Central CT State University Physical/Health Education Lesson Plan(PE 210)

Created by: __Michaela Considine______Date: ______11/1/16______

Unit topic: ____Choose My Plate______

Key skill(s) and/or concept(s) for this lesson: Fruits and Vegetables

Grade level: 3

Lesson #: 2

Specific provisions for safety: (emotional/social/physical)

Materials/Resources/Technology Needed: Crazy color worksheet, timer, fruit and veggie word search, question slip, dry erase marker.

References: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/


Domain / Nat'l
Stand. / Com.
Core / Objectives
Cognitive / 1
7 / Students will be able to recognize the sections of myplate that represent fruits and vegetables.
Students will be able to identify at least five different types of fruits and vegetables.
Affective / 1
7 / Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the importance of eating fruits and vegetables in their everyday life.
Assessment Strategies / Open ended questions to get them thinking.
Question slip before class ends.
Make it apply to everyday life.
Good morning students. Did you have a good Halloween? That’s great. Did you get a lot of candy? Alright! Remember last class, when we went over the main goal of choose my plate. Where does candy fall on this plate? It doesn’t really, does it? But that’s okay because you can still eat your candy while following the, choose my plate guidelines. We want to make sure we eat it in moderation. Does anyone know what moderation means? Right it means maybe one or two pieces for dessert after dinner, or maybe one in your lunch box, but then that’s it and you save the rest. For today’s class we are going to focus in on 2 of the 4 portions of the plate, fruits and vegetables. We’re going to talk about why they’re important to have in our diets, how much you need of them each day, and some different ways we can introduce new fruits and vegetables into our lives.

Lesson Focus – MUST BE PLANNED, BUT WILL NOT BE TAUGHT in mini lessons.

(Time allotted- )

Description of learning tasks:
First we will identify how much fruits and vegetables take up on our plate and why it takes up that half.
Discuss how many servings of fruits and vegetables the students need to eat each day. They can split up the serving throughout the day or eat it all at once.
Write down different ways to eat fruits and vegetables whether it is in cereal, in salad, as a snack with peanut butter, fruit juice 100%, fruit with yogurt dip, etc.
The importance of eating fruits and vegetables. How it can affect their growth and health. / 1) Organizational Description: (How will groups be determined?)
Class Discussion
2) Instructional cues:
1 1/2-2 Cups
Serving size
Healthy development
3) Questions to ask:
Why is it important to eat a serving of fruits and vegetables every day?
How many servings do you need each day of fruits? How many for vegetables?
How much do fruits and vegetables take up on the plate?
Differentiated Instruction:
Ø  Simplified – Pass out a list of fun easy snacks the students can make at home so they get their full serving of fruits and vegetables a day.
Ø  Challenge – Have the students create their own list of fruits and vegetables that they eat each day and how they will add more to their daily diet.

Culminating Activity

(Time allotted- )

Description of activity:
Students will get into assigned groups and be handed a crazy color worksheet, one per group. They will then be given three minutes to write down all the fruits and vegetables that they can that fall under each color.
After three minutes we will add up how many each group listed in each color category.
Then I will go over some different types of fruits and vegetables from the master list to give the students more choices.
They will then take what they listed or I have read off and write down on a question sheet one vegetable that they would like to try and how they would like to try it (cereal, snack, dinner, dessert, etc) and one fruit they would like to try and how they would like to try it. / 1) Organizational Description: (How will groups be determined?)
Teacher assigned groups of 4 with 8 students in a group
2) Instructional cues:
Crazy color work sheet
Master List
New Fruits and Vegetables
3) Questions to ask:
How many fruits and vegetables were you able to come up with in each color?
What new types of vegetables would you be willing to try and how?
What new types of fruit would you be willing to try and how?
Differentiated Instruction:
Ø  Simplified – Draw pictures under each of the fruits and vegetables listed if the list is short enough.
Ø  Challenge – Have the groups go over what they have listed. If another group has the same food they have to cross it off. The group with the most foods remaining wins.
Now with everything that we learned today about fruits and vegetables and how important they are I want you to fill out one new fruit and one new vegetable you would like to try and how you would like to try it. I’ll give you two minutes to think about it and write down your answers.
Would anyone like to share their answer? Great job.
I hope that you’ll take what you learned today and go home and maybe grab something healthy for a snack instead of that Halloween candy. Next class we’ll be going over proteins, grains, and dairy.


Reflective lesson analysis: (To be completed AFTER teaching the lesson and typed on the following form. It is due the next class.)

Revised: December 2015

Reflective Lesson Analysis

1.  What do you think went well and what do you think didn’t go well? Provide support for your answer.

I was very happy with the participation in the classroom. It was nice that I was able to engage the class and relate the topic to them not only as third graders but also as college students who may not have ever tried some of the new fruits and vegetables mentioned. I feel I had a nice flow from my introduction to my culminating activity. The conclusion was a little rocky for me because I was starting to run low on time and had to focus on getting the students attention back on me. I also wanted to incorporate a word search but I decided against that. I really liked the exit slip I had prepared; I wish I could have gotten a few more responses on that. I need to really work on my use of the word ‘guys’ as a plural for everyone. That was one of the hardest parts for me. Once I started speaking I got into a zone where I couldn’t stop and pause to think about changing my vocabulary or else I would have lost my train of thought.

2.  If you could teach this lesson again, what would you do differently? Provide rationale for your answer.

If I taught the lesson again I would probably like to make more of a game out of the culminating activity. Students seem to like a friendly competition. I would definitely add the word search back in too, maybe as a homework assignment. I would work on my use of the word ‘guys’ as well and use something more fitting such as ‘everyone’ or ‘students’.

3.  Please provide any additional observations or comments about your experience as the peer teacher.

Peer teaching can be the most difficult because so much is expected from you as an adult with your peers. You feel like you’re being judged by adults but not so much with children. Children are eager to learn and don’t sit there with a checklist to make sure you covered all the material. I get very nervous, I was shaking, and I usually stumble over my words but because of the fun environment in the classroom it really helped relax me a little bit. I have made friends with a few people and I look to them for support when I ask a question and it really helps.

4.  How might you adapt your teaching/thinking based on this experience?

I would absolutely want to keep my teaching fun and exciting. I want the topic to relate to the children so they can use it in their everyday life. I feel like hands on activities are important when it comes to learning. I liked that I incorporated a vocabulary word, moderation, which is something they may have learned at that age. I thought that I would want to teach at a higher level but it seemed like a lot more fun to mold the minds of younger children and set them on the right track in life.