World Geography- Chapter 12



1.  Compare and contrast the different regions of Brazil

2.  Identify the different economic activities taking place in Brazil

3.  Explain how the Brazilian government has tried to combat poverty and deforestation

4.  Explain the importance of the Amazon to the development and survival of Brazil

5.  Locate the major population centers in Brazil

Indiana State Academic Standards – Geography

2, 4, 5

Section 1- The Land and Its Regions

The students will read through this section that deals with the different sections of Brazil. I will have them create lists for each region of different facts they find from the reading. They will need to come up with ideas about geography, climate, and the people that live in these areas. I will give the students about 25 minutes to work on this. In the second half of class, I will put headings on the board to represent each of the different regions. I will compile a list of the facts that the students found on the board under each region. I may collect these notes for participation credit. After we are finished, I will give them a review worksheet that covers this section.

Section 2- Brazil’s Quest for Economic Growth

I will show a brief video that deals with Brazil and its people. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Then I will give the students a worksheet that will cover the notes they need for this section. I will then give a PowerPoint presentation that covers the info they needed to find in their reading. I will collect this assignment for a grade.

Name ______Date ______Period ______

Chapter 12- Section 2

Economic Challenges

1.  Were do Brazil’s poorest people live?

2.  How do homeless children live in Brazil?

3.  Who own plantations?

4.  Where do the rural workers find work?

5.  How did President Cardoso propose to fix the agriculture problems?

6.  What is life like in the Sertao?

Government Policies

7.  What are the two major aims of the government program to reduce poverty?

Economic Activities

8.  What did the Brazilian government build in the 1940s and 1950s?

9.  What did the government establish to encourage the growth of industry?

10.  Which city became a major center of industry in the 1950s?

Patterns of Settlement

11.  Why was Brazilia created?

12.  What did the shape of Brazilia symbolize?

13.  How did the government promote settlement in the north?

14.  What drew settlers to the Brazilian islands?

Economic Growth

15.  How much of Brazil’s GDP is industry?

16.  What is gasohol?

17.  How has ethanol changed Brazil’s exporting?

18.  How much of the labor force works in service industries today?

19.  How have new jobs changed the social structure of Brazil?

Environmental Changes

20.  How has the increase in economic development led to more poverty in the cities?

Challenges and Opportunities

21.  What negative effects were found after farmers cleared land in the Amazon?

22.  How did farmers keep their farms running?

New Efforts

23.  How can the Amazon help find advancements in medicine?

24.  How has the government tried to stop deforestation?

25.  What is ecotourism?