Date:19th and 20th July 2008


200 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319642

Updates @


  1. Please return this form with payment by mail, or by hand (from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, Mon. Wed. and Fri.), to Bishan Heights RC, Block 288 Bishan Street 24 #01-11, Singapore 570288 by the closing date of 5th July 2008. Note that place of payment and venue of tournament are different.
  2. Photocopies of this form may be used. This form may be downloaded from Updates and prize structure will be posted in due course to the Scrabble Association website at
  3. One form is to be filled in for each entrant. Player substitutions will not be permitted. However, payment for several entrants may be combined in one cheque. Receipts will be issued.
  4. For cheque payment, please make out the crossed cheque to "Bishan Heights RC". Write the name of all entrants covered by the cheque on the back.
  5. Eligibility for divisions A and/or B will be posted on for players with Singapore ratings. Players not eligible for either division A or B must enter for division C. Only Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may participate.
  6. The organisers will accept entries on a first-come first-served basis, and reserve the right to decline entries as they see fit, or if capacity is exceeded.
  7. Email queries may be addressed to . For phone enquiries call 6453 2373 from 7.30 pm to 9.30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
  8. The championship will be played to Scrabble Association tournament rules as available from the Association's website. The word source will be Collins Tournament & Club Word List 2007 as specified in the Rules.
  9. Participants will not hold the organisers liable for any injury or loss experienced as a result of their participation.

ENTRY FEE / Division A / Division B / Division C
SA/Bishan Heights RC members / $20 / $20 / $15
Non-members / $30 / $30 / $20
Students (up to JC level) / $10 / $10 / $10
RATINGS* / 1500 and up / 1350 to 1600 / 1400 and below
REGISTRATION TIME / 8.45am both days / 12pm Sat., 8.45am Sun. / from 8.30 am Sunday
FORMAT / 16 games KOTH, repeat pairings in last 4 rounds / 12 KOTH, repeats in last 3 / 8 KOTH, repeats last 2

*Players in the overlapping ratings range have the option of playing in either of two divisions. See Instruction 5. Check your rating before submission.


NAME / Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr
AFFILIATION / You may nominate one school, company, ministry, stat. board, society etc. of which you are currently a student, employee, member etc. and wish to represent
DIVISION (circle one) / A B C
(where payment is by cheque) / (see Instruction 4)
EQUIPMENT / Will you be bringing a Scrabble set? Yes/No
Will you be bringing a chess clock? Yes/No

Organised by the Scrabble Association, Singapore and Bishan Heights Residents' Committee

The kind support of HDB Recreation Club and Teck Ghee CC is gratefully acknowledged.

Scrabble® is a trademark of J W Spear & Son Limited, a Mattel company.


1st Prize / S$300 + Trophy / S$200 + Trophy / S$120 + Trophy
2nd Prize / S$200 + Trophy / S$100 + Trophy / S$80 + Trophy
3rd Prize / S$100 + Trophy / S$50 + Trophy / S$60 + Trophy
4th Prize / S$40 + Trophy / S$30 + Trophy / S20 + Trophy
5th Prize / Trophy / Trophy / Trophy
6th Prize / Trophy / Trophy / Trophy

The National Champion will receive the Teck Ghee Challenge Shield to keep for a year and will be eligible to play for Singapore in the 2009 World Scrabble Championship.

Attractive Lucky Draw Prizes for Non-Prize Winners
Door Gifts
Light refreshments will be provided