Harbormaster Training Council
Weymouth Police Station
June 16, 2016
10 am
Members Present: C. Hunter (Chairman), S. Story, C. Blaire, J. Concannon, R. Gillan, J. Cheever’s, D. Zivkovich (EOPSS), S. Sullivan (EOPSS), M. McDonald (USCG), K. Gorman (USCG).
Guest Present: Richard F. McDermott, Paul Milone, Peter DeCola, James Cunningham, Mick Kief, Kristin Uiterwyk, (Urban Harbors)
Call to order @ 10:05
Minutes of May 24, 2016
MOTION to approved minutes from the May 24, 2016 meeting S. Story, 2nd R. Lesch-all in favor none opposed.
Public comment:
Richard McDermott’s opinion that the public comments belong at the end of the meeting.
Mike Kiely to have at the beginning of the meeting restricts comments.
Waiver/Exemption Applications: No requests
John S. Crocker status letter request.
Discussion concerning the concept of what should be done for harbormasters prior to 2009:
-Letter of proof of employment
-Appointing authority
-What harbormaster has done stays with the person
-Fulfilled In Service training since that time
Dan Z suggested revising our original form to include the above. Chad Hunter stated he would revise our form and send out a draft for council to review.
Urban Harbor training update/review
Kristin Uiterwyk reported she had sent out material to Chad who in turn has and will send out to the council. The website has been up for 3 weeks and needs harbormaster feedback. It is also on the training council website-this can be sent out to all chapter members.
IMPORTANT-to send out for comments-encourage all harbormasters to make comments!
NUKA-Peter DeCola –PATON-presented to Urban Harbors a draft overview of the PATON presentation. Peter DeCola gave a short version to group. The PATON presentation is what the council is looking for and needs to look no further. The council thanked Peter.
Kristin asked that chapters send a list of harbormasters to her and she will compare to the spread sheet she has created: Harbors, names, emails etc.
Certificate/Status letter discussion
Chad Hunter presented a draft letter:
Thank you for requesting the Harbormaster Training Council to review your records. The Harbormaster Training Council reviewed your records at the ______meeting and based on the documentation provided pursuant to Chapter 422 of the Acts of 2008 considers you to be exempt from the Harbormaster initial Training referenced in M.G.L. Ch. 102 sec. 19a. Your exemption is based on your appointment to a full-time or permanent part-time position as harbormaster or assistant harbormaster before the effective date (March 2009) of the training requirement.
MOTION: Robert Gillan motioned to accept the letter above written by Chad Hunter with the added recommendation of the council “based on the documentation provided”.
2nd Scott Story
Discussion concerning original motion-do not need amendments just include “based on the documentation provided” B. Gillan withdrew his amendment.
Vote: all in favor none opposed.
Chad Hunter will revise our original application and add a check box for meeting In Service training requirements, appointment date prior to 2009.
Bob Gillan presented two draft wording for a certificate that was voted on at the meeting in Plymouth:
Massachusetts Harbormaster Training Council hereby certifies that
(harbormaster name) is in full compliance with the Training Requirements set forth by the Harbormaster Training Council to serve as a Massachusetts Harbormaster in accordance with MGL C. 102 S. 19A
Massachusetts Harbormaster Training Council hereby certifies that
(harbormaster name) is in full compliance with the Training Requirements set forth by the Harbormaster Training Council and is qualified to perform duties as a Massachusetts Harbormaster in accordance with MGL C.102 S. 19A
After brief discussion EOPSS Shannon Sullivan (Hickey) revised the wording to read:
Massachusetts Harbormaster Training Council hereby certifies that
(harbormaster name) is in full compliance with the initial training requirements pursuant to Chapter 422 of the Acts of 2008 to serve as a Massachusetts Harbormaster.
MOTION: Bob Gillan motioned to accept the draft written by Shannon Sullivan (Hickey) as wording for the certificate for those Harbormasters in the job prior to 2008.
2nd R. Lesch
Vote: all in favor none opposed.
Member Comments:
Dan Zivkovich asked about the Seaport Councils and is the council in the process of asking for any funds? Chad Hunter responded that not at this time. Dan stated the council is now in a position to collect moneys and should move forward with asking for funds to support the training once the Urban Harbors has completed the initial training program and the council has accepted it.
Also for In Service training and again we have the ability to also collect fees to offset any expenses.
-Work on creating Reserve type training instead of the EOPSS Reserve Academy.
Member comments:
Bob Gillan recommends moving the Public Comment segment to the end of the meeting. Those persons who come to the meeting deserve to be able to listen during the meeting and ask questions at that time. It is a disservice to those who attend our meetings.
Chad Hunter stated that 90% of meetings he is aware of have the comment section at the beginning of the meeting so people can come ask questions and not have to sit through the entire meeting. It is the chairman’s prerogative.
Future meeting dates:
Thursdays was determined to be the best day of the week to conduct our meetings.
Normally we have July and August off but it would be helpful to Urban Harbors if we meet in August to help finalize as much of the work as possible.
Next meeting August 11, 2016 10 am Weymouth PD.
Rosemary Lesch
Vice-Chairman/acting secretary
Approved 08/11/2016