Stat 101-Introductory Statistics-Fall, 2007

Text: A First Course in Statistics by James McClave and Terry Sincich. Text is accompanied by a CD containing Minitab examples and data sets. You will need both. However, the software is loaded on the Y –drive. You will be doing assignments in the computer labs.

Instructor: Kathy Bauman-161B Trexler Hall

Office Hours: M, W, F: 8:30-9:30, 12:00-1:00. These hours are for both Math 111 and Stat. 101. Additional hours will be added as necessary for individual classes. Office hours for T/Th. are announced weekly. I frequently do review sessions. Appointments will be available at different times if needed.

Office Phone: 375-2450

Home Phone: 772-3339

E-mail address: .

Needs: A scientific calculator will be required. You will need to use the college labs to access the Minitab software. I expect you to keep notes, quizzes, definitions, formulas, etc. in an organized notebook. Homework should be kept separately in a three-ring binder. We will go over my expectations in detail. It is your responsibility to get any notes missed and to attempt the assignments. You must have notes before seeing me.

Course Objectives: To provide the student with a survey course on the treatment of data by classical statistical procedures leading to meaningful conclusions. We shall deal with both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Topics: Statistical measures of data, probability, random variables, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, correlation, and prediction.

Academic Integrity: You are expected to be familiar with the Academic Integrity Code

outlined in the booklet, Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. I take this topic very

seriously. Work shall be your own. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off prior to entering the class or lab. The use of any electronic device during a quiz or exam is strictly prohibited. This includes PalmPilots, Pocket PCs, and Blackberrys. Any use of such devices during a quiz or exam will be considered a breach of academic integrity. Basic handheld calculators may be used on quizzes, homework, and exams as indicated by the professor.

Grading Policy: Three tests will be given during the semester, counting 15% each. Your final exam will be comprehensive and will count 20%. I will give 4-6 quizzes-dropping the lowest grade. The quiz average will count 20% of your grade. Homework will be given daily and graded frequently for effort and for accuracy/completion. I will grade for accuracy after evaluating your understanding of the concepts. Minitab assignments will also be assigned to be turned in for a grade. I may ask you to present work in class. You are also expected to attend at least one of the scholarly talks and to write a paper concerning the talk. Homework, Minitab assignments, any required presentations, and your attendance at a scholarly presentation will count 15% of the final grade. Grades will be assigned using:

A 93-100C73-76





C+77-79FBelow 60

Attendance Policy: Attendance is expected! You are responsible for all work done in

classes that are missed. I will expect homework to be done for these classes.

Information on assignments will be posted daily on Blackboard. If you miss 6

classes, you may be dropped from this course. Please see me if you have

questions concerning this policy. Communication on this topic is extremely


**I also feel strongly about students being on time to class. Two tardies will count as one absence. You also risk the possibility that I do not change an absence to a tardy and that would result in using one of your absences.

Use of Blackboard: I will use Blackboard to communicate with you often. Assignments and announcements will be posted daily and grades will be recorded there.However, Iwill not use Blackboard to average grades! I will also post information often there. If you have trouble using Blackboard, please contact the Help Desk.

Exam Schedule: Dec. 12: 8:30-11:30.

Schedule of Scholarly Talks-this info will be posted as soon as it becomes available to me.

Special needs: If you qualify for special services through Academic Services, please schedule a time to talk with me concerning your needs.

Note: Material, content, scheduling, and evaluation methods may be changed if instructor deems it necessary.

This course may not be taken for credit if you have already received credit for a higher level of statistics course. If you have questions concerning this, please contact your advisor immediately.