Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) Board Report · September 20, 2017
During the third quarter of calendar year 2017, VCAP has seen steady and continued implementation in many of our Chesapeake Bay districts. Demand for the program continues to grow, so efforts on the Association level have shifted primarily from promoting awareness of the program to continued pursuit of additional funding, improving district capacity for successful implementation, and measuring the water quality and financial impacts of the program. Demand can be measured in a number of ways, not least of which is a greatly increased number of cost-share requests across the watershed:
- During CY 2016, VCAP averaged fewer than 5 new applications per month with an average monthly cost-share request of approximately $13,750.00. So far during CY 2017, VCAP has averaged nearly 16 new applications per month with an average monthly cost-share request of more than $93,600.00.For these and a number of other reasons, the VCAP Steering Committee conducted a review of current cost-share rates and caps to ensure maximum impact of BMP’s installed across the watershed.
- The total application cost-share caps for four of our practices – Bioretention, Infiltration, Permeable Pavement, and Green Roofs – have been reduced from $20,000.00 to $15,000.00.
- No single applicant will be approved for more than $50,000.00 in cost-share assistance in a calendar year. All individual practice annual caps still apply (i.e. you can only receive $3,500.00 in Conservation Landscaping assistance in a year, but can apply for other practices as well up to the $50,000.00 limit).
- None of our cost-share rates have been changed.
- An updated VCAP Ranking System is in development and will take effect January 1st, 2018, with an increased emphasis on nutrient and sediment reduction.
- Funding through our second Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant (CBIG) continues through June 2018. However, all $500,000.00 in cost-share (of the total $750,000.00 grant), plus an additional sum to be transferred from operational budget, have already been allocated.
- VASWCD and DEQ staff will be attending a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund – Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant event hosted by NFWF and the Office of the Governor on September 25th, with the expectation that we will receive an additional $750,000.00 in funding. The entirety of these funds will be used for cost-share and technical assistance to districts.
- DEQ has promised continued operational funding in the amount of $150,000.00 per year.
- We have received a number of inquiries regarding tracking and reporting of VCAP projects. At DEQ’s request, we will again attempt to enter all CY 2016 practices into the DEQ BMP Portal, although some still do not fit the format of reporting through that system.
- We will also be entering these practices into the Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST) so that districts and partners can have access to information regarding total water quality improvements accomplished through VCAP.
- Last month, we finished the design for and produced both permanent (metal sign and post) and temporary (“campaign style” corrugated with stake) signage to be used at completed VCAP practices. The first one was installed this month at Hummingbird Hill Native Plant Nursery outside of Charlottesville.
- Standard spot check forms have also been developed by the VCAP Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee, which will be distributed to districts for use in inspection and maintenance recommendations.
We want to continue growing and evolving the program, and the support and knowledge of directors is essential. If you are unfamiliar with the program or have concerns about certain practices, please consider the following steps to learn more:
1) Review the many great resources available at which cover all program policies and practice specifications, 2) Communicate with your district staff about their participation in the program, 3) Contact Program Coordinator Kevin McLean directly with additional questions that haven’t been addressed at , and 4) Plan to attend the VCAP Director Track training at the VASWCD Annual Meeting in December.Directors have stepped up in a number of districts to help make implementation possible, which is of incredible value to the program!
An overview of VCAP operations, by the numbers, is below.
- In total, applications have been reviewed by the Steering Committee and approved for 176 projects (excluding September) in 20of the 30 eligible VCAP districts - Thomas Jefferson, Piedmont, Culpeper, Tri-County/City, Shenandoah Valley, Hanover-Caroline, Henricopolis, James River, Lord Fairfax, Headwaters, Loudoun, Northern Neck, Northern Virginia, Natural Bridge, Peaks of Otter, Prince William, Colonial, John Marshall, Virginia Dare, and Tidewater (in order of first application submitted). A total of 99 projects have beencompleted and paid, demonstrating a significant shift in increased project completion – that’s 33 completed projects in the past two months alone!
- VCAP held two additional Technical Training events this quarter, at Longwood University in Farmville and at the Graves Mtn. VACDE Employee Training retreat. This year, staff and directors from 24 of our 30 Chesapeake Bay districts have attended our trainings. We will soon begin work on a new training regimen for CY 2018 that includes more time with practice-specific experts and in the field evaluations of existing BMPs.
Upcoming Events:
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grants Announcement event in Norfolk on September 25th.
- VCAP will again be a focus of the VASWCD booth at the State Fair of Virginia, between September 29th and October 8th. If you have not already signed up for a volunteer shift during this important event, please consider doing so!
- District visits, site evaluations, and presentations with partner groups continue to be a central part of the VCAP Program Coordinator’s weekly schedule.
- Be on the lookout for announcements regarding updated ranking system and cost-share allocations!