Protection of Database Template using Cancelable Biometric

Chander Kant [1], Rajender Nath [2]

[1] Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and applications K.U., Kurukshetra, Haryana (INDIA)

[2] Reader, Department of Computer Science and applications K.U., Kurukshetra, Haryana (INDIA), [1], [2]



With the widespread deployment of biometric systems in various applications, there are increasing concerns about the security and privacy of biometric technology. Although many of biometric techniques can be applied to enhance security, evenmore protection tools are requiredto keep safe our biometric system at various attack points, for example an attacker may steals templates from a database and constructs artificial biometrics that breach authentication. It indicates that our biometrics templates in database are not secure; a solution should be devicefor database template-protection, which makes it hard to recover the actual biometric data from the templates.Here in this paper, we focus on biometric template security which is an important issue because unlike passwords and tokens, biometric templates cannot be revoked and reissued. We present an idea with the help of cancelable biometrics to protect templates in database in an efficient manner.

Keywords: Biometrics, fingerprint, minutiae, security, template, attack.

  1. Introduction

A biometric ID is a distinguishing feature of the human bodythat can be used for authentication e.g.fingerprints,eyes, face, hand, voice, and signature. Inherently, a biometric linksthe authenticator to the owner, unlike a password, which can belent or stolen.Biometrics can be classified further into subtypes: physical andbehavioral. Physical biometrics are based on body features. Behavioralbiometrics are based on learned gestures such as signatures.Biometric authentication can be vulnerable to machine error.Verification error occurs when a one-to-one match is attempted.Identification error occurs when a one-to-many match is attempted.Further false non-match rates (FRR) and false match rates (FAR)can beraised.User authentication is part of the larger security system, whichcan be strong or weak. A typical biometric system comprises of several modules.The sensor module acquires the raw biometric data ofan individual in the form of an image, video, audio or someother signal. The feature extraction module operates on thebiometric signal and extracts a salient set of features to representthe signal; during user enrolment the extracted featureset, labeled with the user’s identity, is stored in the biometricsystem and is known as a template. The matching modulecompares the feature set extracted during authentication withthe enrolled template(s) and generates match scores. The decisionmodule processes these match scores in order to eitherdetermine or verify the identity of an individual. An imposter can attack on any of the above mentioned points (Discussed in sec 1.3).

1.2 Cancelable Biometrics

This is a method of enhancing the security and privacy of biometric authentication. Instead of enrolling with your true finger (or other biometric), the fingerprint is intentionally distorted in a repeatable manner and this new print is used. If, for some reason, your old fingerprint is "stolen", an essentially "new" fingerprint can be issued by simply changing the parameters of the distortion process. This also results in enhanced privacy for the user since his true fingerprint is never used anywhere, and different distortions can be used for different types of accounts. The same technique can also be used with other biometrics (as shown below) to achieve similar benefits.

1.3 Attacks on a Biometric System

Ratha et al. [1] identified several different levels of attacks that can be launched against a biometric system (Figure 1): (i) a fake biometric trait such as an artificial finger may be presented at the sensor, (ii) illegally intercepted data may be resubmitted to the system, (iii) the feature extractor may be replaced by a Trojan horse program that produces pre-determined feature sets, (iv) legitimate feature sets may be replaced with synthetic feature sets, (v) the matcher may be replaced by a Trojan horse program that always outputs high scores thereby defying systemsecurity, (vi)the templates stored in the database may be modified or removed, or new templates may be introduced in the database, (vii) the data in the communication channel between various modules of the system may be altered, and (viii) the final decision output by the biometric system may be overridden.

(Figure1. Attack Points in a biometric system)

2. Related Work

Putte and Keuning [2] tested several fingerprint sensors to check whether they accept an artificially created (dummy)finger instead of a real finger. They describe methods to create dummy fingers with and without the cooperationof the real owner of the biometric. When the owner cooperates, obviously the quality of the produced dummy fingers can be higher than those produced without cooperation. In this process the plaster cast of the finger, liquid silicon rubber isfilled inside the cast to create a wafer-thin dummy that can be attached to a finger, without being noticed at all. Thisoperation is said to take only a few hours and more skill are needed:

Synthetic images are input to the matching algorithm, which in turn handles conversion of the images into any suitable representation before matching. But, for a fingerprint-based biometric system, such an approach presents challenges not found in a face-based system: the discriminating information in fingerprints is not tied to specific geometrical relationships, as it is in face-based systems (e.g., between eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) and methods that are inherently linked to the correct registration of image pixels seem unsuitable. A study that is related to the template database security (type 6 attack) is given in [3]. Using a commercial fingerprint matcher, the minutiae template data is reverse engineered by the author and the corresponding synthetic fingerprint images are generated. Although the generated images are not very realistic and few experimental results are provided, the possibility of this masquerading may imply that raw biometric templates need to be secured, using, for example,techniques such as encryption. Another method to protect templates from fraudulent usage involves using a distorted (but noninvertible) version of the biometric signal or the feature vector; if a specific representation of template is compromised, the distortion transform can be replaced with another one from a transform database. Every application can use a different transform (e.g., health care, visa, e-commerce) so that the privacy concerns of subjects related to database sharing between institutions can be addressed. Data hiding and watermarking techniques have also been proposed as means of increasing the security of fingerprint images, by detecting modifications [4], by hiding one biometric into another [5] and by hiding in the compressed domain.

An attack system has been designed for a minutiae-based fingerprint authentication system [6]. On the basis of this system we proposed our scheme on the basis of cancelable biometrics. First let us discuss the existing attack system given by [6].

