Stephen Powell’s Class Materials

Please Note:

The lists below are to be used as a guide only. You may not need everything that is on the list. The first lesson you will only need to bring:

Reference material

Tracing paper

Photos or samples of your work.

If you already have some materials from suppliers other than those listed bring them along and I will tell you if they are OK to use.

I’ve had a number of students purchase alternative materials to those I have listed. Often these have come highly recommended and described as ‘just as good as’ those I’ve listed by shop assistants. Some have been poor or even unusable. Others are just different and will make following or matching my methods more difficult. Please don’t spend any money until you have checked with me!

I don’t receive any secret commissions from the suppliers I recommend.

J & N Harrison

457 Mitcham Rd Mitcham, Victoria 3132

Bus: (3) 9873-1849 Bus Fax: (3) 9874-0445

Unit 3, 97 Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully 3156
Local Tel: 9758 3266 Fax: 9758 3466

Medium: Oils:

Course Title: Wildlife – Companion Animal Art

Level: Beginner - Advanced

Reference material:

·  A collection of high quality sharp photographs of your subject (or same species) and its environment (If part of the work). Additional slides (& viewer), photographs or mages from books or magazines for further reference is helpful. This should include many angles & postures. Close ups of eyes, face, feet or other feature you wish to include in the work. High quality images make the work easier.

·  Samples or photographs of your work.

Please note: Each participant will require materials for either oils or watercolour not both. Each student can, if they wish, try both however It is vital that each student concentrate on one medium until they achieve a high standard. Covering both media but at a low level is not a great motivator.


·  HB pencil & sketch paper.

·  3 Large sheets of tracing paper.

·  2 X Canvas Boards: Not stretched canvas (Size approx. 500 X 400mm or your choice to suit work) Final surface must be very smooth. Most reprepared canvas is too rough. It is very important that the surface to be worked on is hot pressed paper smooth
I have not found any alternative canvas boards suitable for my methods other than those supplied by Harrisons.
I have tried MDF boards prepared as per canvas boards with coats of Gesso. The surface is perfect but a little vulnerable to damage. However these boards are used by many artists.

I will have some stock I can pick some up if an order is placed through me. However I will need to be notified in advance.

Canvas Board 574 or similar from:

J & N Harrison 457 Mitcham Rd Mitcham, Victoria 3132

Bus: (3) 9873-1849 Bus Fax: (3) 9874-0445

Order 7-10 Days to pick up for specific sizes.

·  Gesso and brush (Foam)

·  Fine sandpaper (320 Grit)

Boards as supplied need 3-4 coats of Gesso to achieve a smooth surface. Gesso might need diluting before application. It should be thin enough that it flows smoothly of the brush. Apply gesso with wide foam brush in one direction only per coat. Change direction 90 degrees for each layer of gesso. (Dries quickly 6 coats can be achieved in one day). Lift off any lumps in the gesso. Sand lightly between coats (320 grit sandpaper) on a sanding block in the opposite direction to last layer of gesso. Do not sand after last coat.

·  Brushes Size2 & 6 Pro art Series 23 or 523 Pure Sable or other quality brand. Quality brushes only. Poor quality brushes will not be suitable.

·  NEEF ‘David Taylor’ or ‘Supreme Taklon rigger’ 552 size 4 prefered
or a No 1 Taklon (Script, Liner or Rigger brush) for long fine lines.

·  I use a Round (not flat) 5 – 10ml Filbert rake or comb brush for fur. Not used for birds

·  Clutch pencil .5 size.

·  Workable Mat Fixative ( Recommend Micador: pastel – pencil type)

·  Hogs bristle Flat (No2 & 10 – 12) and Filbert (6)

·  Pallet knife is handy

·  Glad wrap to cover pallet (Slows paint drying and helps in transporting).

·  2 X 35mm film containers good for keeping working quantity of Liquol and Linseed Oil

·  Liquol medium by Art Spectrum

·  Art Spectrum Oils but if you already have paint don’t get more. Transparency does influence the quality of the finished piece.

·  Small quantity of Linseed Oil

·  Turps is used for washing brushes only. None required for class.

