Complete and sign one form for each student in your family. Please clearly print information when appropriate. Remember to fill out each of the four (4) sections completely before signing and dating the form. Return the completed form to the athletic office.


Student NameSchoolGrade

Student Address


The athletic handbook contains the guidelines and procedures by which athletes are to follow including code of conduct. The handbook is consistent with the Board of Education policies and contains information regarding, but not limited, to: attendance, academics, behavioral and expectations. The athletic handbook is published on the school website and available in each school office.

I have read and understand the entire handbook, including the student code of conduct. I understand the rights and responsibilities pertaining to the athletes and agree to support and abide by the rules, guidelines, procedures and policies.


Participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right. In consideration of this privilege, athletes and their families are required to maintain insurance coverage sufficient to cover the risk of injury associated with athletic participation. The athlete listed above has adequate insurance coverage, thereby releasing Bryan City Schools of any financial responsibility in case of injury.

_____Yes, I have insurance

_____No, We need to purchase student insurance


I have read and understand the parent/spectator code of conduct and understand that attending school district athletic events and extracurricular activities is a privilege. I agree to conduct myself in a manner that demonstrates the standards of the Bryan City School District Board of Education and the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play in interscholastic athletics. I understand that if disciplinary actions are taken by school personnel in order to enforce this agreement, I have the opportunity to speak with the Superintendent about he decision and the Superintendent will have the final word on any action that is taken.



I understand and agree that participation in athletic or extra-curricular activities is a privilege that may be withdrawn for violations of the Bryan City Schools Drug Testing policy. I have read the Drug Testing Policy and thoroughly understand the consequences that I will face if I do not honor my commitment to the Drug Testing policy. I understand that when I participate in any athletic program or extra-curricular activity I will be subject to random urine drug & alcohol testing, and if I refuse, I will not be allowed to practice or participate in any athletic activities or extra-curricular activities. I have read the informed consent agreement and agree to its terms. I understand the policy applies to me while I am a student in grades 7-12 in the Bryan City School District.


I have read the Bryan City School District drug testing policy and understand the responsibilities of my son/daughter/ward as a participant in athletic or extra-curricular activities in the Bryan City School District. I understand that my son/daughter/ward, when participating in any athletic program or extra-curricular activity, will be subject to random urine drug and alcohol testing, and if he/she refuses, will not be allowed to practice or participate in any athletic or extra-curricular activities. I have read the informed Consent Agreement and agree to its terms. I understand this agreement is binding while my son/daughter/ward is a participant in athletics or extra-curricular activities in 7-12 in Bryan City School District.


Parent/Guardian #1 SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian #1 Printed NameDate


Parent/Guardian #2 SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian #2 Printed NameDate


Student SignatureDate


Student Printed NameDate