Let D and T be the representation of the Database Template and Synthetic Template respectively. Each minutia may be described by a number of attributes, including its location in the fingerprint image, orientation, type etc. Most common minutiae matching algorithms consider each minutiae as a triplet m={x,y,θ}that indicates the minutiae location coordinates and the minutiae angle θ.

D= {m1,m2,…….mn}mi = {xi,yi,θi} i= 1….m

T= { m’1,m’2,…….m’n } mj = {x’j,y’j,θ’j} j= 1….n

Where m and n denotes the number of minutiae in D and T respectively.

Di : The database template corresponding to user i , i 1, 2,3,....N , where N is the total number of usersregistered in the system.

Tij: The jth synthetic template generated by the attacking system for user i . This template has the sameformat as database templates; it can be represented as

S( Di, Tij): The matching score between Di and Tij

Sthreshold: The decision threshold used by the matcher. Two templates will be considered as matched if their matching score meet this value.

Algorithm 1.

For attacking a specific user account, the attacking system must follow the following five steps:[7] also shown in figure2.

Step 1 (Initial guessing): Generate a fixed number of synthetic templates (Ti1 ,Ti2 ,Ti3 ……… Ti100).

Fig. 2. Overview of the attack system.

Step 2 (Try initial guesses): accumulate thecorresponding matching scores ( S(Di ,Ti1 ), S(Di ,Ti2 ), S(Di ,Ti3 ),..., S(Di ,Ti100 ) ) for user i.

Step 3 (Pick the best initial guess): Declare the best guess Tibest to be the template resulting in the highestmatching score.

Step 4: Modify Tibestby adding a new minutia,replacing an existing minutia. If for any one of these attempts, thematching score is larger than previousSbest(Di) declare the modified template as Tibest, and update Sbest(Di) accordingly.

Step 5 (Obtaining result): If the current best score is accepted by the matcher (namely, Sbest(Di)SThreshold),stop the attack.

3. Proposed Work

This algorithm of attack will be successful if we store our template Di in database without any change. If we apply cancelable biometrics and store our template Di in database such that all Diin database are not in original form, rather they are mutants only. Such that if D is database templates like

D= {m1,m2,…….mn}mi = {xi,yi,θi} i= 1….m

Then their mutants D’ = H(D) will be stored in database instead of actual D.

D’= {m’1,m’2,…….m’n}mi = {Xi,Yi,φi} i= 1….m

Where X = H(x)Y= H(y)and φ = H(θ)

Figure3. A block structure is imposed on the image aligned with characteristic points. The blocks in the original image are subsequently scrambled randomly but repeatably. Image morphing algorithms are described in References [8]and [9].

H is hashing function corresponds to any transformation applied to actual Templates as shown in figure3 above. It is also true that there will be no math between actual template and its mutant i.e. if we calculate Spatial Distance (sd) and direction difference (dd) that will not be below r0 and θ0 or we can write as

sd(m’1, m1)= sqrt [(Xi - xi )2+ (Yi - yi )2] < r0------(1)

Similarly dd(m’1, m1) < θ0------(2)

Now let’s apply the Algorithm-1 to find the best math between existing templates. Keeping in mind that now instead of D, D’ are stored in database. Suppose the algorithm declares the D’i as best match due to its score level Sbest(D’i).

Since Spatial Distance (sd) and direction difference (dd) of D and D’ does not match. No doubt T and D will not match and similarly from equations (1) and (2).

Sd(Tm’1, Dm1)= sqrt [(Xi – x’i )2 + (Yi – y’i )2 ] < r0

Dd(Tm’1, Dm1) < θ0

Only mutants will be stolen and original template arequite safe. We can further alter D to D” by some another hashing function Win future whenever required. In this way the cancelable biometrics helps a lot in safekeeping our templates in database.

4. Conclusion

There is no security system that is completely foolproof. Every system is breakable with an appropriate amount of time and money. The techniques used to prevent the attacks, help to increase the time, and cost of money. It is somewhat ironic that the greatest strength of biometrics is that the biometrics does not change over time and at the same time its greatest problem. Once a set of biometric data has been compromised, it is compromised forever. To address this issue, we have proposed applying repeatable noninvertible distortions to the biometric signal. Cancellation simply requires the specification of a new distortion transform. Privacy is enhanced because different distortions can be used for different services and the true biometrics are never stored or revealed to the authentication server. In addition, such intentionally distorted biometrics cannot be used for searching legacy databases and will thus ease some privacy violation concerns. A single template protection approach may not be sufficient to meet all the application requirements. Hence, hybrid schemes that make use of the advantages of the different template protection approaches must be developed.

5. References

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[2] T. Putte and J. Keuning, “Biometrical fingerprint recognition: don’t get your fingers burned”, Proc. IFIP TC8/WG8.8, Fourth Working Conf. Smart Card Research and Adv. App., pp. 289-303, 2000.

[3] C.J. Hill, “Risk of masquerade arising from the storage of biometrics”, B.S. Thesis,

[4] S. Pankanti and M.M. Yeung, “Verification watermarks on fingerprint recognition and retrieval”, Proc. SPIE EI, vol. 3657, pp. 66-78, 1999.

[5] A. K. Jain and U. Uludag, “Hiding biometric data”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1494-1498, November 2003.

[6] U. Uludag and A. K. Jain, “Attacks on biometric systems:a case study in fingerprints,” in Proc. SPIE, Security, Seganography and Watermarking of MultimediaContents VI, vol. 5306, pp. 622–633, (San Jose, CA), January 2004.

[7] Umut Uludag, Anil K. Jain, Attacks on Biometric Systems: A Case Study in Fingerprints,

[8] G. Wolberg, “Image Morphing: A Survey,” The Visual Computer 360–372 (1998).

[9] T. Beier and S. Neely, “Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH, ACM, New York (1992), pp. 35–42.