Meeting title: / Technical Staff Forum
Date: / Friday 13 February 2015 / Time: / 12.00-14.00
Location: / Physics Seminar Room, Room 5081, Building 46
Present: / Trevor Austin (ORC), Matthew Brimmel (Medicine) Pete Dargie (Psychology),
Rachel Fitzearle (Biological Sciences), Andrew Giles (E&E), Ged Goldsmith (ISVR),
Maxine Hart (ILIaD), Stephen Hayward (OES), Paul Kinsey (P&A) Laurie Lau
(Medicine), Chris Malcolm (E&E), Paul Martin (PA), Colin Miles (PA),
Peter Morgan (Geography), Pam Morgan (ILIaD), Lee Mulholland (Chemistry),
Karen Platt (Biological Sciences), Gareth Savage (P&A), Pete Sellen (E&E) and
Jane Worner-Gibbs (Biological Sciences)
Apologies: / Mike Bartlett (ECS) and Kevin Smith (E&E)
Agenda Item / Action / Person Responsible
1.  / Welcome / Pam Morgan welcomed everyone to the meeting.
On behalf of the forum she congratulated Colin on being awarded a BEM in the New Year’s honours for his services to education. She also thanked Colin for his support of technical forum and the SCRN events and wished him a very happy retirement. He will be missed.
2.  / HEaTED / 2.1 Received: Report on the 7 January 2015 South Coast Regional Network (SCRN) Event
A special thank you to Ged Goldsmith and Andy Giles for their contribution to the success of this event.
Actions arising from the SCRN meeting:
·  To organise an on-site course
Contact Maxine Hart, regional co-ordinator on
·  Ask your colleagues, team members and other network groups (Unions and Staff Developers) to register independently on the HEaTED website to ensure everyone receives information direct from HEaTED and can take full advantage of your Institution’s Membership
·  Promote Regional Network Grants to technical contacts in other institutions (up to £1000 for hosting an event and no requirement for Institutional Membership) – (ideal taster session PM)
·  Use the Online Community Group to make comments and feedback on the SCRN and other topics
·  If you would like further information on the CATTS please contact
·  To share raising profile of technical staff document with group
·  Each staff member and each university to take ownership and responsibility for raising the profile of technical staff
·  HEaTED to put pictures taken on the day onto the South Coast Online Group
2.2  Next South Coast Regional Event
The next SCRN meeting will need to take place in June at the latest. The agenda for this event will be required by HEaTED 9 weeks before the event (April!)
Pam asked the group for:
·  Ideas for a theme for the next event
·  Names of contacts in other institutions who could possibly host the event i.e Brighton, Sussex, Bournemouth, Chichester or possibly feeder colleges i.e Highbury
·  Names of contacts in other South Coast Institutions who might may be able to help us promote an event at their Institution?
·  Email or with ideas and or names of contacts
·  Pam Morgan to contact Neil Smith at Bournemouth University (Post meeting note: Pam has contacted and received response from Neil)
·  Gareth Savage to contact a colleague in University of Sussex (?)
·  Set up meeting in early April to set an Agenda for the event
It was suggested by members of the forum that if we hold 2 events per year one of them should be hosted at Southampton and the other at another institution if possible. / Pam Morgan HEaTED SCRN Co-ordinator
James Nobes (HEaTED)
Technical Forum Members
Gareth Savage
Pam Morgan/
Maxine Hart
3.  / Training Opportunities / 3.1 HEaTED Training courses
Pam reminded the group that HEaTED can offer courses to be delivered here in our own institution.
It had been mooted previously that members would be interested in a Leadership and management for Technical Staff training workshop run at Southampton. This could be arranged if required. A minimum of 8 delegates is required to run a course here.
Action: Email or to arrange a course via HEaTED
3.2 Safety Office training courses
Action: Check availability and range of training available via Safety Office. i.e. COSHH, Dangerous Good, Manual Handling etc. / ALL
Maxine Hart
4.  / Professional Registration / CATTS and Professional registration workshops
HEaTED have introduced a new competency assessment toolkit for technical staff. Copies of this are available from Pam Morgan/Maxine Hart either in hard copy (1 copy per Faculty) of pdf format.
Action: Email a pdf copy of the CATTS pack to attendees of the forum
Following on from the SCRN meeting Pam, supported by Agnes Michalik, will arrange follow-up sessions to support professional registration; subsequently, if appropriate, she will invite Ali Orr and his colleagues to support registration and progress toward assessment
Actions: Pam Morgan to liaise with Agnes to organise follow-up sessions. / Maxine Hart
Pam Morgan
5.  / Business case for apprenticeships / Pam and Stephen Hayward had met with the COO, Steve White to discuss the issues around recruiting apprentices.
He is keen to promote this and make HR accountable.
Agreed: Pam Morgan, Stephen Hayward, Gareth Savage and Rachel Fitzearle will meet to write a business case to put forward to the COO. (Post-meeting note – Pam has requested and received management data to support business case from HR)
Action: Set up a meeting between Pam Morgan, Stephen Hayward, Gareth Savage and Rachel Fitzearle / Maxine Hart
6.  / Inclusion of TAE staff on Staff Lists published on Faculty websites / The Faculty of Engineering and the Environment are currently conducting a technical staff review and considering the skills gap. This has highlighted that technical staff do not appear on staff lists published on the FEE external facing website.
Some Faculties already include key technical contacts on their externally facing staff lists. Therefore it was agreed that it would appropriate for the key contacts to be listed on the FEE external website in line with other Faculties. / Ged Goldsmith
7.  / Any other business / 7.1 Revision of Career Pathways Booklet
Gareth Savage is a member of the working group tasked with revising the Career Pathways booklet.
He asked for feedback from staff, Level 4 and above, on areas that need updating, i.e competency skills, and qualifications.
Agreed: Pete Dargie, Stephen Hayward and Andy Giles would provide Gareth with feedback
Deadline for this: End of March
7.2 Health & Safety Training courses
There was a recommendation from the technical staff that The Health & Safety office should advertise their training via ILIad and make their courses available for booking using staffbook.
Action: Contact Health & Safety Office to ask if they would consider administering their courses via ILIaD and using staffbook. / Pete Dargie Stephen Hayward
Andy Giles
Pam Morgan/
Maxine Hart
8.  / Date of next meeting / A meeting will be held in early April to discuss theme and arrangements for the next SCRN event.
Action: Book Room 5081, Building 46 in early April / Gareth Savage
