Community Languages Schools Funding Program

Application for Accreditation/Re-accreditation 2017

For assistance in completing this application form and gathering the supporting evidence, refer to the document “Accreditation/Re-accreditation Guidelines for 2017”.

Please complete all sections of this form, and supply all supporting documentation, even if the Community Language School has been accredited in previous years. Note that the same form is to be completed regardless of whether the school is seeking accreditation for the first time, or is seeking re-accreditation.(Schools which have been previously accredited but which seek to have new campuses accredited must indicate clearly which campuses are new and must contact DET () directly to complete additional documentation.)

This application form is to be saved as a PDF with the filename “00_application.pdf” and submitted to ogether with the required supporting documents (which are also to be saved as PDfs and named as directed in this application form).

Tick one:
This application is for accreditation of a new school and its campuses, none of which have been accredited before / This application is for re-accreditation of a school and its existing campuses, all of which have been previously accredited / This application is for re-accreditation of a school and its previously accredited campuses,as well as accreditation of one or more new campuses(see note above)

PART A: School Details

  1. School Name

  1. Language Offered

  1. Official (central) school address
    (must be a physical address – no P.O boxes are permitted)

  1. Mailing address
    (if different from above)

  1. Official (central) school phone number

  1. Official (central) school email address

  1. Name of contact person (for this application)

  1. Position of contact person with the school

  1. Phone number for contact person

  1. Email address for contact person

  1. Has this school been accredited in previous years?
/ Yes No 
  1. If yes, in which year was this school most recently accredited?

Copy this page if more room is required for additional campuses

  1. Campus Addresses
    (supply street addresses for each – no P.O. boxes)
  1. Is this campus currently accredited in 2016?
  1. Number of students currently enrolled at this campus

Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 

PART B: Business Authentication

Summary of supporting documents required for Part B
All documents are to be submitted as PDFs, and should be given filenames according to the conventions below:
Type of evidence / Filenaming convention to use when submitting evidence
Certificate of Incorporation or Registration / 01_incorporation.pdf
School constitution or other governing documentation / 02_constitution.pdf
School charter / 03_charter.pdf
Evidence of suitability of premises / 04_premises.pdf
Emergency management plan / 05_emergency.pdf
Evacuation plan / 06_evacuation.pdf
First aid certificates / 07_firstaid.pdf
Working with Children Checks/VIT Registrations / 08_workingwithchildren.pdf

Legal and Financial details

  1. Business Name(as appears on the school’s Certificate of Incorporation or Registration)

Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or Registration,
which you have named “01_incorporation.pdf”
  1. Australian Business Number (ABN)

  1. Banking details
/ Account Name:
Bank Name: BSB:
Account Number:
  1. Is the school registered for GST?
/ Yes No 
  1. Is the school not-for-profit?
/ Yes No 
  1. Does the school have a constitution or other governing documents?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of your school’s constitution or other governing documents,
which you have named “02_constitution.pdf”
  1. Does your school have a school charter?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the school charter, which you have named “03_charter.pdf”


  1. Does the school meet the following requirements for “suitable premises” for each of its campuses?

Premises, furniture and equipment are safe, clean and in good repair with adequate lighting / Yes No 
Premises include adequate outdoor areas / Yes No 
Students have access to adequate and convenient toilet facilities / Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply evidence of the suitability of the premises for each of the school’s campuses (see the Guidelines document), which you have collated into a singledocument and named “04_premises.pdf”
  1. Does the school have an emergency management plan?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the emergency management plan for each of the school’s campuses,
which you have collated into a single document and named “05_emergency.pdf””
  1. Does the school have an evacuation plan?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the evacuation plan for each of the school’s campuses,
which you have collated into a single document and named “06_evacuation.pdf”


  1. Does at least one member of the school staff at each campus have a current First Aid Certificate?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the relevant staff members’ current First Aid Certificates at each campus,
which you have collated into a single document and named “07_firstaid.pdf”
  1. All staff and volunteers must have current clearances enabling them to work with children. In the following table, please supply the names of ALL teaching staff and volunteers as well as ALL school council/committee/ board members. For each person, please supply either their Working With Children Check details, ortheir Victorian Institute of Teaching registration details. You are also required to provide copies of their WWC checks or VIT registrations.

Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of all staff members’ Working with Children Checks or VIT registrations, which you have collated into a single document and named “08_workingwithchildren.pdf”
Full name / Position in school, and campus / Working With Children Check / Victorian Institute of Teaching
Card Number / Card
Expiry Date / Registration Number / Registration Expiry Date

Extra page if required for additional staff members

Full name / Position in school, and campus / Working With Children Check / Victorian Institute of Teaching
Card Number / Card
Expiry Date / Registration Number / Registration Expiry Date

PART C: Educational Requirements

Summary of supporting documents required for Part C
All documents are to be submitted as PDFs, and should be given filenames according to the conventions below:
Type of evidence / Filenaming convention to use when submitting evidence
Professional LearningOutline / 09_proflearning.pdf
Student Attendance Roll / 10_attendance.pdf
Student Progress Reports / 11_progress.pdf
Student Supervision Schedule / 12_supervision.pdf
VCE Single Study Language Provider approval / 13_VCEapproval.pdf
AusVELS or Victorian Curriculum-aligned course outline / 14_courseoutline.pdf


  1. Does the school have a professional learning outline for its staff for 2016 or 2017?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the professional learning outline for the school’s teaching staff for either 2016 or 2017,which you have named “09_proflearning.pdf”


  1. The school must keep accurate school attendance records.Does the school have student attendance records for the previous term for each campus?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the student attendance roll for one class at one campus
for the previous term, which you have named “10_attendance.pdf”
  1. The school must keep records of students' progress.Does the school have student progress reports for the previous term?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the progress report for one student for the previous term,
which you have named “11_progress.pdf”
  1. The school must have a student supervision schedule for recess times. Does the school have a student supervision schedule for the previous term for each campus?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply the supervision schedule for each campus for the previous term,
which you have collated into a single document and named “12_supervision.pdf”


  1. Is the school teaching the language at VCE level in 2016?
/ Yes No 
  1. Does the school intend to teach the language at VCE level in 2017?
/ Yes No 
  1. Does the school currently have VCE Single Language Provider Approval?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: If applicable, please supply a copy of the VCE Single Language Provider Approval,
which you have named “13_VCEapproval.pdf”
  1. The school must develop a course outline which meets Victorian requirements for each of the year levels offered to students. Does the school have an AusVELS-aligned or Victorian Curriculum-aligned course outline for each year level which is taught?
/ Yes No 
Evidence Required: Please supply a copy of the AusVELS-aligned or Victorian Curriculum-aligned course outline for each year level offered at your school, which you have collated into a single document and named “14_courseoutline.pdf”

Part D: Certification by Community Language School Principal

I, (print name)
being the Principal of the School named in this application, certify that to the best of my knowledge
all information contained within this application, all statements made by the applicant,and all supporting documentation provided, is true and correct.

Part E: Checklist for supporting documents

Please ensure you have submitted each of the following documents together with this application
Type of evidence / Filenaming convention / Submitted with this application
Certificate of Incorporation or Registration / 01_incorporation.pdf / 
School constitution or other governing documentation / 02_constitution.pdf / 
School charter / 03_charter.pdf / 
Evidence of suitability of premises / 04_premises.pdf / 
Emergency management plan / 05_emergency.pdf / 
Evacuation plan / 06_evacuation.pdf / 
First aid certificates / 07_firstaid.pdf / 
Working with Children Checks/VIT Registrations / 08_workingwithchildren.pdf / 
Professional learning outline / 09_profdevelopment.pdf / 
Student attendance roll / 10_attendance.pdf / 
Student progress reports / 11_progress.pdf / 
Student supervision schedule / 12_supervision.pdf / 
VCE Single Study Language Provider approval / 13_VCEapproval.pdf / 
AusVELS-alignedor Victorian Curriculum-aligned course outline(s) / 14_courseoutline.pdf / 

Community Languages Schools Funding Program – Application for Accreditation/Re-accreditation 2017 - Page 1