Appendix 2 Resources committee – Schedule of Business
Name of School
Autumn Term x2 / Spring Term x 2 / Summer Term x 1Compliance matters
Budget monitoring (inc. PP expenditure): including review of close of annual budget
Receive report to check SCR is up to date and compliant
Review relevant audit / internal audit feedback and related financial procedures
Health and Safety Matters / Accident reporting
Ensure all insurances are inplace
Monitor risk assessments
Review / approve Equality staff information and objectives for publication
Policies (Appendix 1) / Compliance matters
Review accessibility plan, agree implementation (min. of every 3 years for full review / new plan)
Budget monitoring (inc. PP expenditure)
Review affordability of school uniform
Ensure the financial risk register is up to date and appropriate actions in place
Health and Safety Matters / Accident reporting
Consider any tenders
Annual Health and Safety Audit and Action Plan
Policies (Appendix 1) / Compliance matters
Budget monitoring (inc. PP expenditure)
Election of Chair of committee
Prepare draft Budget for forthcoming year for LGB and Trust Board
Review asset register and ensure up to date
Review lettings costs and procedures
Health and Safety Matters / Accident reporting
*(or here)
Consider annual programme of repairs and maintenance
Consider any tenders
Policies (Appendix 1)
Strategic matters
Feedback from exit interviews – identify actions
Report on appraisal outcomes and impact
Report on appraisal targets for next academic year
SIP – agreed areas of focus / monitoring
Arrange health and safety walkabouts
Consider provision of staff CPD
Monitor staff absence data / Strategic matters
Consider staff work/life balance monitoring and information – identify actions
Agree any staff questionnaire/feedback opportunities
Agree staff complement for next academic year
Review staffing structure
SIP – agreed areas of focus / monitoring
Monitor short and long term asset management plans
Monitor staff absence data / Strategic matters
SIP monitoring
Discuss outcome of staff surveys
Review the impact of staff CPD
SIP – agreed areas of focus / monitoring
Consider implications of forthcoming SIP on personnel and resources
Consider the need for any forthcoming funding bids
Monitor staff absence data
The committee may also be required to review any tenders in relation to procurement limits as per the Finance regulations of the Trust, and consider any staffing requests / changes if those being proposed do not sit within the substantive staffing structure.