Risk Assessment Record

Work with lead and lead compounds / Reference No.
Assessment Carried out by / Date / Review Date
Hazards Present
q  Inhalation of lead
q  Ingestion of lead
q  Absorption of lead through the skin
q  Maximum Exposure Limits: - 0.15mg per cubic metre
- 0.10mg per cubic metre (tetraethyl lead)
- (8 hour time-weighted average)
Control Measures to be Implemented
q  Will ensure that the expected lead in air level will be assessed, and adequate means to eliminate or control exposure will be used, taking the above documents for reference. Assessment will be made of all PPE provided to ensure its suitability and fitness for the purpose.
q  Hygiene facilities will be provided appropriate for the work and the foreseen levels of exposure. Health surveillance will be provided for all employees judged to be ‘significantly exposed’ at the planning stage.
q  Control measures will be used in preference to PPE where practicable: these will include removal of lead-containing materials, rotation of workforce exposed to lead, use of mechanical croppers instead of burning or cutting operations, use of local exhaust ventilation and wetting (of lead paint dust). Where necessary suitable PPE will be issued and used – overalls, gloves, RPE and safety footwear are the standard issue. Suitable hygienic facilities, including a minimum of soap, washbasins, towels, nail brush and bags for contaminated clothing will be provided on every occasion. Adequate enclosures will be used if there is any risk of spread of contaminated material or waste to other operatives or the public.
q  Prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking will be enforced for lead handlers/users on site. Adequate means of monitoring/measuring will be provided. Arrangements will be made to facilitate health surveillance. Records of air monitoring, biological tests and surveillance will be maintained as required.
q  Operatives and subcontractors will be briefed on the health risks of work with lead, and the necessary precautions. Where necessary, they will be given information on health surveillance. Management will be trained in the requirements of the Regulations and Code of Practice.

Risk assessments and method statements are issued to all workers involved in the activity. This generic assessment must be supplemented by a site specific risk assessment.

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