WAM! NEWS LETTERWichita Area Mopars, Inc.

P. O. Box 48822, Wichita, KS 67201316-291-0426 (think HEMI)

News Letter Editor - Ron Mayes. .

WAM Membership Meeting -
Tuesday August 20st 2013.

WAM! Club Meeting are 7:00PM (3rd Tuesday of each Month) Senior Center 200 South Walnut(SE of Seneca & Douglas) 1st floor, enter through rear door east side.

• 2012-13 WAM Officers & Board members:
WAM Council Members: Rick Aldrup, Wayne Jamis, Mike Saville, Ron Mayes, Sam Shoffner, Bob Merritt, Tim Bonnell, Lyle Suhr, and Bill Hartman.

• August WAM Membership Meeting Nominations of new WAM Officers.

• September WAM Membership Meeting Elections of new WAM Officers.

• May/June is our WAM Membership drives & renew months. Dues have not change they are still $20.00 dollars per year, per household and unlimited cars. (WAM Membership runs from 1st June until May 31st of each year), most members wait and pay their due at the WAM car show in June, However, dues can be paid at any time. Thank You all members pasted and present for your support.

Membership: One new member signed up at Automobilia and we might have had others if we had thought about a table with membership forms. We had a dozen or more WAM members at the show and talked to a lot of MoPar enthusiast about our cars and club.

WAM Show 2013 displayed over 64 MOPARS! Fed 128 Hot Dogs, 150 bags of chips, 100 Waters. Had 400 visitors.

• WAM T-SHIRTS, Still available at a bargain price of $15 new, $10 past show shirts.

• WAM Car Show Next Year is on June 21st, 2014;on the third Saturday which is the weekend “after” father’s day next year.

• We have about 25 show plaques available to be utilized as we deem appropriate. Got any ideas like maybe a mini show or even giving as special recognitions, etc.

• Brian Cade gave presented with a disc of our show vehicle pictures; we will get these pictures posted to WAM website in next couple of weeks (hopefully).

• WAM appreciates all the Participants and WAM working members at our car show and other car events!


Club Sponsor: Davis- Moore Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram-MoPar

All events and open to Davis Moore Chrysler-Dodge-Ram-Jeep-Ram Owners & Employee’s.

Operator - 316-618-2000, Sales - 316-618-2193

Service - 316-618-2268, Parts - 316-618-2140

10% discount on Maintenance and Repair Parts & Labor,Accessory and Performance ,on any out of pocket (non-insured and deductible)Body shop work, including painless dent repair.

  • Advantage Communications
  • Automobilia
  • Professional Insurance Management
  • Premium Auto Restoration of Derby
  • Pentastar POWER
  • The TRANNY Shop
    Go to our website for more information about our sponsors and links to their websites!

• August 23rd 24th, 25th Blacktop Nationals Downtown Wichita Kansas.

Our meeting is the Tuesday before Black Top Nationals. Black Top has offered a “CLUB CAR DISPLAY” where reserved spaces would be guaranteed for the entire show for the club cars who register for Black Top.We need to decide this participation quickly to get an idea of participation level. Cars would be able to come and go as desired with reserved spaces not being lost. If planning on attending Black Top please attend this meeting.

• August 31st 2013, September 1 - 2,
15th Annual Charger Fever - All Dodge Charger Weekend.Sponsored by Charger Fever, and the Kansas Oil Museum.

The Charger Meet will be held at the Kansas Oil Museum at 383 E. Central El Dorado, KS.Just west of the East Park on Saturday and Sunday.

Starting at 9:00 AM to 5 PM. Charger Weekend is FREE! Participants' Choice trophy awarded. Just of bunch of good of ol guys and gals getting together to show off their Chargers regardless of the condition.Don't be afraid to show Your Charger off just because it’s not finished, or you've just started, or it's a daily driver, none of that matters, at the All Dodge Charger Weekend

El Dorado has a lot to offer to everyone: plenty of shopping, lots of sightseeing and a wide variety of eating-places. Come join us for both days or for one day or any part of the weekend.

We would like to visit with you & see or hear about your Charger. Please call or e-mail to let us know if you can make it.For Information go to or call 316-250-8196

WAM members with Chargers If planning on attending Charger Fever please attend this meeting.There are few us with chargers plan to go to Eldorado, KS.

• September 28, 2013 (Saturday) Walton Rural Life Car Show and Festival

Dean Davis at 316-727-6862

NOTE: Pick up a CARS Calendar from any supporter to learn about lots of car shows in the area. NOTE: WAM members attending meetings received a FREE CARS Calendar.

• Area Cruse Nights

Friday Nights –Central and West Street, April through September.Ray Wagoner, 316-295-7600

Saturday Nights; Spangles, Pawnee & Seneca, Year’ round.

is your best source to list MOPAR FOR SALE – WANTED and MORE!.

TRAVELING WAM members who attend shows.
RECENT CAR SHOWS ATTENDED BY WAM MEMBERS INCLUDE: Great Bend Mopar Club show, KUSTOM KEMPS Show SALINA, and others. If you took pictures of your MOPAR on display or won an award please send us pictures and a write up. WAM members are happy to know about your travels.

AUTOMOBILIA was well attended this year by WAM members who helped with street entry control at first and Mosley.

WAM Newsletter is open for participation by all MOPAR enthusiasts. Please submit your articles to