groups, professionals, etc.
 / Invite members of our various personal networks. By Facebook By Twitter By e-mail By mail In person Other
e.g., friends, family members, co-workers, associations, etc.
 / Announce our screening(s) through social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and/or our blog.
 / Follow up on invitations and post a reminder in social media a week before our screening(s).


Audience data (number of spectators at each screening) must be submitted to no later thanMarch 28, 2016.

D.Hetu / E. Largie, Dec. 10, 2015