Allied Plan for Victory

·  The allied powers of the US and Britain were now joined by the Soviet Union

Country / Great Britain / United States / Soviet Union
Leader / Winston Churchill / Franklin Roosevelt / Joseph Stalin
Plan for Victory / Thinks the allies should strike at Northern Africa first, then invade Italy and Southern Europe / Agrees with Churchill / Thinks the allies should invade France first and help him fight against Germany
Actions / Sends Gen. Bernard “Monty” Montgomery to El Alamein, Egypt / Sends Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to Morocco and Algeria / Sends troops to Stalingrad to fight Germany

Northern Africa Campaign

/ Battle of Stalingrad / Invasion of Italy
1) Oct 1942: Monty attacks Rommels’ troops in El, Alamein, Egypt using a frontal attack that catches Germany by surprise.
2) Nov 1942: Rommel must retreat west
3) Nov 1942: Allies launch Operation Torch where Rommel’s retreating troops are met by US Gen. Eisenhower’s troops / 1)Aug-Nov 1943: Germany controlles 90% of the city
2)Nov 19: Stalin tells troops to defend his namesake to the death
3)When winter hits, the Soviets surround the city, cutting off their supplies. / 1) July 10 1943: From Northern Africa, the allies invade the island of Sicily
2) July 24:After securing Sicily, Allies invade mainland Italy
3) July 25:King has Mussolini arrested. Germans & Italian Fascists are losing
Result: May 1943: Rommel is sandwiched between Monty and Eisenhower and German Afrika Corps are defeated - Allies head North to Italy / Result: Feb 1943 - Hitler refuses to surrender, his frostbitten half-starved men surrender. / Result:
1. Sept 1943:Germans retreat north, Mussolini escapes and heads north
2. April 1945: Allies defeat Germans & Italians in Northern Italy
3. Mussolini disguised as an allied soldier is spotted, is hanged in town square

·  Next stop, invasion of France to finally defeat Germany!