·  Dish detergent for cleaning brushes. (Need at home but no need to bring it to classes.)

·  A mahl stick (Artists rest) is helpful for close work. (I will show you how to make one during classes. Don’t buy one.)

·  Curved Blade scalpel handy not essential

·  A lint free Cloth

Oil Paint

I use Art Spectrum Oils but if you already have paints don’t get more. Transparency does influence the quality of the finished piece.

White**** Ultramarine Blue

Cerulean Blue Cad Red

Alizarin Cad Yellow

Lemon Yellow Raw umber

Burnt Umber Raw Sienna

Cobalt Blue Small tube as it is expensive, Jaune Brilliant* & Art Spectrum Australia Red Gold: Useful

This technique used very small amounts of paint 37 ml tubes will last a long time. It is important to note some bird have colours that just can’t be mixed using the colours above. The collection above will cover a large range of subjects.

**** I use permalba white. Fantastic covering and flow but cost $24 a 150 cc tube. Not essential but you may choose to get at a later date. I can demonstrate why I use it.

·  Pallet: Plain White dinner plate or large tile for pallet. White disposable pallets are fine. I have use a piece of Melamine available from hardware stores. I cut a small piece aprox 24 X 30cm. Must be white as assessing transparent colour on a dark or coloured pallet isn't possible.

Medium Watercolour:

Course Title: Wildlife – Companion Animal Art

Level: Beginner – Advanced

Reference material:

·  A collection of high quality sharp photographs of your subject (or same species) and its environment (If part of the work). Additional slides (& viewer), photographs or mages from books or magazines for further reference is helpfull. This should include many angles & postures. Close ups of eyes, face, feet or other feature you wish to include in the work. High quality images make the work easier.

·  Samples or photographs of your work.

Please note: Each participant will require materials for either oils or watercolour not both. Each student can, if they wish, try both however It is vital that each student concentrate on one medium until they achieve a high standard. Covering both media but at a low level is not a great motivator.

·  HB & 2H pencil & sketch paper.

·  3 Large sheets of tracing paper.

·  Gum eraser

·  Clutch pencil – Size 0.5

·  Cartridge paper or sketch pad.

·  20 sheets of photo copy – printer paper for clean masking.

·  Masking Fluid – Frisket

·  Watercolour pallet or a plane white large ceramic plate or tile would be fine.
Must be white as assessing transparent colour on a dark or coloured pallet isn't possible.

·  2 Water containers.

·  Rubber cement pick up. Masking fluid remover.

·  Quality water colour paper pad or sheets. Hot pressed – very smooth. Arches: 200-300 gm 100% Cotton rag. Arches has qualities that other brands don’t. If you already have another brand bring it along to the first class and I will asses it. Not textured paper. Enough for 5 A3 size finished pieces.

·  HB & 2H pencil & safety blade

·  Smooth drawing board to tape paper to. (Ply wood - 5 ply. Size is dependent on work size but 800 X 600mm or smaller as a guide.) You should support the board at an angle when you work for long periods to avoid neck and back pain. Not essential for a 2 hr class. See workshops link on my website – select DESK EASEL link. or

·  Gum tape I will have some with me to not essential.

·  Tissues or toilet paper.

·  Brushes: Size 2 & 4 Round Pure Sable. Ensure they have a fine point.

·  I use a 5 – 10ml rake or comb brush for fur. Not used for birds

·  Artist - High quality Watercolour Paint: Windsor & Newton, Rembrandt or similar. Tubes or pans. The list below will cover most situations but the colours of some birds may need specific colours. See retailer for specific colour requirements. If necessary I take my reference to the shop and match the colour. If you already have high quality water colours in tube or block they will be fine.

o  Ultramarine Blue

o  Cerulean Blue

o  Cad Red

o  Alizarin

o  Cad Yellow

o  Lemon Yellow

o  Raw Umber

o  Burnt Umber

o  Raw Sienna

o  White

·  A pot of - Bleed Proof White if you can get it: Expensive & not essential.

The collection above will cover a large range of subjects.