This document contains guidelines specific to SET and links to the Travel - Policies and Procedures where policies, procedures, forms and other information for travel can be found.

Cost Centre Manager / For the College of SET, the Cost Centre manager is the Head of School, Deans, Directorsor the PVC.

Domestic Travel

/ Domestic travel includes any travel in excess of 50 km from RMIT or normal place of residence or being off campus for RMIT business for more than 24 hours. The Cost Centre manager approves all domestic travel for Cost Centre staff. The PVC approves all domestic travel for Heads of School and SET Office staff members.
International Travel / The Cost Centre manager recommends all international travel for School staff
The PVC approves all international travel.

Documents required

  • A copy of Travel Authority document signed by traveller, and Head of School and/or PVC as required.
  • SET Portfolio or School specific checklist (see attached example) and associated documents signed by traveller and/or PVC as required.
  • A travel diary for local travel greater than 5 nights and all international travel to be completed during travel.

Staff Responsibility

/ All required completed documents to be submitted to approver in timely manner. For travel requiring PVC approval, if travel is included in the School annual travel plan and budget, documents must be forwarded to the office of the PVC no less than 7 days prior to travel. If travel is NOT in the annual travel plan, documents should be submitted 28 days prior to travel.
Teaching, research and other responsibilities should be covered during staff member’s absence.

Cost centre manager responsibility

/ To recommend/ approve travel or not recommend /not approve travel in a timely manner. It is recommended that this should occur within 2 working days of receipt of documentation.

Payment/Credit cards

/ It is a requirement that all travel and accommodation expenses be paid prior to the staff member’s departure on Cost Centre Credit cards as issued under SET Portfolio Credit card guidelines. Only when the School travel administrator confirms that accommodation cannot be pre paid should an RMIT Credit Card be activated or issued for a staff member to pay RMIT travel costs. Airfares should be paid for by the Schools P Card holder or via invoice, not on the individual traveller’s credit card.
On return from travel the credit card should be deactivated as per SET Portfolio credit card guidelines. For staff using credit cards for TRAVEL ONLY, meals and incidental expenses are NOT to be paid on RMIT credit cards, they are covered via the RMIT Per Diem Guidelines, see SET Finance - Credit Card guidelines.
Document Storage / Copies of all forms and approvals must be kept in the Cost Centre and by the traveller.


/ If a travel approval form is completed and approved then the RMIT travel insurance policy is applicable.
Other useful information / For reimbursement of travel expenses use the staff reimbursement forms under Finance forms on theFinancial Services Information and Services web site.
Staff wishing to purchase airline club membership can do so at corporate rates, but must pay for the membership themselves.
Relevant RMIT web pages
/ RMIT Travel Procedures and Policy including Use of Personal Vehicles, Travel Insurance, Hire Vehicles, Accommodation and Meals and Incidentals:
Financial Services Information & Services web site:
People and Culture web site:
SET Portfolio Web Site
Per Diem Procedure
Revision history
/ Version 1.3, December 2008. Please make comments and report errors . To be reviewed December 2010.

SET Portfolio / School

Travel Checklist

Name: Staff Number:


For International travel that has been included in the School budget and International travel plan, this checklist should be sent to the Portfolio Office for approval 7 days prior to travel. Otherwise, allow four weeks prior to travel.

Schools may adapt this checklist to meet their requirements.

Requirement / Document / Attached
1 / RMIT Travel Authority signed by HoS, Dean, Directoror PVC / Completed form including all accommodation and complete itinerary
1b / For local travel, details of travel / Travel details should be within the RMIT guidelines.
2 / Evidence of financial support - budget item / SAP report or other source of funds
3a / Conference attendance or other staff development form if relevant / Form should have documentation attached.
3b / Marketing information if relevant
3c / Other reason for travel documentation
4 / Annual leave approval if required / Copy of ESS page with approval
5 / Arrangements for covering teaching or other duties / Only necessary if not on conference attendance form.
6 / Vaccinations & Health website accessed & declaration made / Travel Health Declaration Form signed by traveller
7 / Contact details / Emergency contact details including phone and fax numbers should be provided if not elsewhere

The attached information is correct and complies with RMIT guidelines.

J:\Planning & Resources\Portfolio Guidelines\Travel\Guidelines for SET Domestic & International Travel.doc

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