December 27, 2016
Go To Meeting
Board members present: Jeanette Petts, Debbie Bushman, Millie Rounsville, Jesse Dirkman, Joana Hemschemeyer, Robyn Thibado, Jerome Martin, Erika Trawizki, Adrienne Roach and Mike Huck
Excused: Meika Burnikel, Mary Jacobson and Renee Greenland,
Unexcused: Don Roach
Staff: Carrie Poser
Meeting was called to order at 1:03 pm
The minutes from the November 22, 2016 minutes were reviewed. Debbie Bushman made a motion to approve the minutes, Jeanette 2nd, all approved.
Fiscal Report: The financials that were reviewed the month ending in October and includes July-October THP. Jeanette Petts made a motion to approve the fiscal report, Mike Huck 2nd and all approved.
Youth Advisory Board Budget Approval: Millie asked that this be tabled until the next board meeting since there are adjustments that need to be made to the 2017 budget. It was also tabled since Meika Burnikel was not on the call.
Approval of Job Descriptions: For the Monitoring and Compliance Coordinator there will be changes after this person starts. There was one change in the first section, #2 – Monitor projects for compliance with HUD regulations and the WIBOSCOC program standards and policies. The job description for the COC Director was also reviewed and the summary section will be removed. Mike Huck made a motion to approve the job descriptions with the discussed changes, Jeanette Petts 2nd and all approved.
Committees – Discussion of new committees: Since we were missing a few board members, this discussion will be tabled until the next board meeting. All committee chairs should be turning into Carrie what the focus will be for 2017. Carrie will reach out to the committees that have not responded yet to her email about what will be occurring in 2017.
No new business
A motion was made to go into closed session by Jerome to approve the hiring recommendation for the COC Monitoring and Compliance Coordinator, 2nd – Jeanette and all were in favor.